[ROM][Official][4.3] CyanogenMod 10.2 for the Verizon Galaxy S4

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Jun 30, 2011
I'm using cm-10.2.1. Every time I play music on Google Music or Apollo with headphones and I unplug them while the music is still playing, the ringtone, notification, and alarm sounds will stop working. I have to reset the phone for them to start working again.

Anyone else have this problem?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I'm using cm-10.2.1. Every time I play music on Google Music or Apollo with headphones and I unplug them while the music is still playing, the ringtone, notification, and alarm sounds will stop working. I have to reset the phone for them to start working again.

Anyone else have this problem?

I'm using 10.2 (without the .1) and have been having this problem every day this week. I'd been using 10.2 for a week before that without any problems at all. I haven't found a solution yet
Jul 7, 2014
No audio during the call, dialer freezes.

Here is what happens when I try to make a call:

D/ALSADevice(  272): startVoiceCall: handle 0x4006f118

D/ALSADevice(  272): Device value returned is hw:0,12

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D12p', errno 22

E/ALSADevice(  272): startVoiceCall: could not open PCM device

E/ALSADevice(  272): startVoiceCall: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,12'

D/ALSADevice(  272): close: handle 0x4006f118 h 0x0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _verb value Inactive

E/alsa_ucm(  272): No valid device found: Voice Earpiece Extra Gain

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Set mixer controls for Voice Call enable 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: STUB_RX Mixer Voice Stub, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: Voice Stub Tx Mixer STUB_TX_HL, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _disdev value DMIC Endfire

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Set mixer controls for DMIC Endfire enable 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX7 MUX, value: ZERO

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: DEC4 MUX, value: ZERO

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: ADC3 Volume, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: DEC4 Volume, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX8 MUX, value: ZERO

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: DEC3 MUX, value: ZERO

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: DEC3 Volume, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: ADC4 Volume, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: MICBIAS3 CAPLESS Switch, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: TX3 HPF cut off, value: MIN_3DB_4Hz

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: TX4 HPF cut off, value: MIN_3DB_4Hz

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: TX5 HPF cut off, value: MIN_3DB_4Hz

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: Internal Route Config, value: 6

D/alsa_ucm(  272): Setting mixer control: ES325 TX1 Enable, value: 0

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _disdev value Voice Earpiece Extra Gain

D/ALSADevice(  272): setVoiceVolume: volume 20

D/ALSADevice(  272): setMixerControl:: name Voice Rx Volume value 20 index 0

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): Could not load Finalizer in its own class loader. Loading Finalizer in the current class loader instead. As a result, you will not be able to garbage collect this class loader. To support reclaiming this class loader, either resolve the underlying issue, or move Google Collections to your system class path.

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): java.io.FileNotFoundException: com/google/inject/internal/util/$Finalizer.class

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$FinalizableReferenceQueue$DecoupledLoader.getBaseUrl(FinalizableReferenceQueue.java:269)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$FinalizableReferenceQueue$DecoupledLoader.loadFinalizer(FinalizableReferenceQueue.java:253)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$FinalizableReferenceQueue.loadFinalizer(FinalizableReferenceQueue.java:175)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$FinalizableReferenceQueue.<clinit>(FinalizableReferenceQueue.java:100)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$MapMaker$QueueHolder.<clinit>(MapMaker.java:787)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$MapMaker$WeakEntry.<init>(MapMaker.java:946)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$MapMaker$Strength$1.newEntry(MapMaker.java:312)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$MapMaker$StrategyImpl.newEntry(MapMaker.java:498)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$MapMaker$StrategyImpl.newEntry(MapMaker.java:419)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.util.$CustomConcurrentHashMap$ComputingImpl.get(CustomConcurrentHashMap.java:2029)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.Annotations$AnnotationChecker.hasAnnotations(Annotations.java:116)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.Annotations.isBindingAnnotation(Annotations.java:180)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.Key.ensureIsBindingAnnotation(Key.java:366)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.Key.strategyFor(Key.java:338)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.Key.get(Key.java:272)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.AbstractBindingBuilder.annotatedWithInternal(AbstractBindingBuilder.java:82)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.internal.ConstantBindingBuilderImpl.annotatedWith(ConstantBindingBuilderImpl.java:49)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at roboguice.config.DefaultRoboModule.configure(DefaultRoboModule.java:117)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.AbstractModule.configure(AbstractModule.java:59)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.spi.Elements$RecordingBinder.install(Elements.java:223)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.spi.Elements.getElements(Elements.java:101)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.google.inject.spi.Elements.getElements(Elements.java:78)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at roboguice.RoboGuice.setBaseApplicationInjector(RoboGuice.java:83)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at roboguice.RoboGuice.setBaseApplicationInjector(RoboGuice.java:139)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.syncme.modules.SyncMEApplication.onCreate(SyncMEApplication.java:41)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1000)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:4576)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1300(ActivityThread.java:153)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1307)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5226)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:795)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:562)

W/nalizableReferenceQueue( 5922): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

D/AndroidRuntime( 5936): 

D/AndroidRuntime( 5936): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<

D/AndroidRuntime( 5936): CheckJNI is OFF

D/dalvikvm( 1040): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 992K, 80% free 3899K/18848K, paused 21ms, total 22ms

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0

D/        (  272): csd_client_volume: volume 4, state 1, rc 0

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/AudioHardwareALSA(  272): setMicMute  newMode 2 state:0

E/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): Could not get a handle on Connection object for the call

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/AndroidRuntime( 5936): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 157 unimplemented (abstract) methods

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/dalvikvm( 1040): GC_CONCURRENT freed 787K, 73% free 5160K/18848K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 29ms

D/dalvikvm( 1040): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 9ms

D//Ln.java:218( 5922): main Configuring Logging, minimum log level is INFO

D/AndroidRuntime( 5936): Shutting down VM

D/dalvikvm( 5936): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 17% free 511K/616K, paused 0ms+0ms, total 3ms

D/jdwp    ( 5936): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select

D/dalvikvm( 5936): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries

W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 5827): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection

E/MP-Decision( 1602): num online cores: 4 reqd : 3 available : 4 rq_depth:1.100000 hotplug_avg_load_dw: 123

E/MP-Decision( 1602): DOWN cpu:3 core_idx:3 Ns:3.100000 Ts:240 total_time_down:245.000000

V/ContactPhotoManager( 5827): Preloaded 25 photos.  Cached bytes: 489309

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/ActivityManager(  687): Displayed com.android.phone/.InCallScreen: +901ms

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/dalvikvm( 1040): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 999K, 68% free 6035K/18848K, paused 17ms, total 17ms

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/AudioHardwareALSA(  272): setMicMute  newMode 2 state:0

E/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): Could not get a handle on Connection object for the call

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

D/AccelerometerListener( 1040): orientation: vertical

I/ActivityManager(  687): No longer want com.cyanogenmod.updater (pid 3938): empty #17

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

E/MP-Decision( 1602): num online cores: 3 reqd : 4 available : 4 rq_depth:3.700000 hotplug_avg_load_dw: 92

E/MP-Decision( 1602): UP cpu:1 core_idx:1 Nw:1.900000 Tw:140 total_time_up:0.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): UP cpu:2 core_idx:2 Nw:2.700000 Tw:90 total_time_up:0.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): UP cpu:3 core_idx:3 Nw:3.500000 Tw:90 total_time_up:147.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): num online cores: 4 reqd : 1 available : 4 rq_depth:0.700000 hotplug_avg_load_dw: 19

E/MP-Decision( 1602): DOWN cpu:3 core_idx:3 Ns:3.100000 Ts:240 total_time_down:154.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): DOWN cpu:2 core_idx:2 Ns:2.100000 Ts:240 total_time_down:154.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): DOWN cpu:1 core_idx:1 Ns:1.100000 Ts:190 total_time_down:154.000000

I/Sensors (  687): ProximitySensor - 0(cm)

D/SurfaceFlinger(  269): Screen released, type=0 flinger=0x40c7e318

D/qdhwcomposer(  269): hwc_blank: Blanking display: 0

D/qdhwcomposer(  269): hwc_blank: Done blanking display: 0

D/Surface (  687): Excessive delay in blankDisplay() while turning screen off: 381ms

I/keystore(  274): uid: 1000 action: z -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4

D/AudioHardwareALSA(  272): setMicMute  newMode 2 state:0

E/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): Could not get a handle on Connection object for the call

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

D/BluetoothPhoneService( 1040): CDMA call state: SINGLE_ACTIVE prev state:IDLE

E/MP-Decision( 1602): num online cores: 1 reqd : 3 available : 4 rq_depth:8.800000 hotplug_avg_load_dw: 62

E/MP-Decision( 1602): UP cpu:1 core_idx:1 Nw:1.900000 Tw:140 total_time_up:95.000000

E/MP-Decision( 1602): UP cpu:2 core_idx:2 Nw:2.700000 Tw:90 total_time_up:95.000000

D/CallNotifier( 1040): SignalInfoTonePlayer.run(toneId = 98)...

D/ALSADevice(  272): route: devices 0x1 in mode 2

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _enadev value Voice Earpiece Extra Gain

E/alsa_ucm(  272): No valid device Voice Earpiece Extra Gain found

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _enadev value DMIC Endfire

D/ALSADevice(  272): switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce DMIC Endfire mCurRxDevDevice Voice Earpiece Extra Gain

D/ALSADevice(  272): switchDevice:use device 400001 for channels:2 usecase:HiFi

E/ACDB-LOADER(  272): Error: ACDB EC_REF_RX returned = -8

D/alsa_ucm(  272): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x418b4600 identifier _verb value HiFi

E/alsa_ucm(  272): No valid device found: Voice Earpiece Extra Gain

D/ALSADevice(  272): close: handle 0x402ed400 h 0x0

D/ALSADevice(  272): open: handle 0x402ed400, format 0x2

D/ALSADevice(  272): Device value returned is hw:0,0

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p', errno 22

E/ALSADevice(  272): open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot prepare channel: errno =-9

E/AudioStreamOutALSA(  272): pcm_write returned error -9, trying to recover

D/ALSADevice(  272): close: handle 0x402ed400 h 0x0

D/ALSADevice(  272): open: handle 0x402ed400, format 0x2

D/ALSADevice(  272): Device value returned is hw:0,0

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p', errno 22

E/ALSADevice(  272): open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot prepare channel: errno =-9

E/AudioStreamOutALSA(  272): pcm_write returned error -9, trying to recover

D/ALSADevice(  272): close: handle 0x402ed400 h 0x0

D/ALSADevice(  272): open: handle 0x402ed400, format 0x2

D/ALSADevice(  272): Device value returned is hw:0,0

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p', errno 22

E/ALSADevice(  272): open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot prepare channel: errno =-9

E/AudioStreamOutALSA(  272): pcm_write returned error -9, trying to recover

D/ALSADevice(  272): close: handle 0x402ed400 h 0x0

D/ALSADevice(  272): open: handle 0x402ed400, format 0x2

D/ALSADevice(  272): Device value returned is hw:0,0

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p', errno 22

E/ALSADevice(  272): open: Failed to initialize ALSA device 'hw:0,0'

E/alsa_pcm(  272): cannot prepare channel: errno =-9

E/AudioStreamOutALSA(  272): pcm_write returned error -9, trying to recover

The ALSADevice and alsa_pcm errors continue for a lot more. Anyone have any idea why this would be? I take it everyone else can successfully make and receive calls?

Ringtones and other audio work normally, so this has me puzzled.

Edit: I take it back. Once I try to dial, if I try to play any other audio before it freezes up, no sound plays. If I don't try to dial, audio works normally.

I am having the same problem on my HTC One M7, on Android 4.4.2.
Do you got any solution on this one ?


Senior Member
I'm using cm-10.2.1. Every time I play music on Google Music or Apollo with headphones and I unplug them while the music is still playing, the ringtone, notification, and alarm sounds will stop working. I have to reset the phone for them to start working again.

Anyone else have this problem?
I'm using 10.2 (without the .1) and have been having this problem every day this week. I'd been using 10.2 for a week before that without any problems at all. I haven't found a solution yet

Everything after 10.1.3 does this, including the "stable" snapshot version of 11. I have not tried the nightlies.

I am having the same problem on my HTC One M7, on Android 4.4.2.
Do you got any solution on this one ?

I have not seen this since the earlier days of CM10. If you want to try on CM11 make a nandrod first. Then clean flash CM11. If you prefer the snapshots use M9. If you want to try a nightly use 10/17 or later. M10, M11, and the earlier nightlies had an issue with Bluetooth working properly.


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I have not seen this since the earlier days of CM10. If you want to try on CM11 make a nandrod first. Then clean flash CM11. If you prefer the snapshots use M9. If you want to try a nightly use 10/17 or later. M10, M11, and the earlier nightlies had an issue with Bluetooth working properly.

I've been using CM11 since late May and have experienced this with all the builds. It's easily worked around by playing through the main speaker after disconnecting the headphones and then removing the app from the drawer (in my case BeyondPod). After this, notifications sound through the main speaker.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
I have not been around for a while so I am totally out of date when it comes to the Verizon S4........... Currently I am running stock w/ root on MK2, with safe strap. I would love to run an AOSP based ROM, or anything other than the stock touchwiz... Is there anything available out there for me? Can this be run with MK2 and safe strap? I am at a totall loss here because the Verizon sections seem so cluttered =(


Senior Member
Unfortunately any AOSP ROM such as CM11 is out of the question for you. Those ROMs all have a custom kernel and because your bootloader is not MDK you cannot flash them.

Head over to the S4 Android Development forum (not the Origional S4 Dev) and you will see all the SafeStrap compatible ROMs there. You can flash any of those and some have "AOSP style" theming.


Jun 30, 2011
I have not seen this since the earlier days of CM10. If you want to try on CM11 make a nandrod first. Then clean flash CM11. If you prefer the snapshots use M9. If you want to try a nightly use 10/17 or later. M10, M11, and the earlier nightlies had an issue with Bluetooth working properly.

I don't have any problems with the ringtone, alarm, and notification sounds being disabled when I unplug the headphone jack with music playing anymore. I'm using M10. I "think" M9 also was fixed too. M7 and before I definitely had this problem.

No bugs for me on M10. Not going to reflash until an official "stable" comes out.
I just wanted to announce the following helpful information:

I had just wrapped up a ton of archiving while cleaning up my backup drive on my PC.

With that stated, amongst the archiving, it includes (but, not limited to) the following regarding the Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3 - SCH-I535 (D2VZW)...

1) CyanogenMod Archive (A ton of older releases from CM10 to CM12.1)

2) LineageOS archive - Unofficial from Invisiblek (Up to date LOS14.1 releases that I'm continuing to update while they're released)

3) Official Verizon Galaxy S4 Firmware (all the unmodified SCH-I545 firmware that's reflected on the Sammobile website)

4) Device Drivers, Fixes and Other Various Firmware Updates

5) Unmodified & Official PIT Files

And Others Here

Also, there are others that may apply to this device. They include (but, not limited to) the following:

1) A SuperSU Archive

2) An XPosed Framework & Installer Archive

3) An Archive of all the ODIN for Windows (From the Previous Releases to the most Current).

4) Various Other Device Drivers & Utilities (For the PC)

And Others Here

I'll be uploading any additional files, as needed, while I wrap up the archiving from my backup drive for this device...

One of the reasons why I had archived most of them is both, the fact that I have them and just taking up all of hard drive space, and a ton of them being hard to find or extremely slow to download (amongst other reasons).

Well anyway... Enjoy!!!

Sent on my Communicator [SCH-I535] from the Bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise...


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  • 64
    Nightly builds for the cm-10.2 branch for this device have stopped.
    Please see here for nightly builds of cm-11.0 (kitkat)
    Or continue for the stable cm-10.2 build...

    CyanogenMod is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.

    Q/A thread:
    Please use the above unless you have something development-related to contribute here. Thank you.

    #include <std_disclaimer.h>
     * Your warranty is now void.
     * We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
     * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
     * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
     * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
     * you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.

    CyanogenMod is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. You will need to provide your own Google Applications package (gapps). CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

    All the source code for CyanogenMod is available in the CyanogenMod Github repo. And if you would like to contribute to CyanogenMod, please visit our Gerrit Code Review. Your changelog is whatever was merged into gerrit.


    First time flashing CyanogenMod 10.2 your device, or coming from another ROM?
    1. Download the zip(s).
    2. Install a compatible Recovery (see here)
    3. Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM (Optional)
    4. Wipe data & cache partitions of your device (required when coming from stock!).
    5. Flash CyanogenMod.
    6. Optional: Install the Google Apps addon package.

    Useful Links

    Other Issues?

    Before posting on this thread, make sure of a few things:
    • Make sure you have the LATEST version of ClockworkMod recovery. Other recoveries may work but will not be supported by CyanogenMod
    • You've utilized the search function of the forums. Nothing irritates me more than lazy people who do not search for an answer before asking.
    • If you are the only one having a problem. Boot into recovery, wipe data/factory reset, reflash the rom/gapps and nothing else. Boot up and see if the problem persists.
    • Make sure your post is relevant to this thread. "I'm having problems rooting/unlocking" is NOT relevant here.
    • LOGS LOGS LOGS!!!! Use this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS50b3J0ZWwuc3lzbG9nIl0

    Download Links

    Download: http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=jfltevzw&type=stable

    Google apps addon:
    Download: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Google_Apps

    The CyanogenMod team would like to thank everyone involved in helping with testing, coding, debugging & documenting! Enjoy!

    XDA:DevDB Information
    CyanogenMod 10.2 for the Verizon Galaxy S4, a ROM for the Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4


    Version Information
    Status: Testing

    Created 2013-09-13
    Last Updated 2014-04-23
    Oh you guys, so many rumors, so little time :D

    Lots of other devices got 10.1.0 stable today. We didn't, too new, yadda yadda.

    Here's my build from tonight.

    Notable additions:
    • GPS Fixed - big shout out to sbrissen on this!
      This feature is merged. It will be in all official releases after this point.
    • IR - Yes, I said it, IR works. Grab an app like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.remotefairy&hl=en
      Yes, its $10, kind of steep. Someone said there is an app called icontrol or something too. I didn't look too hard for it. This one works great.
      This feature is still in review. Will not be in official releases yet.
    • Camera quick tile <-- this is freaking awesome (by nebkat)
      This feature is still in review. Will not be in official releases yet.
    • Camera aspect ratio fixed (the weird issue we had when switching between front facing camera and rear)
      Thank noobnl for this
      This feature is still in review. Will not be in official releases yet.

    Who needs a damn google edition? :silly:
    Unofficial nightlies of CM-10.1 with IR support

    I resurrected my scripts from when I was building for d2vzw before we got official support.

    I'll build nightlies for jfltevzw that are 100% stock CM-10.1 with ONLY IR support added.

    The script will spit out a tweet with a link when finished here:

    Downloads here:

    I'd recommend waiting for the tweet since that won't happen until the rom has been fully uploaded.

    Builds are set to kick off at 5:00am Central, so should be done and uploaded at roughly 5:30am daily.

    WatchOn apk (flashable zip, since it needs to be put in /system/app ): http://invisiblek.org/WatchOn_5.1.4-signed.zip

    Also linking in the second post of this thread, just so people can find it.

    (If any other jf device users catch wind of this and want me to add you to the build rotation, I can certainly do that, just PM me)

    No GPS lock for me with WiFi and mobile networks checked.

    Seriously everyone. We know its broken.
    Posting here without a relevant log file is useless.
    Posting here with the same issue for 4 pages is also completely useless.

    If you cannot provide a useful log of what is happening, your post does not belong in a development thread.
    Nope I wiped. I haven't had a chance to try any solutions.

    Here's a 4.4 build if you guys want it:

    ROM- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Rfw845C8PWMWNpbFdIazFsZFk/edit?usp=sharing

    GApps- http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23212708291676422

    MD5- c1e5e3368c589122e320d978c2d7f362