Chartboost vs. Facebook vs. Project Wonderful

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Nov 1, 2013
So I released a game on Android about a month ago(Incognito: Interstellar Empire. It was kinda languishing in the play store so I decided to put an ad campaign together at a few different places. I thought I'd share the results because one of them was way more worth the money than the other two.

First, the worst: Project Wonderful

Not wonderful for advertising a mobile game. I should have known this wouldn't be a good platform since the ads are not primarily on mobile devices. Don't be lured in by their cheap rates. Most of the websites with ads on this network kinda suck. I had a really poor click-through rate and it probably wasn't giving me high-quality users. Not even worth posting the stats... (not gonna bother looking it up).

Facebook Vs. Chartboost

Facebook uses the "install this app" in your facebook feed and chartboost uses interstitial ads in game.

I did facebook second upon a recommendation I read online. First off, I should have installed the SDK so that I could have tracked my install rate. Since I didn't, I'll be fair and try to only compare facebook to chartboost in the comparable metrics for which I have both sets of data. The other thing to note is that I paid facebook per click and I paid chartboost per install (which I chose the minimum at .50 cents.) .

Also, I spent a lot more money on chartboost than facebook. (thankfully)

Total Cost
Facebook: $26.64 (split over about 5 days)
Chartboost: $172 (split over 3 days)

total impressions:
facebook: 4,503
Chartboost: 440,275

Chartboost: 30,326

Most shocking comparison:

Cost per click
facebook: .24 cents USD
chartboost: .005 cents USD

cost per Impression
facebook: 5.92 USD
chartboost: .39 cents (yeah, this cost 6% of what facebook cost)

facebook: 2.505%
chartboost: 6.89%

Based on this I can tell that chartboost is giving me the higher quality users, and A LOT more value for my money. If you're not convinced yet, heres the last nail in facebooks coffin: I paid chartboost per install, so I know exactly what I'm getting from them. There isn't any gambling involved. Facebook ads are like throwing money out the window and hoping some lands in your yard. Chartboost delivered 344 installs for me. I wish I knew how many facebook actually delivered, but who cares. Based on my google stats it wasn't performing anywhere near chartboost.