[CM7] (Unofficial) CM 7.2 RC0 information thread

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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
This is a thread to organize information on the CM7.2 port made by hPa.

It also includes files that are directly relevent to the CM7.2 port.

  • A custom recovery installed
  • Stock 407 firmware installed

  1. Download: update CM7.2 RC0 zip
  2. Copy to sdcard
  3. Reboot to recovery
  4. Flash
  5. Factory reset - inside custom recovery
  6. Fix permissions(?) - inside custom recovery
  7. Reboot
  8. Factory reset - main menu [BOTH ARE REQUIRED!]
  9. Reboot
  10. Finished
  11. Optional: Flash optional mods in next post

  • hPa for porting CM7.2 RC0
  • DJ_Steve for providing hosting

  • I cant boot CM7.2 after installing / I get boot loops after installing / Why do I need to do two different factory resets?
    • Each factory reset clears different sets of data, the stock one only clears what's normally needed to be cleared.
      An analogy would be that: stock clears: ABCD, recovery clears: CDEF.
  • My battery life is bad / My wifi does not automatically turn off at sleep
    • The rom currently has a bug in that it ignores the current wifi sleep setting and always leaves it on, a workaround is to manually turn it on and off via the notification bar
  • Does the rom really support overclocking to 2.5 GHZ?
    • No, it was mistakenly added, it only really supports OCing up to 1.190 GHZ, anything higher does nothing.
      There is a patch in the files section to set it back to the stock defaults
  • Google Market is missing
    • You must also flash the GApps package, it is not included by default in CM roms
  • What is the difference between the normal (MDPI) and HDPI zips?
    • Each rom only includes assets (icons/bitmaps/etc) for their respective DPIs, you should pick MDPI if you prefer 160 DPI and HDPI if you prefer 240 DPI
  • What does the RC0 in the title stand for?
    • Cyanogen 7.2 itself is not released yet, this rom is based off 7.2-RC0 (ie when it was still in beta), the latest build is RC1
  • Does this mean there will eventually be a CM9/ICS port?
    • No, as this rom uses the stock 407 drivers. The drivers would need to be ported to ICS before you can have a working ICS rom.
  • Are there any themes for this rom?
    • Not directly, but there are hundreds of compatable themes for CM7/Tmobile theme engine enabled roms.
      Any theme made for CM7 should work on CM7.2
  • How do I install the apks in the Optional Mods section?
    • If they are update.zips: Flash them though a custom recovery
      If they are apks: Sideload them though your preferred method (Browser, Root explorer, adb, etc)
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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
Optional Mods:
  • Gapps Support
  • CPU 'Fix': [LINK TBA]
    • Sets CPU governer and clocks back to stock default
  • Dell Stage 1.6 fix: [LINK TBA]
    • Fixes to make Dell Stage 1.6 work on rom
  • DSC Phoenix kernel: Link
    • Will be directly integrated into CM7 in a future release
  • USSD Fix: update USSDfix 2.zip
    • Allows you to use USSD codes from the dialer
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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
hPa said:
수정 사항입니다.

1. 기본 오버클럭 테이블 2.4GHz
2. 사진 촬영 장면 모드 강제 종료 픽스
3. libOmxVdec.so 파일 순정 교체

이전의 프리징 현상의 원인은 거버너 문제로 판별되었습니다. 오버클럭 테이블의 문제가 아니었네요. 흐;;;
내장 카메라 어플에서 사진 촬영 시 장면 모드 설정을 하면 강제 종료가 되던 문제를 수정하였습니다.
libOmxVdec.so 파일을 순정으로 교체하였습니다. 720p 하나 때문에 다른 방식의 동영상을 버리는 건 비효율적이라는 판단 때문입니다.

기존의 160dpi(mdpi) 기준의 설치 파일과 함께 240dpi를 사용하시는 분을 위해 hdpi용으로도 설치 파일을 만들었습니다.
mdpi와 hdpi는 빌드될 때부터 달라지기 때문에 hdpi와 240dpi로 조정한 mdpi는 조금 다릅니다. (설치 파일 용량부터 다릅니다. ㅋ;).
240dpi 전용 설치 파일은 dpi를 내릴 수록 이런저런 문제가 생기므로 240 이하로는 내리시면 안 됩니다.
대신에 hdpi 전용 어플이나 테마 등을 제대로 즐길 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. (보급형이 mdpi고 왠만한 폰들은 다 hdpi지요.)

최초 설치 방법입니다.

1. 우선 리커버리 모드에서 백업을 해둡니다.

2. 다음의 파일을 다운 받고 SD카드에 넣습니다.

http://www.mediafire.com/?ldlniz7wm6ha7s1 <- update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-DS-KANG-HPA-signed.zip
http://www.mediafire.com/?yin9oog0au7k2mj <- update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-DS-KANG-HPA-HDPI-signed.zip

http://www.mediafire.com/?vprpvsarlcic7m6 <- gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip

클럭워크모드 리커버리를 쓰시는 분들은 http://cmw.22aaf3.com/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip 이걸 설치하시면 됩니다.

3. 리커버리로 진입하셔서 update-cm-7.2.0-RC0-DS-KANG-HPA-signed.zip를 먼저 설치하시고

그 다음에 gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip를 설치합니다.

4. wipe data/factory reset을 꼭 하신 다음 재부팅합니다.

기존 사용자 분들은 통파일 설치 후 Wipe Dalvik Cache 정도만 해주시면 됩니다.

Q. 인터넷에서 플래시 재생이 안 됩니다! (레고 모양으로 보임)
마켓에서 flash를 검색하셔서 Adobe Flash Player 11을 받으시면 됩니다.

Q. 올레마켓이 없습니다!
올레마켓이 필요하신 분은 여기로 가셔서 설치하시면 됩니다. (http://cafe.naver.com/dellboom/12253)

Q. 720p 동영상 재생이 안 됩니다!
720p 동영상 패치를 하시고 Dice Player로 보시면 됩니다, (http://cafe.naver.com/dellboom/8696)
참고로 720p 동영상 패치를 하게 되면 720p 동영상은 잘 돌아가는데 다른 동영상들이 Dice Player에서도 끊기는 현상이 발생합니다.
이는 패치 파일이 720p 동영상에 특화된 파일이라서 그렇지 않나 생각됩니다.

Q. 순정롬(혹은 기타 커스텀롬)보다 동영상이 끊깁니다!
720p 패치를 하신 상태라면 720p 패치 파일이 720p 동영상 외에 다른 형태의 동영상들에 취약하기 때문에 그렇습니다.
따라서 순정 파일로 다시 돌아가셔야 합니다. (http://www.mediafire.com/?pxieuzucpjcdapx)
만약에 720p 패치를 안 하셨는데도 끊기신다면 Dice Player를 사용해보시기 바랍니다.
MX Player 등의 일반적인 동영상 어플들은 주로 하드웨어 가속을 사용할 때 자체 기능이 아닌 내장 동영상 어플을 사용하게 됩니다. 하지만 CM7은 내장된 동영상 어플이 성능이 상당히 떨어집니다. 따라서 끊기는 현상이 발생합니다.
Dice Player는 자체적으로 개발한 플레이어를 사용하므로 잘 돌아가는 것을 확인하실 수 있을 겁니다.

Q. 음악 소리가 작아졌습니다!
음악 소리 같은 것들이 작은 경우, 사용하시는 어플이 문제일 수도 있습니다.
예로 파워앰프의 경우. 기존 상태에서는 상당히 작은데 이게 자체적인 오디오 볼륨 조절 기능 때문에 그렇습니다.
Settings -> Audio Engine -> Advanced Tweaks -> Direct Volume Control의 체크를 해제하시면 크게 들리실 겁니다.
(볼륨 크게 하려고 만들어놓은 설정인데, CM7에서는 외려 작아지네요;;;)
기본 위젯등으로 소리를 들어보시면 크게 잘 들린다는 걸 알 수 있을 겁니다.

Q. GPS가 잘 안 잡힙니다!
위치 및 보안 -> GPS Source에 Use Internal GPS를 체크한 다음 잡아보시기 바랍니다.

Q. 갑자기 알림창이 먹통이 되었습니다!
알림창에 쌓이는 알림들은 CM7에서 오른쪽이나 왼쪽으로 드래그해 보냄으로써 지울 수가 있습니다.
그런데 이 기능이 가끔 알림창 먹통을 일으키는 현상이 있습니다.
이 때에는 Theme Chooser라는 어플을 열어서 다른 테마를 적용하고 다시 돌려놓으시면 됩니다. (기본으로 있는 어플입니다.)
네코님 감사합니다 +_+!

Q. 배터리가 광탈을 합니다!
프레임 패치 1.0이 적용된 커널을 적용해보시고 그래도 그러시다면 프레임 패치가 안 된 파일을 적용해보시고
그래도 안 된다면 ... ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

프레임 패치 1.0 커널
프레임 패치 제거 커널

(원본 복구용 프레임 패치 2.0 커널 )

Q. 어플이 강제 종료됩니다!
혹시 어플 및 데이터 백업 어플을 사용하여 복구를 하였다면 이런 문제가 발생할 확률이 높습니다.
죄송하지만 어쩔 수 없이 다시 받으셔야 합니다.. ㅠㅠ;;

Q. 와이파이 절전모드에서 배터리가 많이 닳습니다!
이거는 원래 스트릭 순정롬이 이상했던 겁니다. 와이파이 절전모드인데 와이파이가 꺼져서 배터리가 오래간 거지요.
현재 CM7에는 와이파이 슬립데스 패치가 되어 있어 절전모드에서도 와이파이가 꺼지지 않습니다.
따라서 이제 정상적(??)으로 배터리가 닳게 되는 겁니다.

으어.... 이제 베타를 때네요. 헤헤;;;; 기쁩니다 ㅠㅠㅠ;;;
후면 카메라 사진 촬영 뒤 리뷰 사진이 안 뜨는 건 순정에서 특별한 처리를 하기 때문에 그렇습니다.
정확히는 찍은 사진 JPEG로 압축·저장한 다음 다시 불러와서 압축 풀고 화면에 뿌려주기입니다... 이건 무슨!?
어쨌든 이 기능을 살릴려고 해보았으나 이건 뭐 코 앞까지 갔다가 거대한 벽을 만나서 GG쳤습니다... ㅠㅠㅠ;;
영상 통화 문제도 전에 설명드렸던 그대로이고.. 사실상 크게 바뀐 건 없습니다 ' ';;;

최근에 제가 커스텀롬 게시판을 정말 점령하고 있지 않나 싶어서 무섭습니다 ㅠㅠㅠ;
그래서 이전 버전들을 지울지 말지 아직도 고민 중입니다... 음....

좋은 커널과 트윅을 제공해준 DSC Team에 감사드리며 (도둑질이나 마찬가지라서 아직은 찔리는 부분이 많아요.. ㅠㅠ)
테스트 버전1때부터 피드백을 마구마구 올려주신 여러분께 진심으로 감사드립니다 (_ _)

P.S CM9를 가지고 협박을 하시다니 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그건 저도 사실 자신 없는 녀석인데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
따라서 기대는 하지 마세요 ㅠㅠㅠ; 괜히 사진 올렸나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ;;; 으어엉어어어어유ㅠㅠ
(Original release notes by hPa)
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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
For Official Use Only / Do not write in this space / This space for rent


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2006
Thread at XDA: http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=1528412

basic procedure:
* Start with 407 (or any ROM based off of that like GingerStreak) (as long as you already have some 407 based ROM you have the correct baseband)
* copy https://www.cx.com/mycx/share/uKQjp2b5EeG2XRICOARY_Q/CM-7.2.0-RC0-DS-KANG-HPA.zip to SDcard (from here) this version has the google apps installed.
* backup apps data/config (use each app's backup routine, not titanium)
* reboot into streakmod recovery
* wipe dalvik, cache, data (all 3 from the streakmod menu)
* apply the CM7.zip from above
* (apply superuser.zip)
* (apply ussd.zip fix)
* fix permissions (from streakmod)
* reboot and go back into recovery
* factory reset from the Dell recovery menu (not the one in streakmod menu)
* Reboot, wait
* desktop loads, wait more... just let it sit and figure things out for about 15 minutes
* reboot
* enjoy

I was having superuser issues and wound up having to reapply superuser.zip before my root apps would work. http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=997581

Some people are reporting issues of wifi not allowing the streak to sleep properly, but JuiceDefender or GreenPower solves that issue.

GPS works fast (GPS Status and toolbox, Google Maps)
Camera works (front and rear), but I didn't see a setting that specified "720"

I installed the swype beta as the default kbd sucks https://beta.swype.com/android/welcome/detailed/
also launcherpro, friendcaster, handcent, enhanced email, JuiceDefender, root explorer, tasker (all of which I paid for)

Things that I like with this ROM over others, like Honeystreak, etc:
* Cyanogen provides a whole list of tweaks in settings like: disabling boot animation for faster startup time. Built in CPU control, like setCPU.
* Power control in the notification panel like Samsung ROMs.
* Built in LED lights for notifications, like http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=773742

Things I dislike
* Photos taken do not stay displayed in the main window, so you could see how it came out.

USSD codes working if fix is applied: http://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=1558089


Using JuiceDefender to manage the CPU and Data
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Is there any advantage to using Juice Defender to turn off the wifi as opposed to Tasker? I see you use both. I don't think I would take advantage of the other features of Juice Defender (I like my data always connected). I could set up a profile in Tasker to turn off wifi when the screen is off and that should take care of the "bug", right?


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2006
There shouldn't be any real issue. The problem has something to do with wifi always searching. Anything that manages the disabling of wifi should do the trick.
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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
There's also the obvious: manually enable and disable wifi from the notification bar.

Wifi still has to reconnect, so sometimes it's equally just as fast to not turn it on at all if you're doing something like checking your email (or anything else equally brief)
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Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
I can reproduce it too, I'll try investiating too, but I wont have free time for a couple days or so


Wiki Admin / Inactive RC
Dec 8, 2010
Wifi not turning off drains a lot of battery on this, it makes up nearly half the drain if it doesnt sleep when the screen is off.

I'm having to resort to only enabling it when it's worth enabling due to the drain.
Shane, is CM7 stable enough for everyday usage? Including calls and using camera sometimes?
It seems to be, I've used it several days here and there. I've had a problem sticking with one ROM for very long since MIUI and CM7 came out...
My biggest problem with it is battery drain, although it obviously drains slower if you keep wifi off. I've been hoping someone (wink) would create a kernel for CM7 to help with battery life. So far the only actual bug I've found is the one I mentioned before with the custom auto brightness levels. I've had zero problems with calls and I can tell you that the camera works, but just that. I don't actually use my camera as much as I could, or should for that matter.
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Senior Member
Dec 26, 2011
thanks _nop_

I thought it was very interesting:):):)

and I've tried rom miui 2.3.23 very smooth in 5 days.

only problem with the batteries only hold 12 hours of normal usage
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Senior Member
Aug 25, 2011
thanks _nop_

I thought it was very interesting:):):)

and I've tried rom miui 2.3.23 very smooth in 5 days.

only problem with the batteries only hold 12 hours of normal usage

That is very strange because i installed miui 2.3.23 and i charge the phone sunday at 8 and now is tuesday and i still have 25% left and i thinc i used the phone around 40 min of video watching internet, 20 min of angry birds space:D, 40 min of phone chat and around 10 msg. and i thinc is going to hold until tonight.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
well... finally ;)
sergei, please touch it, and please make it patchable flash as dsc ;)
thanks :)

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    This is a thread to organize information on the CM7.2 port made by hPa.

    It also includes files that are directly relevent to the CM7.2 port.

    • A custom recovery installed
    • Stock 407 firmware installed

    1. Download: update CM7.2 RC0 zip
    2. Copy to sdcard
    3. Reboot to recovery
    4. Flash
    5. Factory reset - inside custom recovery
    6. Fix permissions(?) - inside custom recovery
    7. Reboot
    8. Factory reset - main menu [BOTH ARE REQUIRED!]
    9. Reboot
    10. Finished
    11. Optional: Flash optional mods in next post

    • hPa for porting CM7.2 RC0
    • DJ_Steve for providing hosting

    • I cant boot CM7.2 after installing / I get boot loops after installing / Why do I need to do two different factory resets?
      • Each factory reset clears different sets of data, the stock one only clears what's normally needed to be cleared.
        An analogy would be that: stock clears: ABCD, recovery clears: CDEF.
    • My battery life is bad / My wifi does not automatically turn off at sleep
      • The rom currently has a bug in that it ignores the current wifi sleep setting and always leaves it on, a workaround is to manually turn it on and off via the notification bar
    • Does the rom really support overclocking to 2.5 GHZ?
      • No, it was mistakenly added, it only really supports OCing up to 1.190 GHZ, anything higher does nothing.
        There is a patch in the files section to set it back to the stock defaults
    • Google Market is missing
      • You must also flash the GApps package, it is not included by default in CM roms
    • What is the difference between the normal (MDPI) and HDPI zips?
      • Each rom only includes assets (icons/bitmaps/etc) for their respective DPIs, you should pick MDPI if you prefer 160 DPI and HDPI if you prefer 240 DPI
    • What does the RC0 in the title stand for?
      • Cyanogen 7.2 itself is not released yet, this rom is based off 7.2-RC0 (ie when it was still in beta), the latest build is RC1
    • Does this mean there will eventually be a CM9/ICS port?
      • No, as this rom uses the stock 407 drivers. The drivers would need to be ported to ICS before you can have a working ICS rom.
    • Are there any themes for this rom?
      • Not directly, but there are hundreds of compatable themes for CM7/Tmobile theme engine enabled roms.
        Any theme made for CM7 should work on CM7.2
    • How do I install the apks in the Optional Mods section?
      • If they are update.zips: Flash them though a custom recovery
        If they are apks: Sideload them though your preferred method (Browser, Root explorer, adb, etc)
    Optional Mods:
    • Gapps Support
    • CPU 'Fix': [LINK TBA]
      • Sets CPU governer and clocks back to stock default
    • Dell Stage 1.6 fix: [LINK TBA]
      • Fixes to make Dell Stage 1.6 work on rom
    • DSC Phoenix kernel: Link
      • Will be directly integrated into CM7 in a future release
    • USSD Fix: update USSDfix 2.zip
      • Allows you to use USSD codes from the dialer
    I will have gapps prepared very soon, it's the latest ones from stock 407 (which are newer then the ones normally bundled with CM7). I have to finish editing the installation script first.
    Everyone should also take note of this:

    We already have drivers for GB: they're the ones included in stock 4xx.
    We DONT have the source code for them, we cant fix bugs in them, we cant port them to ICS.

    And repeat: We dont have drivers for ICS, and we wont be getting stock drivers for ICS.

    Some drivers are available already though other sources:
    The GPU drivers were previously released
    The wifi/bt drivers might be available though other devices
    The touchscreen drivers might be available though other devices.

    I do not know about sensor drivers, there's several of them.
    (GPS, accelerometer, ecompass, light/prox sensor)

    I do not know about the ril/radio drivers.
    I do not know about the front and rear camera drivers.
    We definitely do not have the hdmi drivers.

    There's a couple other things that arnt listed.

    It may very well be possible to port CM9 if everyone is willing to give up the phone parts and use it essentially as a wifi tablet.
    Back during the HC launch DJ_Steve hackported HC to the S5, but never released it for this reason (that and HC doesnt support phones anyway).

    The only drivers we're confirmed to have officially are the qualcomm release of the adreno drivers,
    everything else we either have to reimplement or borrow (and hope works) from other devices.
    There's noone available to actively maintain it.

    I'm going to attempt to build CM7.2-final when it's released, but that wont be for a while as CM7.2 is still a while from release itself.

    Assuming I can get that much done (which really depends on how much the code wants to cooperate), I'm gonna try and build CM9 and see how much works/doesnt work. Even if that compiles (which will be surprising if even) I expect it will be like DJ_Steve's old CM6.1 alpha, in that nothing really worked.

    I assume the qualcomm drivers will/have been merged into CM9 soon enough, which means that if it works at all it'll likely be GPU accelerated, it might even have wifi and bluetooth. But it likely wont have cell support or hdmi out. It all really depends on what drivers CM9 itself already has (as it has like half of the drivers we need from common sources such as other devices)

    CM9 likely needs kernel changes/a lot of kernel stuff to really work, which I have no intention of doing.

    There's a lot of 'if's in the previous statements, pretty much everything has to go right to get even a barely working at all build.

    For time time being, even if we had someone actively mantaining CM7 there's not a huge amount to do except fix a couple minor things. (which we more or less have as hackfixes already)

    The only real thing missing is better kernel OC support via cmsettings, some minor sensor related stuff, and hdmi out.