[UTILITY] Lua 5.1 tools: compiler, decompiler, snippets & extendable lua.dll with SDK

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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
In my case I should change the l_0_0 and l_1_0 etc right? You added an entire landscape function set that the original didn't have, that's because it's an example or is this the actual code I should use?

No, I only fixed the decompilation of the main body (removed the l_0_0 lines because they don't have to be there) and put the first 8 lines of the function to both to the landscpae and the portrait part of the conditional statement. If you look closer the function body you'll see it's the same except for these 8 lines


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Hmm, must have missed that part somewhere. I thought the luadisasm program was run by the luadecguess program?

So which file do you run against the luadisasm program? And is this where you would see a line similar to the 121 closure?

all of my tool (except luadec) uses the disassembled output of luadisasm to analyze the file (imho it's a great tool, better than chunkspy to help analyze files). For complex scripts where the decompiler failed (usually complex conditional statements) I use it's output to help me correct the file.

Of course you have to run luadisasm on the original (ascii) compiled lua file and analyze that yourselves. You'll find the appropriate line in the beginning (around line 121+10 more exactly)


Senior Member
Oct 26, 2006
Just want to say thanx for your work:)
Its making manila development easier)
Btw, I reversed by myself several scripts long time ago and know wht's a boring operations (especialy where many IF and ELSE operations present) :)

Just for information:
Your tool shows this after decompiling homebackground.luac
BackgroundImageLoaded = function(loc_0, loc_1)
   if loc_1 == 1 then
      HomeBackground.TextureCoords.width = loc_0.TextureCoords.width
      HomeBackground.TextureCoords.height = loc_0.TextureCoords.height
       -- DECOMPILER ERROR: Confused about usage of registers, missing locals? Creating them

      local loc_3 = loc_0.TextureCoords.height * loc_0.Image.Height
       -- DECOMPILER ERROR: Confused about usage of registers, missing locals? Creating them

      local loc_2 = loc_0.TextureCoords.width * loc_0.Image.Width
      if loc_0.TextureCoords.width * loc_0.Image.Width / BackgroundWidth < loc_0.TextureCoords.height * loc_0.Image.Height / BackgroundHeight then
         HomeBackground.Size.height = loc_3 / (loc_2) * BackgroundWidth
         HomeBackground.Size.width = BackgroundWidth
         HomeBackground.Size.width = loc_2 / loc_3 * BackgroundHeight
         HomeBackground.Size.height = BackgroundHeight
      HomeBackground.Position.x = (BackgroundWidth - HomeBackground.Size.width) / 2
      HomeBackground.Position.y = -(BackgroundHeight - HomeBackground.Size.height) / 2
      InterpolateOpacity(100, HomeBackground)
      if HomeTitleBar ~= nil and _application.Store:GetIntValue(Lifetime_Application, "ShowCacheHomePage") == 1 then
         HomeTitleBar.Opacity.value = 60
         _application.Navigation.TabTrayOpacity = 60
         loc_2 = LoadDefaultBackground
      loc_2 = collectgarbage
      loc_3 = "collect"
      loc_2 = nil
      BackgroundAsyncImageLoader = loc_2
       -- Warning: missing end command somewhere! Added here

When I manually reversed same script before (in manila 1) I got
function BackgroundImageLoaded(param0,param1)
	if(param1==1) then
		HomeBackground.TextureCoords.width = param0.TextureCoords.width;
		HomeBackground.TextureCoords.height = param0.TextureCoords.height;
		local loc2 = param0.TextureCoords.width * param0.Image.Width;
		local loc3 = param0.TextureCoords.height * param0.Image.Height;
		local loc4 = loc2/BackgroundWidth;
		local loc5 = loc3/BackgroundHeight;
		if (loc4<loc5) then
			HomeBackground.Size.height = loc3/loc2*BackgroundWidth;
			HomeBackground.Size.width = BackgroundWidth;
			HomeBackground.Size.width = loc2/loc3*BackgroundHeight;
			HomeBackground.Size.height = BackgroundHeight;
		HomeBackground.Position.x = (BackgroundWidth - HomeBackground.Size.width)/2;
		HomeBackground.Position.y = -(BackgroundHeight - HomeBackground.Size.height)/2;
		if (HomeTitleBar~=nil and _application.Store:GetIntValue(Lifetime_Application, "ShowCacheHomePage") ) then
			HomeTitleBar.Opacity.value = 60;
			_application.Navigation.TabTrayOpacity = 60;
BackgroundAsyncImageLoader = nil;

And this is an absolutly right code for this function. May be this info can help you somehow
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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
damn... this is getting easier... I miss the 50+ function scripts ;)

273 scripts ready. This new package includes

  • two embedded scripts from somewhere
  • ringtone
  • stock
  • stock_rearrange
  • transitiondelay
  • weathercitypicker
  • email/email_letterlist
  • internetportal/google_search
  • people/peoplecategoryglobal

I've found another undecompilable "error" (the last one was a rounding error introduced by using Q16.16->double->Q16.16 conversions). In one of the scripts (stock.lua) I've found a part where it reads "R3 < K25". But no matter what I tried I could only compile to "K25 > R3" Gave up after 15 minutes trying to solve this, so this one minor error is kept (I think the compiler was a bit changed in lua 5.1.4, HTC used lua 5.1.2). R3 < K25 is equal to K25 > R3 anyway...

Oh, and I forgot to mention the ususal disclaimer: If you use these scripts then blahblahblah


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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
You suck, :rolleyes: I haven't even been able to decompile the one file I've been working on the last couple weeks. :(

Wanna help me out since your flying through the ones your working on? :D

First I want to finish this TP2 project :)

Here are today's additions:

  • WorldClock/TimeUI
  • digitalclock
  • inforstocklistview
  • simpledialogscript
  • album/albumlistview
  • calendar/calendardayviewscript
  • people/peoplecalllog
  • people/peopleemail
  • people/peoplemessageselector
  • people/peopleselectaccountpage
  • worldclock/alarmedit
  • 4 embedded scripts from somewhere

Total body count: 288
Only 68 left. Enjoy.


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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
So. Calif.
First I want to finish this TP2 project :)

Hey, I'll take whatever help you can give. In the meantime, I'll continue trying to figure it out mainly because I want to learn it and be able to do it whenever I need to as well.

Hey, I was also thinking, what if you updated your earlier tutorial and showed a step by step (with your current tools) on one of the files your currently working on? That would be a great help as well. But I don't want to take you away from pumping out the ones you are.
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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Decompiling tutorial part 1

First you have to get acquainted to the disassembly output of a script. There are two tools that will disassemble lua scripts: luadisasm and chunkspy. I usually prefer the first, because it's output is easier to read, but it doesn't output numbers in Q16.16 format. For chunkspy D-MAN made a Q16.16 version, but I don't really like chunkspy's output.

EDIT: luadec 1.9 and 2.0 can now diassembly scripts, so luadisasm is not needed anymore. Use luadec -dis filename to get a disassembly view of the lua files. Also luaconv is no more needed, if I refer to luaconv/luadisasm in this tutorial then don't care about them. Compare and luadecguess still works, but luadecguess is usually not needed anymore, because luadec 2.0 has built-in guessing capabilities (but they might break, so feel free to read theese sections too)

For scripts larger than 10kb, or for scripts where there are too many differences according to compare's output you simply can't live without the disassembled output

So first do this:

luadisasm.exe 1a335681_manila.luac > dis

If I'm disassembling at job where I have two monitors I usually put the disassembly on the secondary monitor, so I can always look at it.

Let's look at it's output. It is separated into functions, beginning with the main block. For each function (including the main block) it outputs the disassembly of the opcodes it encounters. Lets look at an opcode line:

 50 [-]: LOADNIL   R0 R0        ; R0 := nil

Each line of the disassembled output consits of the opcode number (50), the opcode (LOADNIL), the parameters of the operator (R0 K0) and a readable output after the semicolon (R0 := nil). I usually only read the part after the semicolon, because it usually tells you everything you have to know. As you have already lua uses registers to store information while running, and these registers are called R0, R1, R2, etc. Local variable declarations are also stored in registers, so if you declare a local in the file, lua will reserve the next free register to this new local variable. This is important, because it will show us where locals have been defined.

Let's look at another output we will analyze:

; Function #5:
; Name:            
; Defined at line: 170
; #Upvalues:       0
; #Parameters:     2 (R0, R1)
; Is_vararg:       0
; Max Stack Size:  16
; No locals information
; No upvalues

  1 [-]: GETTABLE  R2 R1 K0     ; R2 := R1["Namespace"]
  2 [-]: SELF      R2 R2 K1     ; R3 := R2; R2 := R2["FindName"]
  3 [-]: LOADK     R4 K2        ; R4 := "PhotoFrame"
  4 [-]: CALL      R2 3 2       ; R2 := R2(R3,R4)
  5 [-]: GETTABLE  R3 R1 K0     ; R3 := R1["Namespace"]
  6 [-]: SELF      R3 R3 K1     ; R4 := R3; R3 := R3["FindName"]
  7 [-]: LOADK     R5 K3        ; R5 := "Icon"
  8 [-]: CALL      R3 3 2       ; R3 := R3(R4,R5)
  9 [-]: GETTABLE  R4 R1 K0     ; R4 := R1["Namespace"]
 10 [-]: SELF      R4 R4 K1     ; R5 := R4; R4 := R4["FindName"]
 11 [-]: LOADK     R6 K4        ; R6 := "Title"
 12 [-]: CALL      R4 3 2       ; R4 := R4(R5,R6)
 13 [-]: GETTABLE  R5 R1 K0     ; R5 := R1["Namespace"]
 14 [-]: SELF      R5 R5 K1     ; R6 := R5; R5 := R5["FindName"]
 15 [-]: LOADK     R7 K5        ; R7 := "Select"
 16 [-]: CALL      R5 3 2       ; R5 := R5(R6,R7)

This is function number 5 (0 based, so this is function 5+1=6 in the decompiled output, with paramters like l_6_0, l_6_1, etc.), which has two parameters (R0, R1). Parameters, just like locals, take avay the free register slots. As you can see the first operator will operate on register R2, because R0 and R1 are taken.

Lua will always use the first free register to store it's data. If you have something like:


1st opcode: It will first load the "Namespace" component of R1 (l_6_1) into register 2.
2nd opcode: Then it will copy R2 to register R3, then replace R2 with "Namespace:Findname" (it will discard the old value of R2 (Namespace) because it's not needed anymore)
3rd opcode: It will load a string "PhotoFrame" into the next free register, which is R4, because both R2 and R3 are needed for the next opcode:
4th opcode: This will call the FindName function (stored in R2). This function takes two parameters: self (stored in R3) and "PhotoFrame" (stored in R4). After the call it will put it's result BACK into R2.

Why is the last sentence so important? Let's look at the 5th opcode. It will load l_6_1.Namespace into register R3. But why register R3? Because R2 is taken! And why is it taken? Because it seems we have declared a local at opcode 4!

This way the LDS for the first 5 opcode of this function would look like: ;;;;;;0,0,4 (declare R2 as local in the 6th function at opcode number 4. there are two zeros, which mean R0 and R1 are unneded, because they are parameters)

For knowing where to declare locals it's usually enough to look at the output and see which the first free register is. If, for a while you can only see things like R2 := xxx, or R2[xxx] := xxx, or R2(xxx,xxx,xxx) then R2 is usually not a local. But after a while you stop getting R2's and start gettin R3's then you can be sure that the last line you encountered an assignment to R2 (Something like R2 := xxx), then there is R2 defined as a local.
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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Decompiling tutorial part 2

After you have guessed where locals are, have run luadec with the LDS, and after it had output something (and did not crash), and it's output looks nice (there aren't too many "DECOMPILER ERROR"s in the output), then it's time to start fixing the output. Fixing is usually done by running the compare script:

compare.exe 1a335681_manila.luac 1a335681_manila.luac.lua

This will compile the second parameter, and compare it's disassembly output to the disassembly of the first parameter (original). If there are compile errors you have to correct them. If you can't correct them, it's usually easier to simply comment out the block where the errors are. USually the problems are with missing, or too much "end" commands, or with too much "else", etc. The other usual bug with the decompiled output is when the decompiler declares too much local (yes, it's a problem too :) ) This is very easy to spot. Let's look at a usual bug:

l_3_0 = trace
l_3_1 = "CheckValidItem IsRmovePage"
l_3_0 = OnRemoveItemPress

Here. the decompiler thought both R0 and R1 are locals, but they are not. Fixing this is easy, but gets boring after a while:

trace("CheckValidItem IsRmovePage")

This bug gets very ugly, if it involves class function calls:

l_3_0 = _application
l_3_0(l_3_0, Softkey(Locale:GetString(""), Emptyfunction))
l_3_0 = l_3_0:SetRightSoftkey

This is fixed as below:

_application:SetRightSoftkey(Softkey(Locale:GetString(""), Emptyfunction))

As you can see I had to get the original object from line 1, the function from line 3, and the parameters from line 2. I also had to clear the first parameter, because this is a class function call, where the first parameter is always the caller (self)

If there are around 200 lines of code like this my eyeballs usually pop out :) but before I start compiling and comparing I have to do this tedious job of cleaning the output...


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Decompiling tutorial part 3

So, we have cleaned the output, and running compare will not output a compilation error, but a comparison of the two scripts. Let's continue from here.

What you love:

Main block:

What you hate:

Function 3:
  1> 11 [-]: GETGLOBAL R1 K0        ; R1 := PeopleListView

And if you only get outputs from the first type, then you are very very happy :)

Now, let's start fixing the output.
I always look at the first bug:

Function 3:
  1> 11 [-]: GETGLOBAL R1 K0        ; R1 := PeopleListView
  2> 11 [-]: GETGLOBAL R0 K0        ; R0 := PeopleListView

Compare will always print out the differences in the two files. odd lines will be from the original, even lines will be from the decompiled script. Let's look at the usual bugs.

In the previous code output you can clearly see, that in the original PeopleListView is assigned to R1, but in out script it's assigned to R0. What does this mean? LOCALS! Yep, you have to declare something as a local in function #3 (which is the fourth(!) function, never forget!) And it's around opcode number 11, which is around the beginning of the file. To fix it you can either search for the string "PeopleListView" around the beginning of function 4, and declare something BEFORE that as a local. If you don't know what to declare as local, then look at the opcode line 10 (or 9, or something), and declare that as local.

For example in our example the original line was:

   if PeopleListView:GetLayout() == nil then
   if PeopleListView:GetGenerator() == nil then

I added some comments:

   -- this is opcode number 7. Here the disassembly output is:
   -- 7 [-]: CALL      R0 2 2       ; R0 := R0(R1)
   -- this is where PeopleListView:GetLayout() was declared as a local
   if PeopleListView:GetLayout() == nil then
   -- this is opcode number 11. Here is the PeopleListView that is shown in the
   -- disassembly output 
   if PeopleListView:GetGenerator() == nil then

The fixed output is:
   local l_4_0 = PeopleListView:GetLayout()
   if l_4_0 == nil then
   if PeopleListView:GetGenerator() == nil then


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Decompiling tutorial part 4

The other usual bug is the following:

  1> 11 [-]: GETGLOBAL R1 K5        ; R1 := ContactObj
  2> 11 [-]: GETGLOBAL R1 K5        ; R1 := MyFavesUtilityObj

Here, in the original ContactObj is first, but in our script MyFavesUtilityObj is first. Lua will put the constants in the compiled output the same order it encounters them in the script. What could the previus bug mean?

Of course LOCALS!

Let's look at the script:

MyFavesUtilityObj:IsMyFavesContactyIDForLua(ContactObj.ContactList:GetOidStr(l_8_0 + 1))

As you can see here is a function call, which has one parameter. And look at it. In out script MyFavesUtilityObj comes first, but in the original output ContactObj should come first.

How to fix? Easy:

local cobj = ContactObj.ContactList:GetOidStr(l_8_0 + 1)

As you can see, now ContactObj is the first thing it will encounter and not MyFavesUtilityObj!

There is one more bug which is usual:

  1>  6 [-]: LE        0 K2 R0      ; if 0 > R0 then PC := 69
  2>  6 [-]: LE        0 K2 R0      ; if 0 > R0 then PC := 68
  1>  7 [-]: JMP       69
  2>  7 [-]: JMP       68
  1>  9 [-]: EQ        0 R1 K4      ; if R1 != 1 then PC := 30
  2>  9 [-]: EQ        0 R1 K4      ; if R1 != 1 then PC := 29
  1> 10 [-]: JMP       30
  2> 10 [-]: JMP       29


99 out of 100 cases you will HATE them!

Usually if the only difference between the original and the decompiled script is the location where they jump (the PC:=xxx part) then don't care about them, unless you have fixed the rest of the script (I mean the locals). If there are only conditional statements left, then you will have a hard time guessing how this have to be done. Usually this means the structure of the conditionals are not right. For example instead of

 if blah then
   if blah then

you have to put:

 if blah then
   if blah then

And similar. Use common sense in these cases. Usually if you read the script and guess about what it does you will know how to fix these issues. In other cases the disassembly output might help, because it will show you where the jumps are. This is the part of the decompilation process which involves the most thinking usually. But after a while this part gets easy as well :)


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Decompiling tutorial part 5

Here are two incorrectly decompiled scripts to play with. They doesn't have too much bugs in them, but show the usual errors one have to fix in order to get a fully decompiled script, so they are good for testing the skills you've learned with the previous tutorials :) I didn't touch any of them, so if you manage to succesfully decompile them, you can say that you've already decompiled a script yourselves... all alone :)

I didn't decompile them yet, so if you want to help me out, you might try to do them yourselves, before I get to them ;)


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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008

New additions:

  1. 4 embedded scripts
  2. citypicker
  3. simpledialogscript
  4. stock_chart
  5. stock_setting
  6. people/contactobject
  7. people/contactpickerallscript
  8. people/contactpickerscript
  9. people/favoritesetting
  10. people/peopledetailselectnumber
  11. people/peopledialogbase
  12. people/peoplefavoriteglobal
  13. people/peopleselectcontactscript
  14. internetportal/bookmarkedit
  15. internetportal/internetpush_frequencysettings


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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
So. Calif.
Here's a question, why does the disassembler swap the == and ~= relational operators?

For instance, the disassembled output shows the following,
  2 [-]: EQ        0 R2 K1      ; if R2 != "windowsmobile" then PC := 12

but the decompiled output shows the same line like this,
   if l_1_2 == "windowsmobile" then


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
So. Calif.
Here's another question. Why are the -f options in luadec and compare different values?

For instance, if I run a compare like this,
compare -f 0 1f3be060_manila_1583A.luac f3be060_manila_1583A.luac.lua

I have to run the following to get the same function with luadec,
luadec -f 1 1f3be060_manila_1583A.luac

one is using -f 0 the other -f 1 which is confusing.


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Here's a question, why does the disassembler swap the == and ~= relational operators?

For instance, the disassembled output shows the following,
  2 [-]: EQ        0 R2 K1      ; if R2 != "windowsmobile" then PC := 12

but the decompiled output shows the same line like this,
   if l_1_2 == "windowsmobile" then

The VM of lua is not structural. It goes from top to bottom, and if it encounters a JMP operator it will jump to the specified opcode. What this means that if it encounters something like

if blah then

then if blah is TRUE then it does nothing, and this is the right thing to do, because if TRUE, then you want to run the things following the if. But, if blah is FALSE then you have to jump through the hole sequence between the "if" and the "end" That's why the disassembled output shows (usually) the inverse what you have to write (it shows when to jump, and not when not to jump).

This is confusing a lot of times unfortunately, and there are a lot of bugs involving this too (this is mostly why the decompiler fails to decompile complex conditionals with lots of 'and', 'or' and 'elseif' parts... Unfortunately that part of the decompiler is not clear to me, the original code of luadec had no comments, and it had a very unreadable code)


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
Here's another question. Why are the -f options in luadec and compare different values?

For instance, if I run a compare like this,
compare -f 0 1f3be060_manila_1583A.luac f3be060_manila_1583A.luac.lua

I have to run the following to get the same function with luadec,
luadec -f 1 1f3be060_manila_1583A.luac

one is using -f 0 the other -f 1 which is confusing.

Yes I know about that... this is unfortunately because luadisasm is 0 based, but luadec is 1 based. Half a while during the decomp I thought I might change this, but I got used to this anomaly so much I was confused after I did the changes... After I finish this whole decomping stuff I might correct this glitch...

Btw I never use the -f option of compare, that was only added so luadecguess could compare by function too. I usually get a good looking output with all the functions, correct it, so it compiles, then run compare without any fancy parameters, and press CTRL+C after it outputs some errors. Then I correct the errors, run compare again, CTRL+C, etc. until compare says "same" for everything.


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 21, 2008
LuaDec 0.7


LuaDec 0.7 released.

This release contains a major bugfix considering OP_TFORLOOP fucntionality and conditional handling as well. I hope the changes I made in the conditional handling won't break anything that worked, but it shouldn't (actually it should make decompiling more error-free). A lot of decompilation erros and crashes were caused by these bugs, but now they should be gone...

I'm on EDGE currentyl so I can only release the modified file, will upload the whole package on monday.


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Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
So. Calif.
Can you think of any reason why luadec (version 6 and now 7) with the -l option wouldn't output anything?

I tried it with and without the -l option. With the -l option just prints the following,
C:\Documents and Settings\user1\My Documents\My Software\Mobile Software\lua51_tf3d_beta_6>luadec -l ;;0,11,32;;0,17,38;;;;;;;5;;0,3,6,16,26;0,34;14,35;;;;;;;49,100,221;;0,0,223;;;;21,29;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;19;;0,0,5;8;;;;; .\27a13690_hd\27a13690_manila.luac
-- Decompiled using luadec 0.7 by sztupy (http://winmo.sztupy.hu)
-- Command line was: -l ;;0,11,32;;0,17,38;;;;;;;5;;0,3,6,16,26;0,34;14,35;;;;;;;49,100,221;;0,0,223;;;;21,29;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;19;;0,0,5;8;;;;; .\27a13690_hd\27a13690_manila.luac

without the -l it outputs the decompile fine, but not as helpful.

Also, I tried it with the version 5 and it works fine with the -l option. So I re-downloaded version 6 tried it again and installed the version 7 both with the same results when it comes to the -l option.
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    I still haven't been able to figure out where this is actually referring too. I see similar situation in other lua files. But in each case, I've been unable to locate where or what it's actually trying to do. :confused:

    They are dialogs (as their name suggests). They are defined in manila.xml (26948339_manila). They seem to be like some kind of "embedded mode9" files

    <PageGroup Name="settings">
      <PageGroup Name="updatesanddata">
        <Page Order="0" Name="updatesanddata.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_UPDATESANDDATA]]" Default="true" >
          <ComponentReference Name="page"  Mode9Path="HTC\settings.mode9" Component="UpdatesAndDataPageComponent" SmartComponent="true"  />