Windows Mobile importing iCalendar(iCalParse 2.1.1)

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Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
A Android version is now available:

Windows Mobile app for importing iCalendar appointments/tasks (iCalParse)

  • Import appointments/tasks direct from iCal files (*.icl, *.ics). It is also possible to chose which appointments/tasks should be imported and which not.
  • Enables support for more features than the original Windows Mobile calendar has. eg. Recurrence Dates or Exclusion Dates.
  • Make a quick look at the appointments/tasks stored in the iCal files.
  • Replace all appointments/tasks on the device with appointments/tasks stored in an iCal file.
  • Filtering of Tasks/Appointments
  • Update old and add new appointments/tasks from an iCal file.
  • Delete all appointments/tasks stored on the device.
  • Export all appointments stored on the device to an iCalendar file.
  • Export all tasks stored on the device to an iCalendar file.
  • Encrypt private informations.
  • Timezone support.
  • Customize calendar informations
  • Define custom categories for the imported appointments/tasks.
  • Remove HTML/CSS tags from the description of the appointments.
  • Enhanced possibilities to replace strings which are added to the appointments/tasks automatically from the PIM Application with custom ones.
  • Load and Parse ICal files direct from the Internet (HTTP/HTTPS/WEBCAL/WEBCALS/CALDAV)
  • .icl and .ics files are associated to the program.
  • Auto syncing
  • Logging
  • Commandline Options
  • Fingerfriendly landscape/portrait mode aware GUI
  • CALDAV Support for two way synchronization
  • Two way synchronization
  • Usage statistics

  • Windows Mobile Pro 5 - 6.5
  • .Net 3.5

Why I wrote this program:
I’m using an alternative OS and I also often get different iCal Files with important appointments (from friends, university, work). So before I wrote the program I had to import the iCal files to different programs (e.g. Outlook, Evolution and so on) to get it synced. I also always had to import my personal calendar to Outlook or so because I use rainledar for my own appointments. Because I think that this is not the best way for handling this I wrote iCalParse. With this program I can simply import iCal files direct on my phone.

To import calendars available on the Internet
To import a calendar which is available over the Internet just download and install the new app version. Then start it go to the others tab (the OT button on the bottom) and then press the "config webIcals" button. Then press the "new Web Ical Source" button. Add the user name and password if there is any and then the url where to find the calendar. Then select the protocol. Use http if it available over http/https/webcal/webcals. The autosync period number is important for the autosync option. If the number is 0 the webical will never be synced with the autosync. If it is 1 it will be synced every autosync, if it is 2 every second sync, 3 every third and so on. Then click the save button. Now you have to tell the app that you want to download calendar informations over the intertnet. So you have to activate the "Load from the web" option at the Options tab (The Op button)
Afterwards you can parse/load and import the calendar like normal by just pressing the Parse button and then the import button at the Action tab. Or you can use the autosync feature.

To Use CALDAV for two way synchronization
Often web calendars support CALDAV. CALDAV is a open protocol to sync calendar information in both ways (server to phone and phone to server). To use CALDAV your CALENDAR must support it. Then start it go to the others tab (the OT button on the bottom) and then press the "config webIcals" button. Add the user name and password if there is any and then the url where to find the calendar. Then select the protocol. Use caldav if it available over CALDAV. Important is that there has to be a single slash (/) at the end of the url. Then click the save button. Now you have to tell the app that you want to download calendar informations over the intertnet. So you have to activate the "Load from the web" option at the Options tab (The Op button). And you have to tell the app that you want to sync from the phone to server not only from the server to the phone so that you have to active the "Use two way caldav sync" option.
Afterwards you can parse/load and import the calendar like normal by just pressing the Parse button and then the import button at the Action tab. Or you can use the autosync feature. During the parse operation (parse button) the changes on the device will be synced to the server if the "use two way caldav sync" option is enabled.

The CALDAV feature was confirmed to work with:
Google calendar
The url for your google calendar has the following format [ [ your Google Calendar ID ] /events/ ].
Your Google Calendar ID for your primary calendar is just your email address, but for all other calendars the Calendar ID will be in the form of [ long string of characters] You can get the Calendar ID by clicking the down arrow next to your calendar at and selecting 'Calendar Settings'.
Be sure to use https in your URL, as an http address will not work.
DAViCal (
The url for your DAViCal calendar has the following format [ https://[yourDomain]/caldav.php/cal...sabredav/"]
The url for your sabredav calendar has the following format [ http://[yourDomain]/sabredav/calend.../"]iCalParse[/U][/B]

version 0.4.9
initial release
version 0.5.0
improved timezone support
version 0.5.1
improvements for MS outlook compatibility
version 0.5.2
improvements for MS outlook compatibility
version 0.5.3
improved timezone support, supports more ical features
version 0.5.4
improved timezone support
version 0.5.5
improved error handling
improved database
if a appointment is not checked in the overview tab it will not be added to the calendar or updated so you can select the appointments which should be imported
version 0.5.5
improved timezone support
version 0.6.1
Valarm will now be ignored
Improvements at the export function
if an error occurs during the parsing process detailed informations about the error will be displayed
version 0.6.2
improved ical parsing
version 0.6.3
improved ical parsing
version 0.6.4
performance improvements
line numbers shown are now more accurate (should be just one or two line difference)
its now possible to use the timezone of the device to calculate times (check the checkbox "Use device timezone" at the options tab, below the checkbox you will see the name of timezone the programm will use for calculation )
version 0.6.6
i changed a lot at the recurrence handling but there are some limitation by pocket outlook.
version 0.6.7
i made some changes at the time calculation based on the devices timezone because sometimes there has been an error where the calculated time had overwritten the old one and sometimes not (seems to be a problem in the .net framework).
changed rrule handling.
more detailed error messages will be displayed if an update/add of an appointment fails
version 0.6.8
fixed a problem with negative UTC offset
version 0.7.0
some more checks to calculate correct start/end times for an appointment, if a timezone is specified, under different circumstances.
version 0.7.1
New Option "Create Reminders" checkbox at the options tab. If this checkbox is checked the programm will create reminders if a reminder is specified in the ical file.
ersion 0.7.3
support of more than one timezone (if the timezones are specified in the ical file)
support for really long location strings
support for really long subjects strings
version 0.7.5
enhancements for the timezone handling
its now possible to define a category for an whole ical file (define the name of the category on the Other tab and check the Use custom category checkbox on the Options tab) Categories which are defined in the ical file will be ignored if you use this feature.
version 0.7.6
improvements to the category feature. the feature will now not override the old categories it will be added as a new category to the appointments
improvements at the rrule handling.
version 0.7.7
new option to remove html tags from the appointment description
version 0.8.0
it can import tasks (VTODO) now.
better feedback for the user
version 0.8.2
removes CSS from description (if remove html from description checkbox is checked)
new use substitute list option.
if the option is checked the program will use and parse the SubstituteList.txt stored in the program directory. The first line defined in the file will always be replaced by the second line. So if the content of the file is for example:

X-KDE-TEXTFORMAT=HTML will be replaced by nothing and \, will be replaced by ,
version 0.8.3
fixes problems with the importing of tasks
version 0.8.5
the app can now load ical files from the internet and parse it. to use this feature check the load from the web Checkbox at the options tab. the program will parse WebICalsList.txt in the program folder. you can define an ical source per line and you must use this format:
username;password;URI for example: user;pass;
new version 0.8.6
.icl and .ics files are now associated to the ICalParser
new version 0.8.9
the webIcalList.txt can now be encrypted so the user/password/uri are secured
its now possible to export tasks wich are stored on the device to an ical file
internal improvements
new version 0.9.1
internal improvements
better support for https connections
the gui is now more finger friendly
new version 0.9.2
enhanced rrule handling
new version 0.9.3
enhanced feedback for the user if the load ical from the web feature is used
fixes for the ical download if there are more than one ical resource in your webicallist
internal improvements
new version 0.9.4
added contact informations
new options for choosing if you want to import only tasks/appointments
its now possible to delete only tasks or only appointments
new version 0.9.5
implemented the exdate feature (handles exceptions for recurrences)
new version 0.9.8:
new Logging feature
enhanced rrule handling
supporting the ATTENDEE/recipient feature
support autosync
gui enhancements
new version 0.9.9:
enhanced rrule handling
enhanced exdate handling
new version 1.0.0:
Fixed a problem with the autosync feature
enhanced user feedback
new version 1.0.5:
enhanced user feedback
enhanced GUI
fixed a problem with the loading of a saved configuration during startup
new version 1.0.6:
enhanced exdate feature
internal improvements
new version 1.0.7:
added delayed autostart option: the app will wait 30 seconds before it trys to sync so that e.g. wlan can connect.
some autostart enhancements so that the device does not fall in sleep mode during parsing.
new version 1.0.8:
fixed a problem with the update of already existing appointments
new version 1.0.9:
supports now the rdate feature (only if the add appointments/asks and delete old ones option is used)
performance improvements if the update appointments/tasks option is used.
internal improvements
new version 1.1.0:
fixed update appointments problem
new version 1.1.2:
the app got a new database format. the app will update your database at the first import
it's now also possible to update rdates at appointments
fixed a problem with attendees which have an mail address but no name defined
internal improvements
new version 1.1.4:
added copy/Paste to the category textbox and paste to the password textbox at the others tab
some rrule enhancements which addresses wavedyellow errorreports
a fix for the export appointment problem
enhanced export appointments (supports the rdate feature now)
new version 1.1.6:
enhanced export features
enhanced rrule handling
supports reccurence Id
enhanced appointments updating
new version 1.1.8:
enhanced database
enhanced export features (it can export exdate now if the appoitment has not been altered after the import)
fixed the problem with the autosync which happens to often
new version 1.1.9:
fixed a problem that it was not possible to import tasks which have no due date defined
new Commandline Options to start a single autosync.
There are two command line options available:
The App will use the autosync feature and start repeatedly.
The App will use the autosync feature and start only once.
new version 1.3.0:
improved EXDATE parsing
dramatically improved timezone handling and time calculation (completely rewritten that code, it supports now the full ical 2.0 & 1.0 standard without any limitations, the code is now much more reliable)
Database improved
improved export feature
removed Use device timezone option it is not longer necessary
changed the whole way date values are handled by the app
new version 1.3.1:
fixed a problem with tasks which have no start date defined
new version 1.3.3:
handlint the status at tasks
improved rrule handling
improved logging
new version 1.3.5:
fixed a problem with time handling
fixed a problem with the gui
new version 1.3.6:
fixed a problem with .net which sometimes handled local time values as utc value and sometimes not.
new version 1.3.9:
new option: Delete only objects imported with iCalParse. if activated and used together with the add appointments/tasks and delete old ones option iCalParse will only delete appointment/tasks which where previous imported with iCalParse
improved attendee handling
improved date handling
fixed a problem that i was sometimes not possible so sync more than one websource at a single autosync
fixed a problem with updating objects
improved database
new version 1.4.2:
enhanced logging
enhanced gui (supports now landscape and portrait mode, more fingerfriendy, uses the your displayspace better)
enhanced tasks export
enhanced rrule parsing
new version 1.5.1:
fixed a possible problem with appointments which use reccurenceids
added a new filtering tab/option which filters the appointments/tasks before the import
enhanced gui
fixed an problem with the export of appointments
caldav import support
improved web downloading
enhanced ical parsing
fixed a problem with timezone parsing
enhanced timezone parsing (Support X-WR-Timezone)
enhanced database
changed user feedback if an exdate is not specified correctly
changed download state visualisation
changed webicalist ical source definition
new version 1.5.3:
enhanced gui
enhanced filtering
enhanced logging
fixed a problem with exporting (UID was always the same value)
new version 1.5.4:
enhanced rrule handling
new version 1.5.5:
enhanced rrule handling
new version 1.5.7:
improved database for caldav
enhanced database
enhanced hashcalculation
added a new option for setting every parsed appointment/task sensitivity as private during parsing
new version 1.6.0
database improvements
internal improvements for caldav support
export task improvements
export appointments improvements
huge hash calculation improvements (important for caldav and exporting)
fixed a problem with the parsing of all day events togehter with timezones
enhanced gui
enhanced logging
new version 1.6.2:
fixed a problem with importing of appointments with RECURRENCE-ID if the reccurence-id date is also an exdate value
fixed a problem with parsing exdates
enhanced exdate handling if the exdate is specified with an timezone
gui enhancements
statistics (starts, handled appointments, .....)
some style improvement at the manual on my page so it should be better to read
new version 1.6.3:
fixed a problem with language definitions at summary/location/description
fixed a problem that an error was reported befor the webIcaldownload starts
new version 1.6.6:
new gui interface for creating/editing/deleting webical sources
fixed a problem with icalendar files generated by outlook
new version 1.8.0:
enhanced logging
fixed problem receiving caldav appointments
fixed possible problem updating caldav appointments
fixed possible problem deleting caldav appointments
new appointments on the device will now only be synced to the first defined caldav source
fixed a possible ssl problem
enhanced export (appointments/tasks)
better webicalsource creation
improved caldav handling
fixed a parse/import problem with a windows mobile limitation with recurrences that should go on forever
fixed a possible problem the the database could get corrupted
enhanced exporting (UID creation)
enhanced caldav upload (informations stored in db correctly)
fixed a webcal/webcals download problem
changed http download error handling
fixed a problem exporting tasks/appointments (monthybynumber, yearbynumber reccurencetype)
new version 1.8.1:
fixed a exporting problem (; at the file end)
speed up exporting
better uid generation
new version 1.8.3:
performance improvements at caldav parsing
fixed some possible exporting problems
enhanced exporting
new version 1.8.5:
database performance improvements
improved RECURRENCE-ID handling
new version 1.8.6:
fixed rdate handling bugs and it is now supporting the full ical 2.0 standard
enhanced html quotes handling
fixed a possible reccurence id problem (caused by exporting errors of other pim applications)
new version 1.8.7:
added new option > caldav speedup
new version 1.8.8
changed uid generation
new version 1.8.9:
changed installtion so webicallist.txt and SubstituteList.txt wont be resetted at the installtion
new option "Don't parse attendees". Attendees will not be parsed/imported
new version 1.9.0:
fixed a importing/parsing problem
fixed a problem with miss formed valarmnew
new version 1.9.1:
fixed a caldav upload problem
new version 1.9.2:
internal enhancements to support caldav tasks/todos sync (not finished yet)
fixed a bug at the rrule handling
new version 1.9.4:
enhanced logging
got caldav sync with sabredav working
enhanced timezone handling if only on standard time is used
a standard timzone handling error fixed
fixed a possible caldav update/delete bug if more than a single caldav source has been used
new version 1.9.5:
fixed a typo
fiexed a problem with yearly reccurences
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2009
tried using it on my diamond2.
the import of an ical went well, and the appointments were succesfull.
but I cant see the appointments in my calendar.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
I have a 2h offset. This item should start at 3:30am. After importing, it shows the start at 01:30. Maybe the timezones are not considered here.

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN
X-MS-OLK-WKHRSTART;TZID="Romance Standard Time":070000
X-MS-OLK-WKHREND;TZID="Romance Standard Time":170000
TZID:Romance Standard Time
SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=de:privater Termin


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
I have a 2h offset. This item should start at 3:30am. After importing, it shows the start at 01:30. Maybe the timezones are not considered here.

thanks for your reply i will build in timezone support with the next version.

tried using it on my diamond2.
the import of an ical went well, and the appointments were succesfull.
but I cant see the appointments in my calendar.

thanks for your reply. can you please give me a example ical appointment so i can test it here (like tube did it)?


Jul 18, 2009
I uninstalled it, and installed oggsynch instead.
How do I remove the sipchange error, which pops up every time I reset?

ill try to test ur stuff out at a later build.. thnx for ur hard work :)


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
A new Version (0.5.0) is now availiable at the link in the first post. It supports now one timezone for the whole ical file. this should also solve tubes problem.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
Thanks, but now the application crashes while reading the ics. I guess it could have something to do with having HTML in the body.
N">\n<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server ve
rsion 08.00.0681.000">\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<!-- Converted f
rom text/rtf format -->\n\n<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Mytext\,</
FONT>\n</P>\n\n<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">MytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytextMytext</FONT></P>\n\n<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">Gruß</FONT>\n\n<BR><FO
NT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">mytext</FONT>\n</P>\n<BR>\n\n<P><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="A


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
no its not because of the html. its because of some strange/unclear definitions in the ical standard. i tested it with this file which should be similar to your file and fixed the problems.

A new version (0.5.1) is now availiable with some improvements for MS outlook compatibility.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
Thanks for your support, but I still get an AppCrash with this ics file:

PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN
DESCRIPTION:00:30 - 10:00\n\nxxx Mür\nRrts\n\n-->
SUMMARY:H. lai - Ion


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
Yes, it is Outlook 2003.

Now the import works, but I still got the timezone problem with this one.
Appointment in Outlook: 06:00 - 17:00
Imported appointment: 04:00 - 15:00

I did some tests with Outlook 2007 with importing an ics which contains a whole day. Time Zone issue is considered somehow: the start time is correct there, but the end time is +2h in every item.

Also I get the string "LANGUAGE=de:" in front of every subject line.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
i changed the way the timezones are handled and fixed the problem with the LANGUAGE=de with the new version 0.5.3.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
Seems to be still 0.5.2 on your server :(

Would there be a possibility to add an option to delete all calendar entries? This would make testing easier because windows mobile does not offer this option.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
Seems to be still 0.5.2 on your server :(

Would there be a possibility to add an option to delete all calendar entries? This would make testing easier because windows mobile does not offer this option.

now is the realy the new one. sorry.

do you mean deleting all appointments without adding new ones?


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2005
LANGUAGE=de is fixed, thanx.
The timezone problem still persists:
Appointment in Outlook: 06:00 - 17:00
Imported appointment: 04:00 - 15:00

> do you mean deleting all appointments without adding new ones?
Yes, exactly!


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Very useful... with some improvements waited

excellent and very useful program!
now I have only 2 problems, and by priority:

* all my appointements have 2 hours difference... I think its because of summertime in france (gmt+2)... could it be possible to have a choice before importing and after parsing to adjust the gmt+x ???
would be perfect with that... for exemple, just a 2 keys "+" or "-" to adjust the x from the GMT...

* also problem with utf8 or ascii characters... special ones are replaced by "?" ... the same option as above (to choose the character encoding format before import) would be very nice...

Thanks for you useful tool!:)


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
a new version (0.5.4) ist now availiable.

LANGUAGE=de is fixed, thanx.
The timezone problem still persists:
Appointment in Outlook: 06:00 - 17:00
Imported appointment: 04:00 - 15:00

> do you mean deleting all appointments without adding new ones?
Yes, exactly!

1) m i right that you tested with a ical file from outlook 2003? this should work also now. if not please take a quick look athe the beginning of the ical file and check if there is something similar to this
TZID:(GMT-6:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

and if it is please post the text between BEGIN:VTIMEZONE/END:VTIMEZONE

2) it is in now. you can find it at the "others" tab

excellent and very useful program!
now I have only 2 problems, and by priority:

* all my appointements have 2 hours difference... I think its because of summertime in france (gmt+2)... could it be possible to have a choice before importing and after parsing to adjust the gmt+x ???
would be perfect with that... for exemple, just a 2 keys "+" or "-" to adjust the x from the GMT...

* also problem with utf8 or ascii characters... special ones are replaced by "?" ... the same option as above (to choose the character encoding format before import) would be very nice...

Thanks for you useful tool!:)

thank you :)

1) please also check your icl file for the timezone which should be specified at the beginning like i told tube.

2) yeah it should be possible to find a solution. would you be so nice to post some faulty characters here? thx


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2007
1) please also check your icl file for the timezone which should be specified at the beginning like i told tube.

2) yeah it should be possible to find a solution. would you be so nice to post some faulty characters here? thx

1) in fact I haven't specified it, and as I have all corrected by hand now (70 appointments) I have not really the time to test again... sorry... But to add another thing I have seen is that the hour difference was of 2 hours at the begining, and 1 hour at the end of my export, which looks normal as it is winter time... does your program makes the difference for winter/summertime? If not this should be also an option to tick ON/OFF, because depending on your ics file it could be managed in different manners...

2) I have just checked my ics file and this is not your program fault but my own source which does not code correctly the characters like é, è, à, ...etc...

so thanks again for your program and I will check new version ;)


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2008
1) in fact I haven't specified it, and as I have all corrected by hand now (70 appointments) I have not really the time to test again... sorry... But to add another thing I have seen is that the hour difference was of 2 hours at the begining, and 1 hour at the end of my export, which looks normal as it is winter time... does your program makes the difference for winter/summertime? If not this should be also an option to tick ON/OFF, because depending on your ics file it could be managed in different manners...

2) I have just checked my ics file and this is not your program fault but my own source which does not code correctly the characters like é, è, à, ...etc...

so thanks again for your program and I will check new version ;)

if the timezones are specified correctly in the icl file it will also calculate correct times for winter/summertime

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  • 4
    A Android version is now available:

    Windows Mobile app for importing iCalendar appointments/tasks (iCalParse)

    • Import appointments/tasks direct from iCal files (*.icl, *.ics). It is also possible to chose which appointments/tasks should be imported and which not.
    • Enables support for more features than the original Windows Mobile calendar has. eg. Recurrence Dates or Exclusion Dates.
    • Make a quick look at the appointments/tasks stored in the iCal files.
    • Replace all appointments/tasks on the device with appointments/tasks stored in an iCal file.
    • Filtering of Tasks/Appointments
    • Update old and add new appointments/tasks from an iCal file.
    • Delete all appointments/tasks stored on the device.
    • Export all appointments stored on the device to an iCalendar file.
    • Export all tasks stored on the device to an iCalendar file.
    • Encrypt private informations.
    • Timezone support.
    • Customize calendar informations
    • Define custom categories for the imported appointments/tasks.
    • Remove HTML/CSS tags from the description of the appointments.
    • Enhanced possibilities to replace strings which are added to the appointments/tasks automatically from the PIM Application with custom ones.
    • Load and Parse ICal files direct from the Internet (HTTP/HTTPS/WEBCAL/WEBCALS/CALDAV)
    • .icl and .ics files are associated to the program.
    • Auto syncing
    • Logging
    • Commandline Options
    • Fingerfriendly landscape/portrait mode aware GUI
    • CALDAV Support for two way synchronization
    • Two way synchronization
    • Usage statistics

    • Windows Mobile Pro 5 - 6.5
    • .Net 3.5

    Why I wrote this program:
    I’m using an alternative OS and I also often get different iCal Files with important appointments (from friends, university, work). So before I wrote the program I had to import the iCal files to different programs (e.g. Outlook, Evolution and so on) to get it synced. I also always had to import my personal calendar to Outlook or so because I use rainledar for my own appointments. Because I think that this is not the best way for handling this I wrote iCalParse. With this program I can simply import iCal files direct on my phone.

    To import calendars available on the Internet
    To import a calendar which is available over the Internet just download and install the new app version. Then start it go to the others tab (the OT button on the bottom) and then press the "config webIcals" button. Then press the "new Web Ical Source" button. Add the user name and password if there is any and then the url where to find the calendar. Then select the protocol. Use http if it available over http/https/webcal/webcals. The autosync period number is important for the autosync option. If the number is 0 the webical will never be synced with the autosync. If it is 1 it will be synced every autosync, if it is 2 every second sync, 3 every third and so on. Then click the save button. Now you have to tell the app that you want to download calendar informations over the intertnet. So you have to activate the "Load from the web" option at the Options tab (The Op button)
    Afterwards you can parse/load and import the calendar like normal by just pressing the Parse button and then the import button at the Action tab. Or you can use the autosync feature.

    To Use CALDAV for two way synchronization
    Often web calendars support CALDAV. CALDAV is a open protocol to sync calendar information in both ways (server to phone and phone to server). To use CALDAV your CALENDAR must support it. Then start it go to the others tab (the OT button on the bottom) and then press the "config webIcals" button. Add the user name and password if there is any and then the url where to find the calendar. Then select the protocol. Use caldav if it available over CALDAV. Important is that there has to be a single slash (/) at the end of the url. Then click the save button. Now you have to tell the app that you want to download calendar informations over the intertnet. So you have to activate the "Load from the web" option at the Options tab (The Op button). And you have to tell the app that you want to sync from the phone to server not only from the server to the phone so that you have to active the "Use two way caldav sync" option.
    Afterwards you can parse/load and import the calendar like normal by just pressing the Parse button and then the import button at the Action tab. Or you can use the autosync feature. During the parse operation (parse button) the changes on the device will be synced to the server if the "use two way caldav sync" option is enabled.

    The CALDAV feature was confirmed to work with:
    Google calendar
    The url for your google calendar has the following format [ [ your Google Calendar ID ] /events/ ].
    Your Google Calendar ID for your primary calendar is just your email address, but for all other calendars the Calendar ID will be in the form of [ long string of characters] You can get the Calendar ID by clicking the down arrow next to your calendar at and selecting 'Calendar Settings'.
    Be sure to use https in your URL, as an http address will not work.
    DAViCal (
    The url for your DAViCal calendar has the following format [ https://[yourDomain]/caldav.php/cal...sabredav/"]
    The url for your sabredav calendar has the following format [ http://[yourDomain]/sabredav/calend.../"]iCalParse[/U][/B]

    version 0.4.9
    initial release
    version 0.5.0
    improved timezone support
    version 0.5.1
    improvements for MS outlook compatibility
    version 0.5.2
    improvements for MS outlook compatibility
    version 0.5.3
    improved timezone support, supports more ical features
    version 0.5.4
    improved timezone support
    version 0.5.5
    improved error handling
    improved database
    if a appointment is not checked in the overview tab it will not be added to the calendar or updated so you can select the appointments which should be imported
    version 0.5.5
    improved timezone support
    version 0.6.1
    Valarm will now be ignored
    Improvements at the export function
    if an error occurs during the parsing process detailed informations about the error will be displayed
    version 0.6.2
    improved ical parsing
    version 0.6.3
    improved ical parsing
    version 0.6.4
    performance improvements
    line numbers shown are now more accurate (should be just one or two line difference)
    its now possible to use the timezone of the device to calculate times (check the checkbox "Use device timezone" at the options tab, below the checkbox you will see the name of timezone the programm will use for calculation )
    version 0.6.6
    i changed a lot at the recurrence handling but there are some limitation by pocket outlook.
    version 0.6.7
    i made some changes at the time calculation based on the devices timezone because sometimes there has been an error where the calculated time had overwritten the old one and sometimes not (seems to be a problem in the .net framework).
    changed rrule handling.
    more detailed error messages will be displayed if an update/add of an appointment fails
    version 0.6.8
    fixed a problem with negative UTC offset
    version 0.7.0
    some more checks to calculate correct start/end times for an appointment, if a timezone is specified, under different circumstances.
    version 0.7.1
    New Option "Create Reminders" checkbox at the options tab. If this checkbox is checked the programm will create reminders if a reminder is specified in the ical file.
    ersion 0.7.3
    support of more than one timezone (if the timezones are specified in the ical file)
    support for really long location strings
    support for really long subjects strings
    version 0.7.5
    enhancements for the timezone handling
    its now possible to define a category for an whole ical file (define the name of the category on the Other tab and check the Use custom category checkbox on the Options tab) Categories which are defined in the ical file will be ignored if you use this feature.
    version 0.7.6
    improvements to the category feature. the feature will now not override the old categories it will be added as a new category to the appointments
    improvements at the rrule handling.
    version 0.7.7
    new option to remove html tags from the appointment description
    version 0.8.0
    it can import tasks (VTODO) now.
    better feedback for the user
    version 0.8.2
    removes CSS from description (if remove html from description checkbox is checked)
    new use substitute list option.
    if the option is checked the program will use and parse the SubstituteList.txt stored in the program directory. The first line defined in the file will always be replaced by the second line. So if the content of the file is for example:

    X-KDE-TEXTFORMAT=HTML will be replaced by nothing and \, will be replaced by ,
    version 0.8.3
    fixes problems with the importing of tasks
    version 0.8.5
    the app can now load ical files from the internet and parse it. to use this feature check the load from the web Checkbox at the options tab. the program will parse WebICalsList.txt in the program folder. you can define an ical source per line and you must use this format:
    username;password;URI for example: user;pass;
    new version 0.8.6
    .icl and .ics files are now associated to the ICalParser
    new version 0.8.9
    the webIcalList.txt can now be encrypted so the user/password/uri are secured
    its now possible to export tasks wich are stored on the device to an ical file
    internal improvements
    new version 0.9.1
    internal improvements
    better support for https connections
    the gui is now more finger friendly
    new version 0.9.2
    enhanced rrule handling
    new version 0.9.3
    enhanced feedback for the user if the load ical from the web feature is used
    fixes for the ical download if there are more than one ical resource in your webicallist
    internal improvements
    new version 0.9.4
    added contact informations
    new options for choosing if you want to import only tasks/appointments
    its now possible to delete only tasks or only appointments
    new version 0.9.5
    implemented the exdate feature (handles exceptions for recurrences)
    new version 0.9.8:
    new Logging feature
    enhanced rrule handling
    supporting the ATTENDEE/recipient feature
    support autosync
    gui enhancements
    new version 0.9.9:
    enhanced rrule handling
    enhanced exdate handling
    new version 1.0.0:
    Fixed a problem with the autosync feature
    enhanced user feedback
    new version 1.0.5:
    enhanced user feedback
    enhanced GUI
    fixed a problem with the loading of a saved configuration during startup
    new version 1.0.6:
    enhanced exdate feature
    internal improvements
    new version 1.0.7:
    added delayed autostart option: the app will wait 30 seconds before it trys to sync so that e.g. wlan can connect.
    some autostart enhancements so that the device does not fall in sleep mode during parsing.
    new version 1.0.8:
    fixed a problem with the update of already existing appointments
    new version 1.0.9:
    supports now the rdate feature (only if the add appointments/asks and delete old ones option is used)
    performance improvements if the update appointments/tasks option is used.
    internal improvements
    new version 1.1.0:
    fixed update appointments problem
    new version 1.1.2:
    the app got a new database format. the app will update your database at the first import
    it's now also possible to update rdates at appointments
    fixed a problem with attendees which have an mail address but no name defined
    internal improvements
    new version 1.1.4:
    added copy/Paste to the category textbox and paste to the password textbox at the others tab
    some rrule enhancements which addresses wavedyellow errorreports
    a fix for the export appointment problem
    enhanced export appointments (supports the rdate feature now)
    new version 1.1.6:
    enhanced export features
    enhanced rrule handling
    supports reccurence Id
    enhanced appointments updating
    new version 1.1.8:
    enhanced database
    enhanced export features (it can export exdate now if the appoitment has not been altered after the import)
    fixed the problem with the autosync which happens to often
    new version 1.1.9:
    fixed a problem that it was not possible to import tasks which have no due date defined
    new Commandline Options to start a single autosync.
    There are two command line options available:
    The App will use the autosync feature and start repeatedly.
    The App will use the autosync feature and start only once.
    new version 1.3.0:
    improved EXDATE parsing
    dramatically improved timezone handling and time calculation (completely rewritten that code, it supports now the full ical 2.0 & 1.0 standard without any limitations, the code is now much more reliable)
    Database improved
    improved export feature
    removed Use device timezone option it is not longer necessary
    changed the whole way date values are handled by the app
    new version 1.3.1:
    fixed a problem with tasks which have no start date defined
    new version 1.3.3:
    handlint the status at tasks
    improved rrule handling
    improved logging
    new version 1.3.5:
    fixed a problem with time handling
    fixed a problem with the gui
    new version 1.3.6:
    fixed a problem with .net which sometimes handled local time values as utc value and sometimes not.
    new version 1.3.9:
    new option: Delete only objects imported with iCalParse. if activated and used together with the add appointments/tasks and delete old ones option iCalParse will only delete appointment/tasks which where previous imported with iCalParse
    improved attendee handling
    improved date handling
    fixed a problem that i was sometimes not possible so sync more than one websource at a single autosync
    fixed a problem with updating objects
    improved database
    new version 1.4.2:
    enhanced logging
    enhanced gui (supports now landscape and portrait mode, more fingerfriendy, uses the your displayspace better)
    enhanced tasks export
    enhanced rrule parsing
    new version 1.5.1:
    fixed a possible problem with appointments which use reccurenceids
    added a new filtering tab/option which filters the appointments/tasks before the import
    enhanced gui
    fixed an problem with the export of appointments
    caldav import support
    improved web downloading
    enhanced ical parsing
    fixed a problem with timezone parsing
    enhanced timezone parsing (Support X-WR-Timezone)
    enhanced database
    changed user feedback if an exdate is not specified correctly
    changed download state visualisation
    changed webicalist ical source definition
    new version 1.5.3:
    enhanced gui
    enhanced filtering
    enhanced logging
    fixed a problem with exporting (UID was always the same value)
    new version 1.5.4:
    enhanced rrule handling
    new version 1.5.5:
    enhanced rrule handling
    new version 1.5.7:
    improved database for caldav
    enhanced database
    enhanced hashcalculation
    added a new option for setting every parsed appointment/task sensitivity as private during parsing
    new version 1.6.0
    database improvements
    internal improvements for caldav support
    export task improvements
    export appointments improvements
    huge hash calculation improvements (important for caldav and exporting)
    fixed a problem with the parsing of all day events togehter with timezones
    enhanced gui
    enhanced logging
    new version 1.6.2:
    fixed a problem with importing of appointments with RECURRENCE-ID if the reccurence-id date is also an exdate value
    fixed a problem with parsing exdates
    enhanced exdate handling if the exdate is specified with an timezone
    gui enhancements
    statistics (starts, handled appointments, .....)
    some style improvement at the manual on my page so it should be better to read
    new version 1.6.3:
    fixed a problem with language definitions at summary/location/description
    fixed a problem that an error was reported befor the webIcaldownload starts
    new version 1.6.6:
    new gui interface for creating/editing/deleting webical sources
    fixed a problem with icalendar files generated by outlook
    new version 1.8.0:
    enhanced logging
    fixed problem receiving caldav appointments
    fixed possible problem updating caldav appointments
    fixed possible problem deleting caldav appointments
    new appointments on the device will now only be synced to the first defined caldav source
    fixed a possible ssl problem
    enhanced export (appointments/tasks)
    better webicalsource creation
    improved caldav handling
    fixed a parse/import problem with a windows mobile limitation with recurrences that should go on forever
    fixed a possible problem the the database could get corrupted
    enhanced exporting (UID creation)
    enhanced caldav upload (informations stored in db correctly)
    fixed a webcal/webcals download problem
    changed http download error handling
    fixed a problem exporting tasks/appointments (monthybynumber, yearbynumber reccurencetype)
    new version 1.8.1:
    fixed a exporting problem (; at the file end)
    speed up exporting
    better uid generation
    new version 1.8.3:
    performance improvements at caldav parsing
    fixed some possible exporting problems
    enhanced exporting
    new version 1.8.5:
    database performance improvements
    improved RECURRENCE-ID handling
    new version 1.8.6:
    fixed rdate handling bugs and it is now supporting the full ical 2.0 standard
    enhanced html quotes handling
    fixed a possible reccurence id problem (caused by exporting errors of other pim applications)
    new version 1.8.7:
    added new option > caldav speedup
    new version 1.8.8
    changed uid generation
    new version 1.8.9:
    changed installtion so webicallist.txt and SubstituteList.txt wont be resetted at the installtion
    new option "Don't parse attendees". Attendees will not be parsed/imported
    new version 1.9.0:
    fixed a importing/parsing problem
    fixed a problem with miss formed valarmnew
    new version 1.9.1:
    fixed a caldav upload problem
    new version 1.9.2:
    internal enhancements to support caldav tasks/todos sync (not finished yet)
    fixed a bug at the rrule handling
    new version 1.9.4:
    enhanced logging
    got caldav sync with sabredav working
    enhanced timezone handling if only on standard time is used
    a standard timzone handling error fixed
    fixed a possible caldav update/delete bug if more than a single caldav source has been used
    new version 1.9.5:
    fixed a typo
    fiexed a problem with yearly reccurences
    Really a greeeat tool, thanks! Works perfect with private url of my google calendar (line in WebICalsList.txt)

    1) Can I set a reminder for that imported entries from google calendar? Like "15 min before"...
    (I can set a reminder on google calendar site on every appointment but only E-Mail or Pop-Up :eek:)

    2) For icals provided in I have to use which line in WebICalsList.txt?
    Example for FC Bayern München:
    Code: this looks like a public google calendar url?! I have no user/pass for that...
    Should I do

    3) Are webcal:// links supported? There are thousands urls on for example... like
    How to add such ics urls in WebICalsList.txt?


    P.S.: I wrote you an email regarding beta test and question(s).

    1) if you have added a popup reminder you probably should get a reminder on the device. and you have to activate the Create Reminders option. have you tried it?

    2) yes this should work

    3) instead of webcal:// write

    i got your e-mail. and yes with caldav you will be able to get a two way sync with google calendar. like i posted before the beta testers will get new informations/software next week.
    Hello, is this app still valid for Win 10 Mobile and if yes, how do I install it on my phone, I can't find the app in the store. Thanks and regards, Pingpong

    The app this thread is focusing on is designed for Windows Mobile up to version 6.5, there is a more recent one which you can find here
    However, that one is only designed for Android maybe you can use it of one of your other devices.