[Q] How hard would it be to port X-Link Kai to RT?

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" XLink Kai: Evo VII tricks your console into thinking that the other users it is connecting to over the Internet, are actually part of a Local Area Network." -the software site. Since some game servers have shut down, and I don't have access to a computer, how hard would it be to port it to Surface?


Mar 6, 2013
Maynard, MA
" XLink Kai: Evo VII tricks your console into thinking that the other users it is connecting to over the Internet, are actually part of a Local Area Network." -the software site. Since some game servers have shut down, and I don't have access to a computer, how hard would it be to port it to Surface?

Is source code available? Then the difficulty is somewhere between easy to impossible.
Is source code not available? Impossible.