[Q] Wifi is not working!

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Senior Member
Jul 20, 2013
Hello, I'm having some problems with MIUI rom. When I turn on wifi it says "is on ..." and "error". I've saved logcat file. I hope that you can help me.
Here is the logcat file:
V/FileViewActivity(  855): computeScrollPosition: result pos: /mnt/sdcard stack count:0
I/MobclickAgent(  855): Could not get location from GPS or Cell-id, lack ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission?
I/MobclickAgent(  855): Start new session: 0e48c863d99972e32c282b9eecef3540
I/MobclickAgent(  855): Could not get location from GPS or Cell-id, lack ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission?
V/FileCategoryActivity(  855): update category info!
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Music info >>> count:40 size:464884698
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Video info >>> count:0 size:0
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Picture info >>> count:0 size:0
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Apk info >>> count:7 size:18249497
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Doc info >>> count:5 size:4352
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): Retrieved Zip info >>> count:6 size:8565317
V/CategoryBar(  855): startAnimation!
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk]
V/FileIconLoader(  855): Ready to get apk icon[/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/WiFix_1.0.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/X-plorev3.10TiengViet.apk]
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/fix_permissions.log]
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/swapfile.swp]
V/FileCategoryHelper(  855): getCategoryFromPath![/mnt/sdcard/int2ext+.zip]
V/CategoryBar(  855): Animation stopped!
V/FileViewInteractionHub(  855): mFileListView:onItemClick!!!
V/IntentBuilder(  855): viewFile[/mnt/sdcard/alogcat-2.3.apk
V/IntentBuilder(  855): mimeType[application/vnd.android.package-archive]
V/IntentBuilder(  855): change mimeType to [application/vnd.android.package-archive]
V/FileCategoryActivity(  855): onSaveInstanceState!![All]
E/MobclickAgent(  855): onPause() called without context from corresponding onResume()
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity: +443ms
D/skia    ( 1195): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity: +460ms
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/PackageParser(  180): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-6106522.tmp
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed com.android.packageinstaller/.InstallAppProgress: +382ms
D/PackageManager(  180): Scanning package org.jtb.alogcat
D/PackageManager(  180):   Services: org.jtb.alogcat.SaveService
D/PackageManager(  180):   Receivers: org.jtb.alogcat.WakeLockReceiver org.jtb.alogcat.SaveReceiver
D/PackageManager(  180):   Activities: org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity org.jtb.alogcat.PrefsActivity
D/PackageManager(  180): New package installed in /data/app/org.jtb.alogcat-1.apk
V/AppList (  855): Begin get Apps!
D/Launcher.Model(  317): Got action android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED
D/VoiceDialerReceiver(  483): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:org.jtb.alogcat flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.voicedialer/.VoiceDialerReceiver (has extras) }
V/RecognizerEngine(  483): deleteCachedGrammarFiles /data/data/com.android.voicedialer/files/openentries.txt
W/Searchables(  180): No web search activity found
I/ActivityThread( 1218): Pub com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider: com.svox.pico.providers.SettingsProvider
I/System.out( 1226): LuckyPatcher 3.5.9: Application Start!
I/System.out( 1226): SQLite base version is 40
I/System.out( 1226): LP - exit.
D/LauncherSettings(  317): Updating home screen for package org.jtb.alogcat
D/ScreenUtils(  317): Updating home screen for package org.jtb.alogcat
D/ScreenUtils(  317): Found existing items: []
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.settings: com.google.android.gsf.settings.GoogleSettingsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.android.gsf.gservices: com.google.android.gsf.gservices.GservicesProvider
I/GservicesProvider( 1235): Gservices pushing to system: true; secure: true
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub subscribedfeeds: com.google.android.gsf.subscribedfeeds.SubscribedFeedsProvider
D/ScreenUtils(  317): Adding new app aLogcat to screen 5, pos (1, 0)
D/AllAppsList(  317): Loaded application aLogcat at (1, 0) of screen 5 under container -100
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
D/IconHelper(  317): Generate customized icon for org.jtb.alogcat.png
D/skia    ( 1243): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
I/ActivityThread( 1235): Pub com.google.android.providers.talk: com.google.android.gsf.talk.TalkProvider
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
I/ActivityThread( 1256): Pub com.google.android.partnersetup.rlzprovider: com.google.android.partnersetup.RlzProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1256): Pub com.google.android.partnersetup.rlzappprovider: com.google.android.partnersetup.RlzAppProvider
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +885ms
W/InputMethodManager( 1243): Ignoring onBind: cur seq=27, given seq=26
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1264): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1275): Pub com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.shortcuts: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.ShortcutsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1275): Pub com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.google: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.google.GoogleSuggestionProvider
I/global  (  180): Loaded time zone names for vi_VN in 1850ms.
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
D/GTalkService( 1235): handlePackageInstalled: re-initialize providers
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] ##### searchProvidersFromIntent
D/GTalkService( 1235): [RawStanzaProvidersMgr] no intent receivers found
W/logwrapper(  109): In fsckdelay end. Kill dosfsck, ret=-1
D/Finsky  (  435): [1] 5.onFinished: Installation state replication succeeded.
D/skia    (  317): purging 312K from font cache [42 entries]
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/skia    (  180): purging 94K from font cache [12 entries]
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/skia    ( 1027): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed com.android.settings/.TabbedSettings: +762ms
W/dalvikvm( 1027): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 124
W/dalvikvm( 1027): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 124
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed com.android.settings/.wifi.WifiSettings: +369ms
V/DATA    (  303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Line 2: unknown global field 'iface_name=eth0'.
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Line 2: Invalid configuration line 'iface_name=eth0'.
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): rfkill: Cannot open RFKILL control device
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): wapi_supplicant_init: Init WAPI packet eth0
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): eth0: CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=1 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): Failed to initialize control interface 'DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi'.
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): You may have another wpa_supplicant process already running or the file was
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): left by an unclean termination of wpa_supplicant in which case you will need
E/wpa_supplicant( 1313): to manually remove this file before starting wpa_supplicant again.
I/wpa_supplicant( 1313): eth0: CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=0 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00
I/dun_service(  132): process rmnet event
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 3
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_RMNET_DOWN in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +445ms
D/skia    (  286): purging 97K from font cache [12 entries]
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
E/WifiHW  (  180): ioctl failed: No such device
V/DATA    (  303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1027): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
D/skia    (  317): purging 283K from font cache [37 entries]
W/lights  (  180): LCD backlight current value =20
W/lights  (  180): LCD backlight current value =102
D/skia    (  318): purging 39K from font cache [5 entries]
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia    ( 1027): purging 280K from font cache [36 entries]
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
W/lights  (  180): LCD backlight current value =20
W/lights  (  180): LCD backlight current value =0
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
V/DATA    (  303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub com.android.social: com.android.providers.contacts.SocialProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub applications: com.android.providers.applications.ApplicationsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub contacts;com.android.contacts: com.android.providers.contacts.ContactsProvider2
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub call_log: com.android.providers.contacts.CallLogProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1379): Pub user_dictionary: com.android.providers.userdictionary.UserDictionaryProvider
E/InputDispatcher(  180): channel '40301570 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher(  180): channel '40301570 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.wifi.WifiSettings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  180): wakeWhenReadyLocked(26)
W/lights  (  180): LCD backlight current value =102
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
V/DATA    (  303): [DCT(0) ] intent received :android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
I/ViPER4Android(  304): screenOnReceiver::onReceive()
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
D/Tethering(  180): InitialState.processMessage what=4
D/Tethering(  180): sendTetherStateChangedBroadcast 0, 0, 0
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
E/Tethering(  180): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring
W/lights  (  180): Battery light current red value = 0,green value= 0, blue value= 0,onMS=0, offMS=0
I/System.out( 1395): LuckyPatcher 3.5.9: Application Start!
I/System.out( 1395): SQLite base version is 40
I/System.out( 1395): LP - exit.
D/UsbModeStateReceiver(  318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:usbConnected:false
D/UsbModeStateReceiver(  318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:usbConfigurationLast:0
D/UsbModeStateReceiver(  318): UsbModStateReceiver:onReceive:adbEnableLast:1
D/UsbModeStateReceiver(  318): UsbModeStateReceiver: onReceive: usbConnected false
D/UsbModeSelectorService(  318): onStartCommand: usb state is false
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1406): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1406): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
I/ActivityThread( 1416): Pub com.android.mms.festival: com.android.mms.data.FestivalSmsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1416): Pub com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider: com.android.mms.SuggestionsProvider
V/Mms     ( 1416): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(129): Intent received: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x20000000 (has extras) }
V/Mms     ( 1416): [1] MmsSystemEventReceiver.java(138): ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED: 0
D/Mms     ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(270): Creating TransactionService...
D/Mms     ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(318): onStartService: startId=1
V/Mms     ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(340): Posting enqueueAllMessages
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1428): Widget is from a previous version... Let's update
D/SettingsAppWidgetProvider( 1428): No instances yet... Wait for at least one instance to exist before adding global settings
V/Mms     ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(560): enqueueAllMessages: Pending transaction count=0
V/Mms     ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(565): enqueueAllMessages: No pending transaction. Stopping service.
V/Mms     ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(433): endMmsConnectivity
D/Mms     ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(294): Destroying TransactionService
V/Mms     ( 1416): [1] TransactionService.java(303): Requested killing handler thread.
D/Mms     ( 1416): [14] TransactionService.java(572): TrasctionService stopped.
D/skia    (  286): purging 15K from font cache [2 entries]
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia    ( 1243): purging 80K from font cache [9 entries]
D/skia    (  180): purging 50K from font cache [7 entries]
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] pollstate() : reason = data network state changed
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/DATA    (  303): [DSST(0)] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] newSS=[0 home null null null  UMTS CSS not supported -1 -1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false]
D/skia    ( 1462): ---- failed to open </system/fonts/DroidHindi.ttf> as a font
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer/.RootExplorerPhone: +827ms (total +972ms)
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver general communication
I/ViPER4Android_v2(  113): Driver and server are alive
W/KeyCharacterMap(  295): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap(  295): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap(  295): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1462): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
D/PhoneInterfaceManager(  303): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
I/dun_service(  132): The value returned from dun_getusbmodemstate_fromsys is 1 
I/dun_service(  132): Post event 1
I/dun_service(  132): received event: DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG 
I/dun_service(  132): received event(DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG) in state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
I/dun_service(  132): Ignoring the event DUN_EVENT_USB_UNPLUG in USB_UNPLUG_STATE
I/dun_service(  132): Moved to state(DUN_STATE_USB_UNPLUG)
V/alogcat ( 1243): created
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity: +445ms
D/skia    (  286): purging 7K from font cache [1 entries]
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/melfas-touchscreen.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.131076.devname='melfas-touchscreen'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1243): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
V/alogcat ( 1243): save instance
V/alogcat ( 1243): paused
I/ActivityManager(  180): Displayed org.jtb.alogcat/.PrefsActivity: +517ms
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopped
D/alogcat ( 1243): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 1243): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 1243): started
V/alogcat ( 1243): resumed
D/alogcat ( 1243): starting ...


Senior Member
May 6, 2010
This is often caused from a kernel issue. I'd check to see if there's another MIUI compatible kernel for your phone to try. It helps to let us know what phone and version of MIUI being used too.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2013
This is often caused from a kernel issue. I'd check to see if there's another MIUI compatible kernel for your phone to try. It helps to let us know what phone and version of MIUI being used too.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

My phone is Huawei Y210D and this is just a rom port from GT-I9100. Can you build the kernel for this rom please? This is the link kernel of my device: http://consumer.huawei.com/cn/support/downloads/detail/index.htm?id=16407
Thanks for help :)


Senior Member
May 6, 2010
I'm not a kernel developer, sorry. Surely the people who posted the MIUI rom have a thread where you can ask them about the wifi issues or read if others have had similar problems?


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2013
I'm not a kernel developer, sorry. Surely the people who posted the MIUI rom have a thread where you can ask them about the wifi issues or read if others have had similar problems?

I'm trying to replace wpa_supplicant in the bin folder and it found wifi. But it can not connect, it hangs at "Obtain an IP address ..". This is the error in logcat:
E:/WifiStateTracker( 179): DHCP request failed: Timed out waiting for dhcpcd to start
E:/WifiStateTracker( 179): Could not stop DHCP
E:/WifiStateTracker( 1148): wpa_driver_wext_set_probe_req_ie failed (-1)
How to fix it?