[UNMAINTAINED][TOOL][LB][ROOT] Backup TA v9.11 for Windows [20140615]

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Senior Member
Jan 19, 2009
Just use a root explorer such as FX, navigate to /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/TA and open with text viewer ***DO NOT EDIT IT***

Ok, thanks, i have mmcblk0p2 in dev/block/ and after extraction with error i have new file but i dont know how to correctly extract text file and repack mmcblk0p2

this is extracted file :

+˝ŐČŞŕ( e4c8604bd7f8b44055249add708151b1 e
1263-1947_R2H0–Ë8’ËB20120828H PřŞŽX`h pzLT22€đçBŠ1240-4128 R10E013com.android.phone"ĐŚProcess: com.android.phone
Flags: 0x8be4d
Package: com.android.stk v16 (4.1.2-m_v_zg)
Package: com.stericsson.atservice v16 (4.1.2-m_v_zg)
Package: com.sonymobile.protectedmedia v2 (2.0)
Package: com.android.providers.telephony v16 (4.1.2-m_v_zg)
Package: com.android.phone v16 (4.1.2-m_v_zg)
Subject: Broadcast of Intent { act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF flg=0x50000010 }
Build: SEMC/LT22i_1263-1947/LT22i:4.1.2/6.2.A.1.100/m_v_zg:user/release-keys

CPU usage from 2784ms to -2729ms ago:
  33% 1985/system_server: 25% user + 8% kernel / faults: 1087 minor 21 major
  20% 1506/admsrv: 10% user + 10% kernel / faults: 115 minor
  13% 2246/com.android.phone: 9.8% user + 3.8% kernel / faults: 425 minor 8 major
  4.9% 2123/com.android.systemui: 4.1% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 465 minor
  2.1% 13062/kworker/u:9: 0% user + 2.1% kernel
  0.3% 1187/com.viber.voip: 0.2% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 269 minor 6 major
  1% 1495/illumination_service: 0.1% user + 0.9% kernel / faults: 1 minor
  0.1% 14731/com.google.process.gapps: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 224 minor 4 major
  0.9% 879/mmcqd/1: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
  0.9% 1482/surfaceflinger: 0.9% user + 0% kernel
  0.4% 16765/com.sonyericsson.illumination.service: 0.1% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 146 minor
  0.1% 17831/kworker/0:3: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  0.1% 13059/kworker/u:7: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  0% 2260/com.sonyericsson.devicemonitor: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 168 minor 1 major
  0% 2290/com.android.nfc: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 220 minor 1 major
  0% 24028/com.sonyericsson.android.locationbasedwifi:service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 196 minor
  0.1% 454/spi3: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  0.1% 1473/cn_server: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  0.1% 1481/rild: 0% user + 0% kernel
  0.3% 1508/mediaserver: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  0.3% 1625/at_core: 0% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  0% 2273/com.sonyericsson.smartcard: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 172 minor
  0.3% 13058/kworker/u:3: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  0.3% 14613/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
  0% 128/irq/72-ab8500: 0% user + 0% kernel
  0.1% 866/shm_audio_chann: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
  0% 1477/vold: 0% user + 0% kernel
  0% 1478/system_monitor: 0% user + 0% kernel
  0% 2390/com.sonyericsson.home: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
  0% 2612/lbsd: 0% user + 0% kernel
 +0% 18316/sia-loadd: 0% user + 0% kernel
33% TOTAL: 19% user + 11% kernel + 1% iowait + 0.6% softirq

----- pid 2246 at 2014-05-16 15:56:46 -----
Cmd line: com.android.phone

(mutexes: tll=0 tsl=0 tscl=0 ghl=0)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x40ef1580 self=0x40ee1a88
  | sysTid=2246 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1074653232
  | schedstat=( 248275146897 2752241333193 957288 ) utm=17675 stm=7152 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000171f1  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::waitForResponse(android::Parcel*, int*)+44)
  #04  pc 0001740b  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::transact(int, unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+114)
  #05  pc 00014b5b  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::BpBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+34)
  #06  pc 00064ad7  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
  #07  pc 0001df70  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
  #08  pc 0004d1c3  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
  #09  pc 000273a0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
  #10  pc 0002bca8  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
  #11  pc 0005fbf7  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInvokeMethod(Object*, Method const*, ArrayObject*, ArrayObject*, ClassObject*, bool)+374)
  #12  pc 00067171  /system/lib/libdvm.so
  #13  pc 000273a0  /system/lib/libdvm.so
  #14  pc 0002bca8  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)+180)
  #15  pc 0005f931  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)+272)
  #16  pc 000497b3  /system/lib/libdvm.so
  #17  pc 00046e0d  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
  #18  pc 000478ef  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::start(char const*, char const*)+390)
  #19  pc 00000dcf  /system/bin/app_process
  #20  pc 0001706f  /system/lib/libc.so (__libc_init+38)
  #21  pc 00000b34  /system/bin/app_process
  at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  at android.media.IAudioService$Stub$Proxy.setMode(IAudioService.java:1174)
  at android.media.AudioManager.setMode(AudioManager.java:1451)
  at com.android.internal.telephony.CallManager.setAudioMode(CallManager.java:411)
  at com.android.phone.PhoneUtils.setAudioMode(PhoneUtils.java:2153)
  at com.android.phone.CallNotifier.onPhoneStateChanged(CallNotifier.java:808)
  at com.android.phone.CallNotifier.handleMessage(CallNotifier.java:264)
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4744)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:786)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:553)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

"android.hardware.SystemSensorManager$SensorThread" prio=5 tid=47 SUSPENDED
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41777360 self=0x59fe5008
  | sysTid=18288 nice=-8 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1510839992
  | schedstat=( 822479254 428375234 1708 ) utm=82 stm=0 core=0
  at android.hardware.SystemSensorManager.sensors_data_poll(Native Method)
  at android.hardware.SystemSensorManager$SensorThread$SensorThreadRunnable.run(SystemSensorManager.java:122)
  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)

"GsmDC-2" prio=5 tid=45 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41fd8690 self=0x5c7af108
  | sysTid=29632 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1509702088
  | schedstat=( 1134124614 766160491997 32303 ) utm=40 stm=73 core=0
  #00  pc 0000dac0  /system/lib/libc.so (epoll_wait+12)
  #01  pc 00014791  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+96)
  #02  pc 000149f9  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+104)
  #03  pc 0005d59b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(_JNIEnv*, int)+22)
  #04  pc 0001df70  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
  #05  pc 0004d1c3  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
  #06  pc 00000214  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:125)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:124)
  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)

"Binder_10" prio=5 tid=44 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x417495e8 self=0x5cb72220
  | sysTid=13495 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1546046472
  | schedstat=( 12251190260 1834800109758 121334 ) utm=675 stm=550 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_F" prio=5 tid=43 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41931678 self=0x5a10a458
  | sysTid=5737 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1551722896
  | schedstat=( 12261932272 1894703033429 126889 ) utm=663 stm=563 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_E" prio=5 tid=42 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41931588 self=0x5c7ac568
  | sysTid=5736 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1550961848
  | schedstat=( 12965576068 1893720397843 131869 ) utm=719 stm=577 core=1
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_D" prio=5 tid=41 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41a97d78 self=0x5c56d198
  | sysTid=12762 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1552435248
  | schedstat=( 12490600448 2008204559494 132742 ) utm=645 stm=604 core=1
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_C" prio=5 tid=40 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x4209f710 self=0x5c506c60
  | sysTid=7204 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1551727584
  | schedstat=( 12655639813 2023452178935 140467 ) utm=671 stm=594 core=1
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_B" prio=5 tid=39 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x418183c0 self=0x5c64ac58
  | sysTid=7203 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1550087424
  | schedstat=( 13036468455 2014614288289 145282 ) utm=670 stm=633 core=1
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"SyncHandler-0" prio=5 tid=38 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x419cfc48 self=0x5c567b40
  | sysTid=22963 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1555289768
  | schedstat=( 4505859100 2052062042374 105024 ) utm=152 stm=298 core=0
  #00  pc 0000dac0  /system/lib/libc.so (epoll_wait+12)
  #01  pc 00014791  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+96)
  #02  pc 000149f9  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+104)
  #03  pc 0005d59b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(_JNIEnv*, int)+22)
  #04  pc 0001df70  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
  #05  pc 0004d1c3  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
  #06  pc 00000214  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:125)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:124)
  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)

"GsmDC-1" prio=5 tid=37 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41a607e8 self=0x5c5653d0
  | sysTid=22960 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1551715360
  | schedstat=( 7453735469 2054821716298 110430 ) utm=410 stm=335 core=0
  #00  pc 0000dac0  /system/lib/libc.so (epoll_wait+12)
  #01  pc 00014791  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+96)
  #02  pc 000149f9  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+104)
  #03  pc 0005d59b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::NativeMessageQueue::pollOnce(_JNIEnv*, int)+22)
  #04  pc 0001df70  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
  #05  pc 0004d1c3  /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)+394)
  #06  pc 00000214  /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:125)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:124)
  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)

"Binder_A" prio=5 tid=36 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x4209ab98 self=0x5c6ea138
  | sysTid=28593 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1553184920
  | schedstat=( 13117706418 2224930175722 147568 ) utm=667 stm=644 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_9" prio=5 tid=35 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x42099cd0 self=0x5c7aa410
  | sysTid=28592 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1511605448
  | schedstat=( 13519958563 2220033843836 154882 ) utm=729 stm=622 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 00012538  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create+172)
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

"Binder_8" prio=5 tid=34 NATIVE
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x41b5b8c0 self=0x5c63b6c8
  | sysTid=17875 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=apps handle=1549530640
  | schedstat=( 15382934820 2415548400687 165565 ) utm=792 stm=746 core=0
  #00  pc 0000cbe0  /system/lib/libc.so (__ioctl+8)
  #01  pc 00027f0d  /system/lib/libc.so (ioctl+16)
  #02  pc 00016cbd  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+132)
  #03  pc 000174b7  /system/lib/libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+154)
  #04  pc 0001b2e5  /system/lib/libbinder.so
  #05  pc 00010f47  /system/lib/libutils.so (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+114)
  #06  pc 00046d3b  /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+66)
  #07  pc 00010aad  /system/lib/libutils.so
  #08  pc 00012de0  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry+48)
  #09  pc 0*Java Hang (ANR)2 :

I can not open mmcblk0p2 in dev/block. I can open file when I copy it to another location. When I delete file and after soft reset the file is still in dev/block.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2010
Can Someone please help me with the RESTORE process? I get an error saying "The system cannot find the file specified" I have my TA backup zip and I even extracted it into the folder the the BAT file is run from


Account currently disabled
Jan 18, 2014
I have made backup done,than unlocking bootloader,flashed new custom kernel,booted up,started again backup ta,made restore,its say all done,i restarted phone,now its dont boot up. Im using Xperia Z2 D6503

Edit: Problem is because i used custom kernel? I need use stock kernel for make it working?
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2012
Nha Trang
What problem will come to my phone if I restore an older TA backup on a newer firmware (in other words I do a restore TA in another firmware that doesn't match with firmware was backed up)?
But I see in each firmware ftf format, they have a TA option with 2 files .ta, and in the thread DRM Function restore required the TA from fw .2.69 but not the others. Can you explain this for me?

no worries, i backed up ta partition in kitkat 4.4.4, unlocked bootloader, hotboot kernels and some other stuff, then when sony rolled lollipop 5.0.2, i restore partition (thereby erasing absolutely everything on cm12 rom and concurrently relocking bootloader), then use flashtool to flash 5.0.2 firmware, everything is good and fine.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2012
no worries, i backed up ta partition in kitkat 4.4.4, unlocked bootloader, hotboot kernels and some other stuff, then when sony rolled lollipop 5.0.2, i restore partition (thereby erasing absolutely everything on cm12 rom and concurrently relocking bootloader), then use flashtool to flash 5.0.2 firmware, everything is good and fine.

So if I unlock my bootloader in Lollipop, I can just use my TA partition backup when I was in Kitkat to relock my bootloader?
That won't have any issues?
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2009
If someone interested, I have made a quick translation of the windows bat to Linux bash, so now is LINUX COMPATIBLE.
Feel free to test.
It seems that backup is working fine.
I haven't tested restore. (as on original version, proceed at your own risk)


If you don't mind it, I'm going to link your Git version for the Linux users of my "firmware upgrading guide" in a spanish forum (HTCMania).
I'll give you proper credits, of course! :angel:

If you want to check it, it'll be in this thread (I'm updating it for Lollipop right now).
Thank you very much! :highfive: ;)


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
Thanks for the credits
I haven't created a thread for it since I hadn't much feedback about it.

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Senior Member
Apr 26, 2012
So,another question since things have changed...
If I unlock,flash pre rooted Lollipop,then re lock restoring TA
everything( DRM,Camera,X reality etc) will work OK?


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2011
Hi,I have Xperia sp 5.0.2 Locked BL and i backup TA. Does it work to backup TA on lollipop locked bootloader? Or to do the backup for TA need to be on stock sony firmware first?
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    UNMAINTAINED! See this post

    Backup TA for Sony Xperia

    Backup TA can backup and restore the TA partition of the device. When you create a backup before unlocking for the first time, then you will be able to restore to full factory state (including a locked bootloader). This means all DRM keys intact, Bravia Engine working in Album and last but not least your warranty when needed :highfive:.

    NOTE: When you did create a backup of your device's TA with another tool or Backup TA v4 or earlier, you are able to convert it to a valid Backup TA package by choosing 'Convert TA.img' from the menu. When you've done this you are able to restore it safely.

    READ FIRST: At the bottom of this post is the FAQ. Here you will find answers on the most asked questions. Read them before posting any question in this thread. When you want my support, tell me which device and version of Backup TA you're using and attach the complete output. I can not help you without this and besides it's really not so much to ask in return, now is it? No effort without effort.

    This tool currently only works under Windows. Mac, Linux, and native Android will be supported in the future. Using this tool is at your own risk.

    Source (released under MIT license)

    Stable releases do have a version tag like this: v1.0 (example)
    Beta releases do have a version tag like this: v1.0b2 (example).

    Sony Xperia Z2
    Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet
    Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
    Sony Xperia Z1
    Sony Xperia Z
    Sony Xperia Z Tablet
    All Compatible Devices

    1. Download the latest version of Backup TA.
    2. Extract the ZIP file to a folder location of your choosing.
    3. Navigate to the folder location of Backup TA.
    4. Make sure no other script or application which is using ADB is running.
    5. Make sure the device is booted in normal mode (the way you normally use it).
    6. Run Backup-TA.bat
    7. Read the last paragraph of the license before continuing.
    8. Read the information and follow the instructions given by the tool.

    Backup Video Tutorial. Kindly provided by @shem2409:
    Q: Is my device supported?
    A: Look at the supported devices list above this FAQ. When it is not listed, try to make a backup it will tell you if your device is supported.

    Q: Do I need root for this?
    A: Yes, you do need root for both backup and restore to work. I would advice to use @DooMLoRD's excellent Easy Rooting Toolkit for this, when not already rooted.

    Q: Can I use someone else's backup?
    A: No, this will hard-brick your device.

    Q: Can I restore my TA.img file from Backup TA v4 and earlier or another tool?
    A: Yes, choose "Convert TA.img" in the menu.

    Q: Does it bring back my DRM keys when I already unlocked my device before making a backup?
    A: Not without a backup of the TA before it was ever unlocked.

    Q: Can I restore my TA while running a ROM with a non-stock kernel?
    A: Yes, but it will soft-brick your device and you need Sony PC Companion or Flashtool to fix it by flashing stock firmware. Best is to first return to a complete stock ROM or at least flash a stock kernel (do not confuse with stock based kernel!) before restoring the TA, this prevents the soft-brick.

    Q: Will a restore relock the bootloader?
    A: Yes, it will relock the bootloader like it was never unlocked.

    Q: What is 'restore dry-run'?
    A: When you do a dry-run restore it will perform a regular restore with the exception that it will not write anything to your device. This is helpful to test a backup without actually restoring it.

    Q: What is the correct file size for a backup?
    A: The TA partition size can differ per model, so there is no one answer to this question. You can rest assured that your backup is fine, also in file size, when the tool says the backup was successful.

    Q: Why do multiple backups often differ in size?
    A: The TA partition also contains a logging area which changes every time the device boots, which then leads to different compression size per backup file. Nothing to worry about.
    I write this post to inform you that I will not maintain this tool anymore. There are a couple of reasons for this.

    Nexus owner
    Since I bought myself the Nexus 5 I have vowed to never buy a non-nexus device (when Nexus is available that is) anymore. Reason for this is the latest updates of Android, the bootloader which can be unlocked and relocked without having to find locked root first and then make a backup of keys or certificates to still have warranty without questions asked. So another Sony device (or any HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola, etc for that matter) will be highly unlikely for me.

    Window 8+
    I got this beautiful Apple Macbook Pro from my work and I almost never touch my Windows machine anymore. On this machine (old one) I can not install Windows 8 or later since it is not compatible. Therefor I am unable to give support to the latest Windows versions.

    No time
    I have found some other interesting hobbies I would like to spent my time on. One of them is AI and the other is sports. With that, and my personal life in general, there is no time left to work on projects as these.

    Since this project is licensed under MIT, anyone can pick up the maintenance or start their own tool. This thread and their downloads will not be removed, so you can always download the tool for a restore or backup.
    ok another update....somehow i managed to go past usb debugging screen. removed the sony pc companion....installed sony z ultra ADB drivers, reconnected the device and started backup TA. it took a successful backup. then I tried to test the back using the option restore -dry run. but after running that function i came up with this error. now what is this? should i ignore this error?


    For me too.
    I'm Windows 10 user.
    What I can do?

    I have tried this on windows 10 64bit, I am pretty sure it'll work on 32 bit too.
    Download the zipped find.exe in the attachment.
    Replace it with "find.exe" in the following directory
    tool for win10:good:
    Backup-TA for Sony Xperia Z / ZL

    Backup-TA can backup and restore the TA partition of the device. When you create a backup before unlocking for the first time, then you will be able to restore to full factory state. This means all DRM keys intact, Bravia Engine working in Album and last but not least your warranty when needed :highfive:.

    READ: At the bottom of this post is the FAQ. Here you will find answers on the most asked questions. Read them before posting any question in this thread. When you post a question which is already answered in the FAQ, I will ignore you and smile :D.

    This tool only works under Windows. Mac and Linux will not be supported.

    Downloads: https://github.com/DevShaft/Backup-TA/tags
    Source: https://github.com/DevShaft/Backup-TA (release under MIT license)

    Q: Do I need root for this?
    A: Yes, you do need root for this to work.

    Q: Does it really work?
    A: Really?

    Q: Can I use someone else's backup?
    A: No, this will hard-brick your device.

    Q: Does it bring back my DRM keys etc. when I already unlocked my device?
    A: Not without a backup of the TA before the initial unlock.

    Great that you made a new one, may keep others from uneccesary bricking their devices :thumbup:

    A thing for the FAQ would be the softbrick when restoring on other than stock and and that it only works on totally stock, not bringing DRM keys to other ROMs when unlocked.

    Skickat från min C6603 via Tapatalk 2