[APP][DEV][GUIDE] Using the Android Java Internal/Hidden API classes

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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 6, 2011
Using Java Reflection with Eclipse ADT to Access Internal/Hidden API classes.


We present a way to access all the Internal and Hidden Java packages/classes
in the AOS. To do this we need to both repackage the Android.jar and hack the
Eclipse ADT plugin, to allow using these internal packages.


Do NOT post general questions/requests on how to
do this or that, they will not be answered here.
DO post if you have additional tricks, hacks or
information that can help/benefit this tutorial.



There are two reasons one cannot use internal packages. One reason is that, if
you're using Eclipse as your development platform, those packages are
internally blocked in the Eclipse ADT plugin. Second reason is that the normal
development android.jar runtime does not contain those *.class files that
belong to the internal packages.

"There is no easy way to use com.android.internal package (internal API) or
anything marked with @hide attribute (hidden API) without using reflection.
That’s because android.jar file does not contain classes from internal and
hidden API and because of this nobody can reference those classes in compile

Thus we need to first restore the "original" android.jar which will allow us
to use internal and hidden APIs. But the runtime equivalent of Android SDK’s
android.jar file is framework.jar. This file is located in the
/system/framework/ directory of your device. We will extract and use this for
our pleasure.

The general procedure:
A) Grab the "full" framwork.jar from your device
B) extract the class files
C) add them to "full" android.jar ??
D) Hack the Eclipse ADT plugin jar.

Finally, NOTHING would have been possible without the excellent step-by-step
instructions on the devmaze-blog by senior Android developer Ievgenii Nazaruk
(aka. "inazaruk"). THANK YOU Ievgenii!
Last edited:


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 6, 2011
The General Procedure

NOTE: All this was performed on Windows Vista with Cygwin.
(1) Grab BOOTCLASSPATH from init.rc

Find the line in your init.rc file that reads something like:
[SIZE=2]export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar[/SIZE]
Extract and reformat the path to:
(2) Grab the "framework" from your device

Create a working directory somewhere, let's call it "_framework":
[SIZE=2]mkdir ./_framework[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cd _framework[/SIZE]
Grab all the framework files from your device:
[SIZE=2]adb pull /system/framework .[/SIZE]
Rename directory if needed.

NOTE-1: From now on I'll assume you know where you are!
NOTE-2: Most GB 2.3.4+ devices uses .odex'ed files,
with name pairs like: <package>.jar and <package>.odex.
These need to be converted.

(3) Use baksmali with (1)

You can also use baksmali with the switch: -d <framwork-dir>.
The general command is something like below, but in windows there may be "wrappers"
that allow you to just type "baksmali" without the "java -jar" prefix and without
the ".jar" post fix. Anyway here is the command I used:
[SIZE=2]java -Xmx1024m -jar ./../../baksmali.jar -a 10 -c :core.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:core-junit.jar -x framework.odex[/SIZE]
==> This results in all files put in the "out" sub-directory.
This directory contain 3 sub-directories (for GB 2.3.4):
[I]android        [/I](Hidden APIs)
[I]com        [/I](Internal APIs)
[I]javax        [/I](Hidden APIs)
NOTE: If you are using Google's own API's, you will probably also need to add
those packages to the path above. (Eg. Email.jar, etc etc ?)

(4) Then use smali to create a dex file from "out" directory

java -jar smali.jar out
==> creates out.dex from "out" directory.

(5) Run dex2jar on out.dex

[SIZE=2]./dex2jar.bat out.dex[/SIZE]
==> creates out_dex2jar.jar
(This .jar contain close to 4900 files at 12 MB!)

(6) Rename "out_dex2jar.jar" to "framework-classes.zip"

[SIZE=2]mv out_dex2jar.jar framework-classes.zip
unzip framework-classes.zip[/SIZE]

(7) Find and copy your Android SDK's android.jar file

Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/android-X/android.jar
where X is the API level of interest. This obviously have to match the
API level of the files you extracted from your device in: /system/framework .

This .jar file contain more than 5300 files when expanded, but missing all
the internal packages. Our job is to add them back in.

Let's first make a copy that we can use to expand and add files from (6):
cp android.jar custom-android.zip 
unzip custom-android.zip

(8) Add all *.class files from (6) in to (7)

Copy and replace all existing *.class files from framework-classes.zip into
[SIZE=2]cp -R /path/to/framework-classes/* /path/to/custom-android/.[/SIZE]
The root content of that directory should then look something like this:
(9) Rename directory and create your new "classy-android.jar"

We rename it so not confuse with the original:
mv custom-android classy-android
zip classy-android
mv classy-android.zip classy-android.jar
Make absolutely sure that the folder structure of your zip archive
is exactly the same as what you intended. To check, unzip the file
and see if it is what you (and eventually Eclipse) would expect.
(For example, if you use 7zip to zip a directory file called "test",
into "test.zip", you may end-up extracting it to ./test/test/... )

(10) Enabling & Restricting Access to classy-android.jar

Instead of just replacing the android.jar with classy-android.jar, we choose
to create a customized Android platform. This way you can enable the Internal
and Hidden API's for those projects requiring them, while other standard
projects doesn't have access to those.

(a) Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/
and copy the relevant directory (for example):
cp -R android-10 android-10-internals
(b) Replace android.jar with your classy-android.jar:
cp classy-android.jar android.jar
("cp" overwrites!)

(c) Edit the build.prop file:
Edit/replace the following lines:
[SIZE=2]ro.build.version.sdk=10         ==>     ro.build.version.sdk=[COLOR=Black][B]-10[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]ro.build.version.release=2.3.3  ==>     ro.build.version.release=2.3.internal[/SIZE]
(11) Customizing the Eclipse ADT

In order to be able to use com.android.internal packages in the Eclipse ADT,
you have to disable the internal protection mechanism of the plugin, that
prevent you to use these libraries. You can see this by right-clicking on your
project package and navigate to:
[SIZE=2]==>  Properties  ==>  Java Build Path  ==>  Libraries (tab) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]-->  Android 2.x.x  --> android.jar [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]--> "Access rules: 1 rule defined": [B][COLOR=Red](X)[/COLOR][/B] [B]Forbidden: com/android/internal/**[/B][/SIZE]
This can not be removed (bug?), even though the interface allows changing, it
never persists after closing the Properties window. So we have to hack it!

The way to do it, is to hexedit the correct java class file and change the
name from "internal" to "internax". First let's find the correct file. The
plugin file is located in the ./eclipse/plugins/ directory, and its name is
something like:
(a) make a backup copy of this (with the exact name preserved) in another directory.
(b) make a another copy of this in another directory.
(c) unzip (b) in that directory

[SIZE=2]cp com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]unzip hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cd hacked_adt[/SIZE]
This is a huge directory system, so forget poking around in it,
just go to the correct sub-directory:
[SIZE=2]cd ./com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/[/SIZE]
Then find the correct file and the approximate string location within that file:
[SIZE=2]strings.exe -f -4 -t x ./*.class |grep "android\/internal"[/SIZE]
It happens to be in "AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class". Now, use a
hexeditor to find and change the string "com/android/internal/**"
to "com/android/internax/**". That will do it!

Now zip-up your hacked jar directory and copy it over the old one.
(Remember that "cp" overwrites without warning!)
[SIZE=2]zip hacked_adt[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]cp hacked_adt.zip /path/to/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar[/SIZE]
You Are Done!
Enjoy your newly hacked Eclipse!

If you get any errors;
1. make sure you have zipped up everything properly as warned before.
2. make sure you have included Google API packages in your BOOTCLASSPATH in step (3).
3. Try to "clean-up" the Java by: "Right-Click" ==> Source ==> "Clean Up...".
4. Google them
5. Ignore them
6. Give up. Not! But I can't help you!

If it still doesn't work, try to download inazaruk's pre-compiled set of internal android.jar's from here.
(For android 7,8,10,15.)

Last edited:


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 6, 2011
Following the instructions in posts 1-2 above, may not always work. It is not known to me at this time, why it shouldn't. One theory is that it can have something to do with how Eclipse and Android.jar is packaging their files and the resulting sizes.

This was mentioned in this Stackoverflow post:
"Jar files: why does extracting then compression a jar file create a file of a different size to the original?"

Then reading the man pages for "jar" we can inform ourselves with:
[SIZE=2]       c    Creates a new archive file named jarfile (if f is specified) or to
            standard  output  (if  f  and  jarfile are omitted). Add to it the
            files and directories specified by inputfiles.

       u    Updates an existing file jarfile (when f is specified)  by  adding
            to it files and directories specified by inputfiles. 

       x    Extracts files and directories from jarfile (if f is specified) or
            standard  input  (if  f and jarfile are omitted). If inputfiles is
            specified,  only  those  specified  files  and   directories   are
            extracted. Otherwise, all files and directories are extracted.

       t    Lists  the  table  of contents from jarfile (if f is specified) or
            standard input (if f and jarfile are omitted).  If  inputfiles  is
            specified,  only those specified files and directories are listed.
            Otherwise, all files and directories are listed.

       i    Generate index information  for  the  specified  jarfile  and  its
            dependent jar files. 

More info is provided here:

The JAR Overview @

The JAR File Specification @

The JARIndex Spec @

JAR Tutorial @

pack200 Reference Page @

Another theory is that it may have something to do with what seem to be, that Google have revoked the the use of MODIFY_PHONE_STATE since Android 2.3, and that this influences the Eclipse behavior, when using and modifying older android.jar's. This was mentioned here and here.

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Oct 25, 2012
Hi, thanks for the info, I made it using linux and worked really nice, these were the lines that I used, hope be useful.

This is my Android folder at home
├── eclipse
├── ndk
├── platforms-internals
├── sdk
└── tools

Start an avd running the desired API to modify in this case API-17
$ emulator -avd avd_api_17 -no-window &

Get the framework
$ cd ~/Android/
$ mkdir _framework
$ cd _framework
$ adb -s emulator-5554 pull /system/framework .

$ adb -s emulator-5554 shell cat init.rc | grep BOOTCLASSPATH > bootclasspath

I didn't have the tools used in this tutorial, so I included the steps for getting them

Decompile with baskmali
$ cd ~/Android/tools
$ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/baksmali-1.4.2.jar
$ cd ~/Android/_framework
$ java -Xmx1024m -jar ../tools/baksmali-1.4.2.jar -a 17 -c core.jar:core-junit.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:telephony-common.jar:mms-common.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:apache-xml.jar -x framework.odex

The parameter -a for baksmali refers to the API we are working with.

Generate out.dex with smali
$ cd ~/Android/tools
$ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/smali-1.4.2.jar
$ cd ~/Android/_framework
$ java -jar ../tools/smali-1.4.2.jar out

Get internal and hidden classes using dex2jar
$ cd ~/Android
$ wget https://dex2jar.googlecode.com/files/dex2jar-
$ unzip dex2jar-
$ rm dex2jar-
$ cd _framework/
$ ../tools/dex2jar- out.dex
$ unzip out-dex2jar.jar -d framework-classes

Add these classes to plataform's default android.jar
$ cd ~/Android
$ unzip  sdk/platforms/android-17/android.jar -d custom-android
$ cp -r _framework/framework-classes/* custom-android/
$ rm -r _framework
$ cd custom-android
$ zip -r ../custom-android.jar *
$ cd ..
$ rm -r custom-android

Create new extended platform
$ cd ~/Android
$ cp -r sdk/platforms/android-17 platforms-internals/android-17-internals
$ mv custom-android.jar platforms-internals/android-17-internals/android.jar
$ vi platforms-internals/android-17-internals/build.prop


$ ln -s ~/Android/platforms-internals/android-17-internals ~/Android/sdk/platforms/android-17-internals

I use a symlink for keep it a little organized

Hack ADT
$ cd ~/Android
$ unzip eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar -d hacked_adt

Go to right folder
$ cd hacked_adt/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/

Find file where is our desired string
$ strings -f -a -t x * | grep "android\/internal"

Edit with an hex editor
$ bless AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class &
Here we change the l for the x.

Replace original file making a backup
$ cd ~/Android
$ cp eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar.original
$ cd hacked_adt/
$ zip -r ../eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar *
$ cd ..
$ rm -r hacked_adt

This worked for me... thanks E:V:A

I got just one error related to a dropbox class, but i think this is not important... hope that
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Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 6, 2011
...Start an avd running the desired API to modify in this case API-17... This worked for me... I got just one error related to a dropbox class, but i think this is not important...

Thanks and sorry for late reply. I'm very happy to hear these instructions still works with API-17! Could you also upload your hacked JAR somewhere so that people can save some time when experimenting?

I was just here to check-in and try to bump this thread to see if it is still useful to anyone.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2011
Bellevue, WA
Thanks and sorry for late reply. I'm very happy to hear these instructions still works with API-17! Could you also upload your hacked JAR somewhere so that people can save some time when experimenting?

I was just here to check-in and try to bump this thread to see if it is still useful to anyone.

ive got access to ActivityManager's hidden methods.

I want to use the removeTask method, but it keeps saying that I dont have the REMOVE_TASKS permissions even though I added it to the manifest (and turned off lint).

Permission Denial: removeTask() from pid=9963, uid=10179 requires android.permission.REMOVE_TASKS


Inactive Recognized Developer
Dec 6, 2011
Does someone know if there are any automated tools to do/performs steps 1-9?

I'd like to see a tool to automatically pull (from phone), extract and create a compatible android.jar.

@Mohammad_Adib: Sorry, this is the wrong thread for those type of questions.

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    Using Java Reflection with Eclipse ADT to Access Internal/Hidden API classes.


    We present a way to access all the Internal and Hidden Java packages/classes
    in the AOS. To do this we need to both repackage the Android.jar and hack the
    Eclipse ADT plugin, to allow using these internal packages.


    Do NOT post general questions/requests on how to
    do this or that, they will not be answered here.
    DO post if you have additional tricks, hacks or
    information that can help/benefit this tutorial.



    There are two reasons one cannot use internal packages. One reason is that, if
    you're using Eclipse as your development platform, those packages are
    internally blocked in the Eclipse ADT plugin. Second reason is that the normal
    development android.jar runtime does not contain those *.class files that
    belong to the internal packages.

    "There is no easy way to use com.android.internal package (internal API) or
    anything marked with @hide attribute (hidden API) without using reflection.
    That’s because android.jar file does not contain classes from internal and
    hidden API and because of this nobody can reference those classes in compile

    Thus we need to first restore the "original" android.jar which will allow us
    to use internal and hidden APIs. But the runtime equivalent of Android SDK’s
    android.jar file is framework.jar. This file is located in the
    /system/framework/ directory of your device. We will extract and use this for
    our pleasure.

    The general procedure:
    A) Grab the "full" framwork.jar from your device
    B) extract the class files
    C) add them to "full" android.jar ??
    D) Hack the Eclipse ADT plugin jar.

    Finally, NOTHING would have been possible without the excellent step-by-step
    instructions on the devmaze-blog by senior Android developer Ievgenii Nazaruk
    (aka. "inazaruk"). THANK YOU Ievgenii!
    The General Procedure

    NOTE: All this was performed on Windows Vista with Cygwin.
    (1) Grab BOOTCLASSPATH from init.rc

    Find the line in your init.rc file that reads something like:
    [SIZE=2]export BOOTCLASSPATH /system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/services.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar[/SIZE]
    Extract and reformat the path to:
    (2) Grab the "framework" from your device

    Create a working directory somewhere, let's call it "_framework":
    [SIZE=2]mkdir ./_framework[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]cd _framework[/SIZE]
    Grab all the framework files from your device:
    [SIZE=2]adb pull /system/framework .[/SIZE]
    Rename directory if needed.

    NOTE-1: From now on I'll assume you know where you are!
    NOTE-2: Most GB 2.3.4+ devices uses .odex'ed files,
    with name pairs like: <package>.jar and <package>.odex.
    These need to be converted.

    (3) Use baksmali with (1)

    You can also use baksmali with the switch: -d <framwork-dir>.
    The general command is something like below, but in windows there may be "wrappers"
    that allow you to just type "baksmali" without the "java -jar" prefix and without
    the ".jar" post fix. Anyway here is the command I used:
    [SIZE=2]java -Xmx1024m -jar ./../../baksmali.jar -a 10 -c :core.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:core-junit.jar -x framework.odex[/SIZE]
    ==> This results in all files put in the "out" sub-directory.
    This directory contain 3 sub-directories (for GB 2.3.4):
    [I]android        [/I](Hidden APIs)
    [I]com        [/I](Internal APIs)
    [I]javax        [/I](Hidden APIs)
    NOTE: If you are using Google's own API's, you will probably also need to add
    those packages to the path above. (Eg. Email.jar, etc etc ?)

    (4) Then use smali to create a dex file from "out" directory

    java -jar smali.jar out
    ==> creates out.dex from "out" directory.

    (5) Run dex2jar on out.dex

    [SIZE=2]./dex2jar.bat out.dex[/SIZE]
    ==> creates out_dex2jar.jar
    (This .jar contain close to 4900 files at 12 MB!)

    (6) Rename "out_dex2jar.jar" to "framework-classes.zip"

    [SIZE=2]mv out_dex2jar.jar framework-classes.zip
    unzip framework-classes.zip[/SIZE]

    (7) Find and copy your Android SDK's android.jar file

    Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/android-X/android.jar
    where X is the API level of interest. This obviously have to match the
    API level of the files you extracted from your device in: /system/framework .

    This .jar file contain more than 5300 files when expanded, but missing all
    the internal packages. Our job is to add them back in.

    Let's first make a copy that we can use to expand and add files from (6):
    cp android.jar custom-android.zip 
    unzip custom-android.zip

    (8) Add all *.class files from (6) in to (7)

    Copy and replace all existing *.class files from framework-classes.zip into
    [SIZE=2]cp -R /path/to/framework-classes/* /path/to/custom-android/.[/SIZE]
    The root content of that directory should then look something like this:
    (9) Rename directory and create your new "classy-android.jar"

    We rename it so not confuse with the original:
    mv custom-android classy-android
    zip classy-android
    mv classy-android.zip classy-android.jar
    Make absolutely sure that the folder structure of your zip archive
    is exactly the same as what you intended. To check, unzip the file
    and see if it is what you (and eventually Eclipse) would expect.
    (For example, if you use 7zip to zip a directory file called "test",
    into "test.zip", you may end-up extracting it to ./test/test/... )

    (10) Enabling & Restricting Access to classy-android.jar

    Instead of just replacing the android.jar with classy-android.jar, we choose
    to create a customized Android platform. This way you can enable the Internal
    and Hidden API's for those projects requiring them, while other standard
    projects doesn't have access to those.

    (a) Go to: /path/to/android-sdk-windows/platforms/
    and copy the relevant directory (for example):
    cp -R android-10 android-10-internals
    (b) Replace android.jar with your classy-android.jar:
    cp classy-android.jar android.jar
    ("cp" overwrites!)

    (c) Edit the build.prop file:
    Edit/replace the following lines:
    [SIZE=2]ro.build.version.sdk=10         ==>     ro.build.version.sdk=[COLOR=Black][B]-10[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]ro.build.version.release=2.3.3  ==>     ro.build.version.release=2.3.internal[/SIZE]
    (11) Customizing the Eclipse ADT

    In order to be able to use com.android.internal packages in the Eclipse ADT,
    you have to disable the internal protection mechanism of the plugin, that
    prevent you to use these libraries. You can see this by right-clicking on your
    project package and navigate to:
    [SIZE=2]==>  Properties  ==>  Java Build Path  ==>  Libraries (tab) [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]-->  Android 2.x.x  --> android.jar [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]--> "Access rules: 1 rule defined": [B][COLOR=Red](X)[/COLOR][/B] [B]Forbidden: com/android/internal/**[/B][/SIZE]
    This can not be removed (bug?), even though the interface allows changing, it
    never persists after closing the Properties window. So we have to hack it!

    The way to do it, is to hexedit the correct java class file and change the
    name from "internal" to "internax". First let's find the correct file. The
    plugin file is located in the ./eclipse/plugins/ directory, and its name is
    something like:
    (a) make a backup copy of this (with the exact name preserved) in another directory.
    (b) make a another copy of this in another directory.
    (c) unzip (b) in that directory

    [SIZE=2]cp com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]unzip hacked_adt.zip[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]cd hacked_adt[/SIZE]
    This is a huge directory system, so forget poking around in it,
    just go to the correct sub-directory:
    [SIZE=2]cd ./com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/[/SIZE]
    Then find the correct file and the approximate string location within that file:
    [SIZE=2]strings.exe -f -4 -t x ./*.class |grep "android\/internal"[/SIZE]
    It happens to be in "AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class". Now, use a
    hexeditor to find and change the string "com/android/internal/**"
    to "com/android/internax/**". That will do it!

    Now zip-up your hacked jar directory and copy it over the old one.
    (Remember that "cp" overwrites without warning!)
    [SIZE=2]zip hacked_adt[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]cp hacked_adt.zip /path/to/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_18.0.0.v201203301601-306762.jar[/SIZE]
    You Are Done!
    Enjoy your newly hacked Eclipse!

    If you get any errors;
    1. make sure you have zipped up everything properly as warned before.
    2. make sure you have included Google API packages in your BOOTCLASSPATH in step (3).
    3. Try to "clean-up" the Java by: "Right-Click" ==> Source ==> "Clean Up...".
    4. Google them
    5. Ignore them
    6. Give up. Not! But I can't help you!

    If it still doesn't work, try to download inazaruk's pre-compiled set of internal android.jar's from here.
    (For android 7,8,10,15.)

    Hi, thanks for the info, I made it using linux and worked really nice, these were the lines that I used, hope be useful.

    This is my Android folder at home
    ├── eclipse
    ├── ndk
    ├── platforms-internals
    ├── sdk
    └── tools

    Start an avd running the desired API to modify in this case API-17
    $ emulator -avd avd_api_17 -no-window &

    Get the framework
    $ cd ~/Android/
    $ mkdir _framework
    $ cd _framework
    $ adb -s emulator-5554 pull /system/framework .

    $ adb -s emulator-5554 shell cat init.rc | grep BOOTCLASSPATH > bootclasspath

    I didn't have the tools used in this tutorial, so I included the steps for getting them

    Decompile with baskmali
    $ cd ~/Android/tools
    $ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/baksmali-1.4.2.jar
    $ cd ~/Android/_framework
    $ java -Xmx1024m -jar ../tools/baksmali-1.4.2.jar -a 17 -c core.jar:core-junit.jar:bouncycastle.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:telephony-common.jar:mms-common.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar:apache-xml.jar -x framework.odex

    The parameter -a for baksmali refers to the API we are working with.

    Generate out.dex with smali
    $ cd ~/Android/tools
    $ wget https://smali.googlecode.com/files/smali-1.4.2.jar
    $ cd ~/Android/_framework
    $ java -jar ../tools/smali-1.4.2.jar out

    Get internal and hidden classes using dex2jar
    $ cd ~/Android
    $ wget https://dex2jar.googlecode.com/files/dex2jar-
    $ unzip dex2jar-
    $ rm dex2jar-
    $ cd _framework/
    $ ../tools/dex2jar- out.dex
    $ unzip out-dex2jar.jar -d framework-classes

    Add these classes to plataform's default android.jar
    $ cd ~/Android
    $ unzip  sdk/platforms/android-17/android.jar -d custom-android
    $ cp -r _framework/framework-classes/* custom-android/
    $ rm -r _framework
    $ cd custom-android
    $ zip -r ../custom-android.jar *
    $ cd ..
    $ rm -r custom-android

    Create new extended platform
    $ cd ~/Android
    $ cp -r sdk/platforms/android-17 platforms-internals/android-17-internals
    $ mv custom-android.jar platforms-internals/android-17-internals/android.jar
    $ vi platforms-internals/android-17-internals/build.prop
    $ ln -s ~/Android/platforms-internals/android-17-internals ~/Android/sdk/platforms/android-17-internals

    I use a symlink for keep it a little organized

    Hack ADT
    $ cd ~/Android
    $ unzip eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar -d hacked_adt

    Go to right folder
    $ cd hacked_adt/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/project/

    Find file where is our desired string
    $ strings -f -a -t x * | grep "android\/internal"

    Edit with an hex editor
    $ bless AndroidClasspathContainerInitializer.class &
    Here we change the l for the x.

    Replace original file making a backup
    $ cd ~/Android
    $ cp eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar.original
    $ cd hacked_adt/
    $ zip -r ../eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_22.0.4.v201307151829--741630.jar *
    $ cd ..
    $ rm -r hacked_adt

    This worked for me... thanks E:V:A

    I got just one error related to a dropbox class, but i think this is not important... hope that