[Q] Android Reverse Tethering Connected But No Internet

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Jun 27, 2014
USB Tunnel is showing : Service is running. Connected !
UDP Connection : 1 or 0 (It changes after few seconds)
TCP Connection : 0

Please help !

06-28 11:06:20:426 W/I Tool version : 3.19
06-28 11:06:20:426 W/I adb.exe
06-28 11:06:20:426 W/I aapt.exe
06-28 11:06:20:609 W/I Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31

06-28 11:07:55.67 A/W process (237) :  create_local_service_socket() name=shell:rm /data/data/service.tracetool/app_bin/rt.txt

06-28 11:07:56.26 A/D process (376) :  BDC-Delivered broadcast: Intent { act=TTServiceStart flg=0x10 cmp=service.tracetool/.TTBroadcastReceiver }, ordered=true, app=ProcessRecord{41df1ad0 11728:service.tracetool/u0a86}, receiver=android.os.BinderProxy@41854170
06-28 11:07:56.27 A/D process (11728) :  BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { act=TTServiceStart flg=0x10 cmp=service.tracetool/.TTBroadcastReceiver }, ordered=true, receiver=service.tracetool.TTBroadcastReceiver@414b9060
06-28 11:07:56.27 A/D process (376) :  SVC-Sent arguments: ServiceRecord{41e33698 service.tracetool/.SocketService}, app=ProcessRecord{41df1ad0 11728:service.tracetool/u0a86}, args=Intent { act=service.tracetool.SocketService.ACTION (has extras) }, flags=0
06-28 11:07:56.27 A/D process (11728) :  BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { act=TTServiceStart flg=0x10 cmp=service.tracetool/.TTBroadcastReceiver } packageName=service.tracetool resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
06-28 11:07:56.27 A/D process (11728) :  SVC-Calling onStartCommand: service.tracetool.SocketService@41573eb0, flags=0, startId=3
06-28 11:07:56.28 A/V process (376) :  enqueueNotificationInternal: pkg=service.tracetool id=1 notification=Notification(pri=0 contentView=service.tracetool/0x1090079 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x42 kind=[null])
06-28 11:07:56.28 A/V process (376) :  notifications are enabled for service.tracetool
06-28 11:07:56.28 A/V process (376) :  Assigned score=0 to Notification(pri=0 contentView=service.tracetool/0x1090079 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x42 kind=[null])
06-28 11:07:56.28 A/D process (376) :  pakage=service.tracetool,In NotificationMangerService, this notification soud, leds and vibrate enable
06-28 11:07:56.29 A/I  UsbThread3.run() needToBeClosed is true
06-28 11:06:23:925 W/I Wait java service
06-28 11:06:24:037 W/I waiting android server connection ... 1
06-28 11:07:56.37 A/I  UsbThread : thread main : wait current UsbThread to terminate 0
06-28 11:07:56.41 A/I  UsbThread3 : thread stopped
06-28 11:07:56.92 A/W process (237) :  create_local_service_socket() name=shell:ls /data/data/service.tracetool/app_bin/rt.txt
06-28 11:06:24:727 W/I Waiting for connection
06-28 11:07:57.11 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:57.18 A/I  TunnelController : thread stopped
06-28 11:07:57.38 A/D process (11728) :  SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@415723c8 startId=3 args=Intent { act=service.tracetool.SocketService.ACTION (has extras) }}
06-28 11:07:57.38 A/D process (376) :  SVC-Executing service done: ServiceRecord{41e33698 service.tracetool/.SocketService}, type=1, startId=3, res=1
06-28 11:07:57.38 A/I  UsbThread4 : usbServerSocket : Waiting for the host to connect
06-28 11:07:57.43 A/I  [STC::queueBuffer] this:0x52506760, api:2, last queue time elapsed :34047 ms
06-28 11:07:57.43 A/I  [0x52506760] frames:2, duration:35.013000, fps:0.057121
06-28 11:07:57.89 A/D process (376) :  ACT-AM_RESUME_ACTIVITY ActivityRecord{418b47b8 service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab} task:24
06-28 11:07:57.89 A/D process (11728) :  ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{41480090 token=android.app.LocalActivityManager$LocalActivityRecord@4147fa20 {service.tracetool/service.tracetool.UsbStatusActivity}}
06-28 11:07:57.89 A/D process (11728) :  ACT-AM_ON_RESUME_CALLED ActivityRecord{41464618 token=android.os.BinderProxy@41463e70 {service.tracetool/service.tracetool.MainServiceActivityTab}}
06-28 11:07:57.89 A/D  ACT-RESUME_ACTIVITY handled : 1 / android.os.BinderProxy@41463e70
06-28 11:07:57.92 A/V process (376) :  Activity idle: Token{41f700f0 ActivityRecord{418b47b8 service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab}}
06-28 11:07:57.97 A/V process (376) :  Changing focus from null to Window{41fc1cd0 service.tracetool/service.tracetool.MainServiceActivityTab paused=false}
06-28 11:07:57.97 A/I process (376) :  Gaining focus: Window{41fc1cd0 service.tracetool/service.tracetool.MainServiceActivityTab paused=false}
06-28 11:07:57.98 A/V  onWindowFocus: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView@41480c28 softInputMode=288 first=false flags=#8010100
06-28 11:07:57.98 A/V  Starting input: view=com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView@41480c28
06-28 11:07:57.98 A/V  Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41495d00 ic=null
06-28 11:07:57.98 A/V  START INPUT: com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView@41480c28 ic=null tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@41495d00 controlFlags=#101
06-28 11:06:26:821 L/D HOST : zhangl
06-28 11:06:26:821 L/D RELEASE : 4.1.1
06-28 11:06:26:823 L/D SDK : 16
06-28 11:06:26:826 L/D FINGERPRINT : Android/ha9_mul/ha9_mul:4.1.1/JRO03C/1361519906:eng/test-keys
06-28 11:06:26:827 L/D VM name : Dalvik
06-28 11:06:26:829 L/D OS Arch : armv7l
06-28 11:06:26:831 L/D Reverse tethering package version : 3.19
06-28 11:06:26:834 L/D Xposed installer : not installed, app_process : not found, XposedBridge.jar : not found
06-28 11:06:26:837 L/E Hack Connectivity Service not installed, mode : -1, trace : -1
06-28 11:07:58.00 A/V  Starting input: Bind result=InputBindResult{com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy@414ba9a0 com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME #199}
06-28 11:07:58.11 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:58.22 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:58.44 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:58.48 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:58.55 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:58.60 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:07:59.01 A/W process (237) :  create_local_service_socket() name=shell:/data/data/service.tracetool/app_bin/busybox21
06-28 11:07:59.12 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:08:00.12 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:06:28:445 W/I interfaces before script startccmni2(DOWN), ccmni0(DOWN), ccmni1(DOWN), tunl0(DOWN), lo(UP), ifb0(DOWN), ifb1(DOWN), sit0(DOWN), ip6tnl0(DOWN)
06-28 11:08:01.12 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:06:28:791 W/I no route
06-28 11:08:01.36 A/W process (237) :  create_local_service_socket() name=shell:/data/data/service.tracetool/app_bin/busybox21 route -n
06-28 11:06:28:815 L/D OnStart script 3.19
06-28 11:06:28:817 L/D Interface to use : "tunl0"
06-28 11:06:28:965 L/D ifconfig tunl0  netmask
06-28 11:06:29:070 L/D route add default gateway tunl0
06-28 11:06:29:522 L/D redirect all communications to TETHER chain
06-28 11:06:29:671 L/D forward tcp to native handler
06-28 11:08:02.12 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:06:30:536 L/D OnStart script done
06-28 11:08:03.12 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V      0     0 TETHER     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere            
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain TETHER (1 references)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V      0     0 REDIRECT   tcp  --  any    tunl0   anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:tcpmux:41999 redir ports 42200
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V      0     0 REDIRECT   tcp  --  any    tunl0   anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:42500:65535 redir ports 42200
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V      0     0 REDIRECT   udp  --  any    tunl0   anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:domain redir ports 42001
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain idletimer_nat_POSTROUTING (0 references)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain idletimer_nat_PREROUTING (0 references)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V  Chain natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING (0 references)
06-28 11:08:03.19 A/V   pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination         
06-28 11:06:31:170 L/D => setHackMode to 'Wifi' result : -1
06-28 11:08:03.64 A/V  cppMainTcpServerLoop : started
06-28 11:08:04.15 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:06:32:429 W/I interfaces after script startccmni2(DOWN), ccmni0(DOWN), ccmni1(DOWN), tunl0(UP), lo(UP), ifb0(DOWN), ifb1(DOWN), sit0(DOWN), ip6tnl0(DOWN)
06-28 11:06:32:851 W/I route : destination :, gateway :, output : tunl0
06-28 11:06:32:851 W/I route : destination :, gateway :, output : tunl0
06-28 11:06:32:851 W/I 
06-28 11:06:32:851 W/I Connection done
06-28 11:08:05.16 A/V process (376) :  service.tracetool/.MainServiceActivityTab: task=TaskRecord{41dbb1f8 #24 A service.tracetool U 0}
06-28 11:08:05.32 A/W process (237) :  create_local_service_socket() name=shell:/data/data/service.tracetool/app_bin/busybox21 route -n

Server List at 06-28 11:07:39:413
domain (53) : A->H : 17000 ,H->A : 0

DNS List (ok)[default] (ok)


New member
Jul 6, 2014
Oh hello there.
You just need to use your 3G or wifi for a couple of seconds, then you can turn it off and your Android Reverse Tethering will work correctly.
It worked for me.
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    Oh hello there.
    You just need to use your 3G or wifi for a couple of seconds, then you can turn it off and your Android Reverse Tethering will work correctly.
    It worked for me.