[HOWTO] Make your own analog clock | 10-Jun-12

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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2011
Hello, this is Chris talking, your fellow Time Keeper (yeah, I was nicknamed) and this is my tutorial on how to build a simple, lightweight analog clock!


This guide assumes that you have successfully set up the Android SDK, ADT, Eclipse, some basic Java knowledge and image editing skills.
Let's start!

Go to the menu bar and click File > New > Android Project
Give your project a name, such as "XDA Devs Clock". Anything you prefer. This isn't going to affect the final app.

Next, select Android 1.6 as the build target. Analog clocks don't require anything special.

Now it's time to create the package name. I usually make mine like "com.xda.clock.chris".
Untick the "Create Activity" checkbox.

Info: We don't need to create an Activity because we are making a widget. Widgets don't have Activities, otherwise, they would be shown in the app drawer.

Click Finish and Eclipse will set up the project.



Next up, you need to make 3 images for the clock:
  • The dial (which is the clock's background)
  • The hour's hand
  • The minute's hand

Use your incredible Photoshop/GIMP/Illustrator skills to make your awesome clock!
Few tips:
  • Make the canvas 300*300 pixels
  • Make the dial with 10% padding
  • To easily make the hands, keep the dial background and draw the hour's and minute's hand as they were at position zero (Hour at 12 o'clock and minute at zero). Erase the dial and save each hand image
Save with a .png extension. So, in the end, you will have 3 images. Name them:
  • hand_dial.png
  • hand_minute.png
  • hand_hour.png

All lower case. It is extremely important or else you will get an error!

Also, create an app icon. You need to make 3 different ones for every screen size.
  • HDPI - 72*72 px
  • MDPI - 48*48 px
  • LDPI - 36*36 px

Save them with the name "ic_launcher.png" and overwrite the images that are already in the project's respective folders.



Following, we gotta put them to our app.
So, first, right-click res > New > New folder and name it "drawable".
Drag your images you created previously into there.

Now, let's make the layout of the clock.
Go to res > layout > main.xml

Go to the main.xml tab (at the bottom) and delete the TextView block. Next, change the layout from Linear to Relative.

Now, we will add the clock's code.


So, what did we do there?
  • We gave the item an id
  • We put it in the middle of the screen
  • We redirected the drawables to the respective hand and dial

The final xml is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:orientation="vertical" >




Next, we need to tell Android that what we are actually doing is a widget.

Right click res and create a folder named "xml".
Right clock xml > New > Android XML file

Change the Resource Type to AppWidgetProvider and give it a name such as "widget_config.xml". Lower case!

Delete everything and paste this in:

There we set how many rows the widget will take. The calculation method is
74 * [number of rows] - 4

We want the widget to be 2*2 so the width is 146dip and the height is also 146dip. But we'll change it to 140 to make it a little bigger.

Then we set an update period... which actually doesn't work below 30 minutes. It's a bug in Android and last, we gave it a layout, which we made previously (main.xml).


Now, we must declare the widget in the manifest.xml with a <receiver> element.

Open the manifest xml and delete the <activity> block. As said previously, we won't have any activity.

Inside the <application> add this piece of code:

<receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
            <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />

The android:name is the class we are going to create in a few minutes.
The label is the name that will be shown in the widget picker of your homescreen. Then we specified the update and linked the widget_config.xml

The final xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:versionName="1.0" >

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />

        android:label="@string/app_name" >
        <receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
            <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />



Now it's time to create the Clock_Actions class.

Right click the package > New > Class
Give it the above name.

Delete everything and paste this in:
package com.xda.clock.chris;

import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
import android.widget.RemoteViews;

public class Clock_Actions extends AppWidgetProvider{

	public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
		String action = intent.getAction();
		PendingIntent pendingIntent;
		if (AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE.equals(action))
			RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),

			pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,getAlarmPackage(context), 0);
			views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.analogClock1, pendingIntent);

	public Intent getAlarmPackage(Context context)
		PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
		Intent AlarmClockIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
		String clockImpls[][] = {
				{ "Standard Alarm", "com.android.alarmclock",
						"com.android.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
				{ "HTC Alarm ClockDT", "com.htc.android.worldclock",
						"com.htc.android.worldclock.WorldClockTabControl" },
				{ "Standard Alarm ClockDT", "com.android.deskclock",
						"com.android.deskclock.AlarmClock" },
				{ "Froyo Nexus Alarm ClockDT",
						"com.android.deskclock.DeskClock" },
				{ "Moto Blur Alarm ClockDT",
						"com.motorola.blur.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
				{ "Samsung Galaxy S", "com.sec.android.app.clockpackage",
						"com.sec.android.app.clockpackage.ClockPackage" } };

		boolean foundClockImpl = false;

		for (int i = 0; i < clockImpls.length; i++)
			String packageName = clockImpls[i][1];
			String className = clockImpls[i][2];
				ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(packageName, className);
				foundClockImpl = true;
			} catch (NameNotFoundException nf)
		if (foundClockImpl)
			return AlarmClockIntent;
			return null;

Change the package name to your own after pasting.

So here, we set up the update, the remote views and the pending intent which redirects you to the Desk Clock app. Because different phones have different Desk Clock package names, we set up a method to handle that.
Many thanks to sndytime. Got the code from his post here.


Next up...nothing! Our clock is done! We just have to export it.
Right click the project > Android tools > Export signed application

Choose next, select Create new keystore > click browse and give it a name.
Create a password and click next.

In alias put whatever you want. I usually put "chris95x8"
Enter your password again and put, like, 100 year for validity. You get the rest.

Click Next, browse and enter a name for the apk.
Click Finish and congrats on your first analog clock! Yay!

If you have done everything right it should work. Otherwise, comment here on the thread.

*Sorry for big images



I hope to see some clock on the Themes & Apps section soon. Good luck everyone!
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2011
I made one sometime ago but all ended when started to add settings :D
Anything didnt work anymore from then on :D
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Reactions: DihaX


Oct 31, 2012
Great Job Chriss, nice and clear. However I still menaged to get stuck.

Now it's time to create the Clock_Actions class.

Right click the package > New > Class

Where/what should I right click?

For now I created in in src folder in (default package), but I get 3 errors, so I assume I did it wrong.

Anyway tutorial looks great ;)


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2012
Hello, this is Chris talking, your fellow Time Keeper (yeah, I was nicknamed) and this is my tutorial on how to build a simple, lightweight analog clock!


This guide assumes that you have successfully set up the Android SDK, ADT, Eclipse, some basic Java knowledge and image editing skills.
Let's start!

Go to the menu bar and click File > New > Android Project
Give your project a name, such as "XDA Devs Clock". Anything you prefer. This isn't going to affect the final app.

Next, select Android 1.6 as the build target. Analog clocks don't require anything special.

Now it's time to create the package name. I usually make mine like "com.xda.clock.chris".
Untick the "Create Activity" checkbox.

Info: We don't need to create an Activity because we are making a widget. Widgets don't have Activities, otherwise, they would be shown in the app drawer.

Click Finish and Eclipse will set up the project.



Next up, you need to make 3 images for the clock:
  • The dial (which is the clock's background)
  • The hour's hand
  • The minute's hand

Use your incredible Photoshop/GIMP/Illustrator skills to make your awesome clock!
Few tips:
  • Make the canvas 300*300 pixels
  • Make the dial with 10% padding
  • To easily make the hands, keep the dial background and draw the hour's and minute's hand as they were at position zero (Hour at 12 o'clock and minute at zero). Erase the dial and save each hand image
Save with a .png extension. So, in the end, you will have 3 images. Name them:
  • hand_dial.png
  • hand_minute.png
  • hand_hour.png

All lower case. It is extremely important or else you will get an error!

Also, create an app icon. You need to make 3 different ones for every screen size.
  • HDPI - 72*72 px
  • MDPI - 48*48 px
  • LDPI - 36*36 px

Save them with the name "ic_launcher.png" and overwrite the images that are already in the project's respective folders.



Following, we gotta put them to our app.
So, first, right-click res > New > New folder and name it "drawable".
Drag your images you created previously into there.

Now, let's make the layout of the clock.
Go to res > layout > main.xml

Go to the main.xml tab (at the bottom) and delete the TextView block. Next, change the layout from Linear to Relative.

Now, we will add the clock's code.


So, what did we do there?
  • We gave the item an id
  • We put it in the middle of the screen
  • We redirected the drawables to the respective hand and dial

The final xml is this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:orientation="vertical" >




Next, we need to tell Android that what we are actually doing is a widget.

Right click res and create a folder named "xml".
Right clock xml > New > Android XML file

Change the Resource Type to AppWidgetProvider and give it a name such as "widget_config.xml". Lower case!

Delete everything and paste this in:

There we set how many rows the widget will take. The calculation method is
74 * [number of rows] - 4

We want the widget to be 2*2 so the width is 146dip and the height is also 146dip.

Then we set an update period... which actually doesn't work below 30 minutes. It's a bug in Android and last, we gave it a layout, which we made previously (main.xml).


Now, we must declare the widget in the manifest.xml with a <receiver> element.

Open the manifest xml and delete the <activity> block. As said previously, we won't have any activity.

Inside the <application> add this piece of code:

<receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
            <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />

The android:name is the class we are going to create in a few minutes.
The label is the name that will be shown in the widget picker of your homescreen. Then we specified the update and linked the widget_config.xml

The final xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:versionName="1.0" >

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />

        android:label="@string/app_name" >
        <receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
            <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />



Now it's time to create the Clock_Actions class.

Right click the package > New > Class
Give it the above name.

Delete everything and paste this in:
package com.xda.clock.chris;

import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
import android.widget.RemoteViews;

public class Clock_Actions extends AppWidgetProvider{

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
String action = intent.getAction();
PendingIntent pendingIntent;
if (AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE.equals(action))

RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),

pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,getAlarmPackage(context), 0);
views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.analogClock1, pendingIntent);


public Intent getAlarmPackage(Context context)
PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
Intent AlarmClockIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);

String clockImpls[][] = {
{ "Standard Alarm", "com.android.alarmclock",
"com.android.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
{ "HTC Alarm ClockDT", "com.htc.android.worldclock",
"com.htc.android.worldclock.WorldClockTabControl" },
{ "Standard Alarm ClockDT", "com.android.deskclock",
"com.android.deskclock.AlarmClock" },
{ "Froyo Nexus Alarm ClockDT",
"com.android.deskclock.DeskClock" },
{ "Moto Blur Alarm ClockDT",
"com.motorola.blur.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
{ "Samsung Galaxy S", "com.sec.android.app.clockpackage",
"com.sec.android.app.clockpackage.ClockPackage" } };

boolean foundClockImpl = false;

for (int i = 0; i < clockImpls.length; i++)
String packageName = clockImpls[i][1];
String className = clockImpls[i][2];
ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(packageName, className);
foundClockImpl = true;
} catch (NameNotFoundException nf)
if (foundClockImpl)
return AlarmClockIntent;
return null;

Change the package name to your own after pasting.

So here, we set up the update, the remote views and the pending intent which redirects you to the Desk Clock app. Because different phones have different Desk Clock package names, we set up a method to handle that.
Many thanks to sndytime. Got the code from his post here.


Next up...nothing! Our clock is done! We just have to export it.
Right click the project > Android tools > Export signed application

Choose next, select Create new keystore > click browse and give it a name.
Create a password and click next.

In alias put whatever you want. I usually put "chris95x8"
Enter your password again and put, like, 100 year for validity. You get the rest.

Click Next, browse and enter a name for the apk.
Click Finish and congrats on your first analog clock! Yay!

If you have done everything right it should work. Otherwise, comment here on the thread.

*Sorry for big images



I hope to see some clock on the Themes & Apps section soon. Good luck everyone!

U awe from me a thanks and a beer.. N1 bro.. :D:p:);):beer:;):cool::thumbup:

Sent from my GT-S6102 using xda premium


Oct 31, 2012
Great Job Chriss, nice and clear. However I still menaged to get stuck.

Where/what should I right click?

For now I created in in src folder in (default package), but I get 3 errors, so I assume I did it wrong.

Anyway tutorial looks great ;)

Stupid me. It shouldn't be a default package, but a one with my unique name that I needed to create ;)

Great lesson and I have my very own clock now :)


Nov 20, 2012
Hello.Thank you for this great tutorial.I'm beginner and i have problem with clock.When i use clock with some of launchers Go Launcher,Apex launcher.. when restert phone i get error-Problem loading widget.Pleace help me.Sorry for my English


Jan 31, 2011
Cant find main xml

First off, wonderful tutorial! Thanks :good:

So, forgive my n00bness please. I've never fully taken on the world of designing apps or widgets so much of this is new to me. I set everything up according to directions but have gotten stuck looking for the main xml file. After an hour or so of looking, and looking... and looking, I CAN NOT for the life of me seem to locate it anywhere. I have downloaded the most recent ADT package ( build: v21.0.0-519525 ) and it's running Eclipse 3.8. I've included a screenshot. Not sure if I've done something wrong or what, but I'm guessing it's most likely in plain sight. I am just not sure where to begin to look! Any help would be awesome, I have a slew of custom new clocks I feel the Android community would love :fingers-crossed:

EDIT: I've gone through and manually added an Android XML Layout file to the layout folder with the name of main.xml. After doing this I've gone through and followed step by step everything to the T. Everything checks out in the end after exporting, and even installs correctly. However, it does not show up in my widgets list or App drawer, and when trying to launch it from a file manager it says it cannot be launched.

Last edited:


Jan 31, 2011

First off, wonderful tutorial! Thanks :good:

So, forgive my n00bness please. I've never fully taken on the world of designing apps or widgets so much of this is new to me. I set everything up according to directions but have gotten stuck looking for the main xml file. After an hour or so of looking, and looking... and looking, I CAN NOT for the life of me seem to locate it anywhere. I have downloaded the most recent ADT package ( build: v21.0.0-519525 ) and it's running Eclipse 3.8. I've included a screenshot. Not sure if I've done something wrong or what, but I'm guessing it's most likely in plain sight. I am just not sure where to begin to look! Any help would be awesome, I have a slew of custom new clocks I feel the Android community would love :fingers-crossed:

EDIT: I've gone through and manually added an Android XML file to the layout folder with the name of main.xml. After doing this I've gone through and followed step by step everything to the T. Everything checks out in the end after exporting, and even installs correctly. However, it does not show up in my widgets list or App drawer, and when trying to launch it from a file manager it says it cannot be launched.


NEVERMIND! Ran into the same problem as West1988. Changed the package name to the unique name selected in the beginning of the project and, voila! LAZR CLOCK! :D I'll be posting this on the Play store soon for anyone to download. Thanks Chris!


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2011
Oh, glad you sorted it out. And my God! Awesome clock man!!!

Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app

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  • 47
    Hello, this is Chris talking, your fellow Time Keeper (yeah, I was nicknamed) and this is my tutorial on how to build a simple, lightweight analog clock!


    This guide assumes that you have successfully set up the Android SDK, ADT, Eclipse, some basic Java knowledge and image editing skills.
    Let's start!

    Go to the menu bar and click File > New > Android Project
    Give your project a name, such as "XDA Devs Clock". Anything you prefer. This isn't going to affect the final app.

    Next, select Android 1.6 as the build target. Analog clocks don't require anything special.

    Now it's time to create the package name. I usually make mine like "com.xda.clock.chris".
    Untick the "Create Activity" checkbox.

    Info: We don't need to create an Activity because we are making a widget. Widgets don't have Activities, otherwise, they would be shown in the app drawer.

    Click Finish and Eclipse will set up the project.



    Next up, you need to make 3 images for the clock:
    • The dial (which is the clock's background)
    • The hour's hand
    • The minute's hand

    Use your incredible Photoshop/GIMP/Illustrator skills to make your awesome clock!
    Few tips:
    • Make the canvas 300*300 pixels
    • Make the dial with 10% padding
    • To easily make the hands, keep the dial background and draw the hour's and minute's hand as they were at position zero (Hour at 12 o'clock and minute at zero). Erase the dial and save each hand image
    Save with a .png extension. So, in the end, you will have 3 images. Name them:
    • hand_dial.png
    • hand_minute.png
    • hand_hour.png

    All lower case. It is extremely important or else you will get an error!

    Also, create an app icon. You need to make 3 different ones for every screen size.
    • HDPI - 72*72 px
    • MDPI - 48*48 px
    • LDPI - 36*36 px

    Save them with the name "ic_launcher.png" and overwrite the images that are already in the project's respective folders.



    Following, we gotta put them to our app.
    So, first, right-click res > New > New folder and name it "drawable".
    Drag your images you created previously into there.

    Now, let's make the layout of the clock.
    Go to res > layout > main.xml

    Go to the main.xml tab (at the bottom) and delete the TextView block. Next, change the layout from Linear to Relative.

    Now, we will add the clock's code.

    So, what did we do there?
    • We gave the item an id
    • We put it in the middle of the screen
    • We redirected the drawables to the respective hand and dial

    The final xml is this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:orientation="vertical" >


    Next, we need to tell Android that what we are actually doing is a widget.

    Right click res and create a folder named "xml".
    Right clock xml > New > Android XML file

    Change the Resource Type to AppWidgetProvider and give it a name such as "widget_config.xml". Lower case!

    Delete everything and paste this in:

    There we set how many rows the widget will take. The calculation method is
    74 * [number of rows] - 4

    We want the widget to be 2*2 so the width is 146dip and the height is also 146dip. But we'll change it to 140 to make it a little bigger.

    Then we set an update period... which actually doesn't work below 30 minutes. It's a bug in Android and last, we gave it a layout, which we made previously (main.xml).


    Now, we must declare the widget in the manifest.xml with a <receiver> element.

    Open the manifest xml and delete the <activity> block. As said previously, we won't have any activity.

    Inside the <application> add this piece of code:

    <receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                    <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
                <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />

    The android:name is the class we are going to create in a few minutes.
    The label is the name that will be shown in the widget picker of your homescreen. Then we specified the update and linked the widget_config.xml

    The final xml is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:versionName="1.0" >
        <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />
            android:label="@string/app_name" >
            <receiver android:name=".Clock_Actions" android:label="XDA Analog Clock">
                    <action android:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE" />
                <meta-data android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/widget_config" />


    Now it's time to create the Clock_Actions class.

    Right click the package > New > Class
    Give it the above name.

    Delete everything and paste this in:
    package com.xda.clock.chris;
    import android.app.PendingIntent;
    import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager;
    import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider;
    import android.content.ComponentName;
    import android.content.Context;
    import android.content.Intent;
    import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
    import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
    import android.widget.RemoteViews;
    public class Clock_Actions extends AppWidgetProvider{
    	public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
    		String action = intent.getAction();
    		PendingIntent pendingIntent;
    		if (AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE.equals(action))
    			RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
    			pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0,getAlarmPackage(context), 0);
    			views.setOnClickPendingIntent(R.id.analogClock1, pendingIntent);
    	public Intent getAlarmPackage(Context context)
    		PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
    		Intent AlarmClockIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
    		String clockImpls[][] = {
    				{ "Standard Alarm", "com.android.alarmclock",
    						"com.android.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
    				{ "HTC Alarm ClockDT", "com.htc.android.worldclock",
    						"com.htc.android.worldclock.WorldClockTabControl" },
    				{ "Standard Alarm ClockDT", "com.android.deskclock",
    						"com.android.deskclock.AlarmClock" },
    				{ "Froyo Nexus Alarm ClockDT",
    						"com.android.deskclock.DeskClock" },
    				{ "Moto Blur Alarm ClockDT",
    						"com.motorola.blur.alarmclock.AlarmClock" },
    				{ "Samsung Galaxy S", "com.sec.android.app.clockpackage",
    						"com.sec.android.app.clockpackage.ClockPackage" } };
    		boolean foundClockImpl = false;
    		for (int i = 0; i < clockImpls.length; i++)
    			String packageName = clockImpls[i][1];
    			String className = clockImpls[i][2];
    				ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(packageName, className);
    				foundClockImpl = true;
    			} catch (NameNotFoundException nf)
    		if (foundClockImpl)
    			return AlarmClockIntent;
    			return null;

    Change the package name to your own after pasting.

    So here, we set up the update, the remote views and the pending intent which redirects you to the Desk Clock app. Because different phones have different Desk Clock package names, we set up a method to handle that.
    Many thanks to sndytime. Got the code from his post here.


    Next up...nothing! Our clock is done! We just have to export it.
    Right click the project > Android tools > Export signed application

    Choose next, select Create new keystore > click browse and give it a name.
    Create a password and click next.

    In alias put whatever you want. I usually put "chris95x8"
    Enter your password again and put, like, 100 year for validity. You get the rest.

    Click Next, browse and enter a name for the apk.
    Click Finish and congrats on your first analog clock! Yay!

    If you have done everything right it should work. Otherwise, comment here on the thread.

    *Sorry for big images



    I hope to see some clock on the Themes & Apps section soon. Good luck everyone!

    First off, wonderful tutorial! Thanks :good:

    So, forgive my n00bness please. I've never fully taken on the world of designing apps or widgets so much of this is new to me. I set everything up according to directions but have gotten stuck looking for the main xml file. After an hour or so of looking, and looking... and looking, I CAN NOT for the life of me seem to locate it anywhere. I have downloaded the most recent ADT package ( build: v21.0.0-519525 ) and it's running Eclipse 3.8. I've included a screenshot. Not sure if I've done something wrong or what, but I'm guessing it's most likely in plain sight. I am just not sure where to begin to look! Any help would be awesome, I have a slew of custom new clocks I feel the Android community would love :fingers-crossed:

    EDIT: I've gone through and manually added an Android XML file to the layout folder with the name of main.xml. After doing this I've gone through and followed step by step everything to the T. Everything checks out in the end after exporting, and even installs correctly. However, it does not show up in my widgets list or App drawer, and when trying to launch it from a file manager it says it cannot be launched.


    NEVERMIND! Ran into the same problem as West1988. Changed the package name to the unique name selected in the beginning of the project and, voila! LAZR CLOCK! :D I'll be posting this on the Play store soon for anyone to download. Thanks Chris!
    Thank you Chris !

    Sent from my X8 using xda premium
    I made one sometime ago but all ended when started to add settings :D
    Anything didnt work anymore from then on :D