[NST] Root/Market & Setup Script Kit

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Senior Member
Aug 1, 2007
This is a simple guide and script from Start to Finish on how to root and install all needed programs to your Nook Touch. Enjoy :) If you find anything wrong with my script please let me know but I think I ironed out all the bugs during testing.

Disclaimer: Try not to break anything...and if you do its not my fault. If you think its broke hold the POWER button down for 20+ Seconds to Factory Reset the device.

Nook Simple Touch
WinRAR Archiver
512+MB/GB microSD
External USB/Internal USB Memory Card Reader
Dedicated Wifi Connection with Good/Excellent Signal!

Full Superuser Access
Updates are permanently blocked!
Unknown sources Enabled (install non-Market applications)
adb debugging is active [mostly for developers]
Ability to replace the Authors ****ty pictures
Ability to remap the left buttons to Menu & Back
Market Installed & Working! Login to YouTube with your GMAIL!

Software Included:
AdFree (Block those nasty ad's) [Wi-Fi needed]
Button Savior (Displays Softkeys)
gTab simi Clock (really awesome clock for your desktop)
Kindle (read your Kindle books on Nook, lol) [Wi-Fi needed]
LauncherPro (default launcher instead of Nook base launcher)
Superuser (provides a list of applications that use superuser access)


Step 1:
Run Win32DiskImager provided in this package. Select your 512MB or larger microSD card under Device. Be certain your microSD card drive letter is selected and not one of your hard drives. Click the little blue folder icon and find the img file “noogie.img”.
Once the image is selected click “Write”.

Step 2:
Safely eject your card and insert it in the nook while it’s completely powered off.
Plug in the USB cable and the light next to the USB plug will blink Green/Orange.

Step 3:

At this point you should see a Forever Rooted screen on the nook. Open Windows Explorer and find the drive labeled “boot”. Take note of the drive letter you will need it later on in the process.

Final Step:

Run xe-autonook.bat and follow the instructions


echo off
set /p rooted=Is your Nook touch Rooted yet (yes, no)? 
if '%rooted%'=='y' goto :rooted
if '%rooted%'=='yes' goto :rooted
if '%rooted%'=='Y' goto :rooted
if '%rooted%'=='YES' goto :rooted
if '%rooted%'=='N' goto :driveletter
if '%rooted%'=='NO' goto :driveletter
if '%rooted%'=='n' goto :driveletter
if '%rooted%'=='no' goto :driveletter
goto :root
echo Please make sure your on the Forever Rooted screen!
echo What drive letter is your boot drive?
echo It is labeled as "boot" in Windows Explorer.
set /p bootroot=Please type the Nooks drive letter (ie.  d,e,f,g): 
if '%bootroot%'=='a' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='b' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='c' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='d' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='e' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='f' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='g' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='h' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='i' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='j' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='k' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='l' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='m' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='n' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='o' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='p' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='q' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='r' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='s' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='t' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='u' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='v' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='w' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='x' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='y' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='z' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='A' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='B' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='C' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='D' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='E' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='F' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='G' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='H' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='I' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='J' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='K' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='L' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='M' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='N' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='O' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='P' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='Q' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='R' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='S' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='T' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='U' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='V' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='W' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='X' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='Y' goto :bootroot
if '%bootroot%'=='Z' goto :bootroot
goto :driveletter
echo We are now copying the uRamdisk
ren %bootroot%:\uRamdisk uRamdisk.old
copy .\mods\uRamdisk_rooted %bootroot%:\uRamdisk
echo *****************************
echo * Unplug you Nook Touch!    *
echo * Remove the SD Card!       *
echo * Hold Power for 10-15 sec  *
echo * Release Power and Turn on *
echo * Nook will boot as normal  *
echo *****************************
adb kill-server
echo Please connect the Nook to a Excellent or Good WIFI Signal!
echo While on the Nook press "n" and goto Settings then Wireless and...
echo Click the Wireless Network your connected to and get the IP address.
set /p ip=Enter the Nooks IP address: 

echo *****************************************
echo * We will now connect to the Nook Touch *
echo *****************************************
adb connect %ip%
set /p choice=Was the connection successful (yes, no)? 
if '%choice%'=='y' goto :connected
if '%choice%'=='yes' goto :connected
if '%choice%'=='Y' goto :connected
if '%choice%'=='YES' goto :connected
if '%choice%'=='N' goto :notconnected
if '%choice%'=='NO' goto :notconnected
if '%choice%'=='n' goto :notconnected
if '%choice%'=='no' goto :notconnected
goto :start

echo *****************************************
echo * We will create the directory .Android *
echo *  We will also create the adb_usb.ini  *
echo *   This is for future USB ADB access   *
echo *****************************************
md "%USERPROFILE%\.Android"
echo 0x2080 > "%USERPROFILE%\.Android\adb_usb.ini"
echo Success

echo ********************************
echo * Enabling non-market installs *
echo ********************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
sqlite3 settings.db "update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps';"
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
del settings.db
echo Success
ping -n 2 >NUL

echo **********************
echo * Installing SQLite3 *
echo **********************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push ./mods/sqlite3 /system/bin
ping -n 2 >NUL
echo Success

echo ***********************************
echo * Installing Superuser *
echo ***********************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb install ./apks/Superuser.apk
adb push ./mods/su /system/bin
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
ping -n 2 >NUL
echo Success

echo ************************
echo * Blocking OTA Updates *
echo ************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb pull /data/data/com.bn.devicemanager/databases/devicemanager.db devicemanager.db
sqlite3 devicemanager.db "update registry set value='manual' where name='com.bn.device.fota.mode';"
adb push devicemanager.db /data/data/com.bn.devicemanager/databases/devicemanager.db
del devicemanager.db
ping -n 2 >NUL
echo Success

set /p choice2=Convert Left Buttons to Back and Menu (yes, no)? 
if '%choice2%'=='y' goto :buttons
if '%choice2%'=='yes' goto :buttons
if '%choice2%'=='Y' goto :buttons
if '%choice2%'=='YES' goto :buttons
if '%choice2%'=='N' goto :removebooks
if '%choice2%'=='NO' goto :removebooks
if '%choice2%'=='n' goto :removebooks
if '%choice2%'=='no' goto :removebooks
goto :qbuttons

echo *******************************************
echo * Converting Left Buttons to (Back, Menu) *
echo *******************************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push ./mods/TWL4030_Keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030_Keypad.kl
adb shell chmod 644 /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030_Keypad.kl
ping -n 2 >NUL
echo Success

set /p choice3=Remove Quickstart Guide and Nook Manual from Library (yes, no)? 
if '%choice3%'=='y' goto :removeyes
if '%choice3%'=='yes' goto :removeyes
if '%choice3%'=='Y' goto :removeyes
if '%choice3%'=='YES' goto :removeyes
if '%choice3%'=='N' goto :wallpapers
if '%choice3%'=='NO' goto :wallpapers
if '%choice3%'=='n' goto :wallpapers
if '%choice3%'=='no' goto :wallpapers
goto :removebooks

echo ***************************************
echo * Removing User Guide and Quick Start *
echo ***************************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb shell rm /system/media/books/Quick_Start.epub
adb shell rm /system/media/books/User_Guide.epub
echo Success

set /p choice4=Replace Authors wallpapers with better ones (yes, no)? 
if '%choice4%'=='y' goto :replacepapers
if '%choice4%'=='yes' goto :replacepapers
if '%choice4%'=='Y' goto :replacepapers
if '%choice4%'=='YES' goto :replacepapers
if '%choice4%'=='N' goto :keepbooks
if '%choice4%'=='NO' goto :keepbooks
if '%choice4%'=='n' goto :keepbooks
if '%choice4%'=='no' goto :keepbooks
goto :wallpapers

echo ********************************************************
echo * Replacing Authors wallpapers with AWESOME wallpapers *
echo ********************************************************
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push ./screensaver/authors /system/media/screensaver/authors
echo Success

echo ******************************************
echo * Setting application permissions to 644 *
echo ******************************************
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*
ping -n 10 >NUL

echo ***************************
echo * Installing Applications *
echo ***************************
adb install ./apks/com.amazon.kindle-1.apk
adb install ./apks/NookColorTools_0.2.apk
adb install ./apks/com.smart.swkey-1.apk
adb install ./apks/com.bigtincan.android.adfree-1.apk
adb install ./apks/com.rhythm.hexise.uninst-1.apk
adb install ./apks/LauncherPro.apk
adb install ./apks/com.th.android.widget.gTabsimiClock-1.apk
echo **************************
echo * You Nook is rebooting! *
echo * Wait until rebooted... *
echo * Press the "n" Button   *
echo * Select the check box   *
echo * Select Launcher Pro    *
echo *                        *
echo *        Enjoy!          *
echo **************************
adb reboot
adb kill-server

echo ***********************************************
echo * There was a problem connecting to the Nook  *
echo * Your device might not be rooted correctly   *
echo * Your device might not be connected wireless *
echo * You might have typed the IP Address wrong   *
echo ***********************************************

Once all said and done update your Vending.apk with this one for updated market and WORKING SEARCH

Last edited:


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2010
Here's my workflow, feel free to use any of it you find useful. Since it's personal code, no error checking, etc. The directory /system/xbin is already in the path, but not present on the device -- I create it. adbWireless is very handy, it allows you to turn adbd off or on, a useful security addition for wifi. bash & busybox aren't required, but can make your life at the console a lot easier.

xboxexpert asked me to remove my code from his thread. Done.
Last edited:
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New member
Dec 19, 2008
Nice job!

Nice job, well done..

Only thing - missing pause at the end of the script after reboot and kill-server..


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2010
Which part of the script turns off the windows transitions and animations?

(I've done most of these things already, but I'm wondering what you mean by this item)


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
explorer .....

Im a simple instruction follower type, and every other device "WE" hack ?I fail to find a simple root explorer = way to install APKs, every other device, im like whoot they rooted it .... and then, wrestle with it
-gmail . apk
-dropbox .apk
All FAIL, through given webrowser

PLEASE, a lil how to actually "use" (abuse) a rooted nook?


Senior Member
Aug 1, 2007
Im a simple instruction follower type, and every other device "WE" hack ?I fail to find a simple root explorer = way to install APKs, every other device, im like whoot they rooted it .... and then, wrestle with it
-gmail . apk
-dropbox .apk
All FAIL, through given webrowser

PLEASE, a lil how to actually "use" (abuse) a rooted nook?

Download my kit. In the main directory there is the adb.exe here are some of the commands laid out for you to utilize

adb connect IP
Where the IP is is where you put the ip address of the nook. ie.

It will connect to the nook and you will be able to type
adb shell

Verify that # is what you see. type exit to exit adb.

Put any apk files in the directory and then type
adb install APKFILE.apk
It will install the apk file on your nook.

I hope I helped

adb disconnect (disconnects the nook)
adb kill-server (kills the server and quits all running processes of adb.exe)
adb reboot (reboots the nook if connected)
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Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009

I was thinking with this I could avoid any manual adb
nooktools or superuser had some secret explorer/APK launcher



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2006
Huntington, NY
Overdrive seems to work just fine...

Has anyone tried out the Kobo, Sony Reader, or Overdrive apps and had any luck?

I have it installed and it appears to operate correctly. However, I have never used it before. It launches the crippled default browser when connecting to my library and this can be problematic to browse and download content. I would think everything would work smoothly when using an alternative web browser.


Senior Member
May 18, 2010
I have it installed and it appears to operate correctly. However, I have never used it before. It launches the crippled default browser when connecting to my library and this can be problematic to browse and download content. I would think everything would work smoothly when using an alternative web browser.

Thanks for the response...but I listed 3 apps, which one did you get to try?
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    This is a simple guide and script from Start to Finish on how to root and install all needed programs to your Nook Touch. Enjoy :) If you find anything wrong with my script please let me know but I think I ironed out all the bugs during testing.

    Disclaimer: Try not to break anything...and if you do its not my fault. If you think its broke hold the POWER button down for 20+ Seconds to Factory Reset the device.

    Nook Simple Touch
    WinRAR Archiver
    512+MB/GB microSD
    External USB/Internal USB Memory Card Reader
    Dedicated Wifi Connection with Good/Excellent Signal!

    Full Superuser Access
    Updates are permanently blocked!
    Unknown sources Enabled (install non-Market applications)
    adb debugging is active [mostly for developers]
    Ability to replace the Authors ****ty pictures
    Ability to remap the left buttons to Menu & Back
    Market Installed & Working! Login to YouTube with your GMAIL!

    Software Included:
    AdFree (Block those nasty ad's) [Wi-Fi needed]
    Button Savior (Displays Softkeys)
    gTab simi Clock (really awesome clock for your desktop)
    Kindle (read your Kindle books on Nook, lol) [Wi-Fi needed]
    LauncherPro (default launcher instead of Nook base launcher)
    Superuser (provides a list of applications that use superuser access)


    Step 1:
    Run Win32DiskImager provided in this package. Select your 512MB or larger microSD card under Device. Be certain your microSD card drive letter is selected and not one of your hard drives. Click the little blue folder icon and find the img file “noogie.img”.
    Once the image is selected click “Write”.

    Step 2:
    Safely eject your card and insert it in the nook while it’s completely powered off.
    Plug in the USB cable and the light next to the USB plug will blink Green/Orange.

    Step 3:

    At this point you should see a Forever Rooted screen on the nook. Open Windows Explorer and find the drive labeled “boot”. Take note of the drive letter you will need it later on in the process.

    Final Step:

    Run xe-autonook.bat and follow the instructions


    echo off
    set /p rooted=Is your Nook touch Rooted yet (yes, no)? 
    if '%rooted%'=='y' goto :rooted
    if '%rooted%'=='yes' goto :rooted
    if '%rooted%'=='Y' goto :rooted
    if '%rooted%'=='YES' goto :rooted
    if '%rooted%'=='N' goto :driveletter
    if '%rooted%'=='NO' goto :driveletter
    if '%rooted%'=='n' goto :driveletter
    if '%rooted%'=='no' goto :driveletter
    goto :root
    echo Please make sure your on the Forever Rooted screen!
    echo What drive letter is your boot drive?
    echo It is labeled as "boot" in Windows Explorer.
    set /p bootroot=Please type the Nooks drive letter (ie.  d,e,f,g): 
    if '%bootroot%'=='a' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='b' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='c' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='d' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='e' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='f' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='g' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='h' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='i' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='j' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='k' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='l' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='m' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='n' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='o' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='p' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='q' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='r' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='s' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='t' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='u' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='v' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='w' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='x' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='y' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='z' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='A' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='B' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='C' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='D' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='E' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='F' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='G' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='H' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='I' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='J' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='K' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='L' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='M' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='N' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='O' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='P' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='Q' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='R' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='S' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='T' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='U' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='V' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='W' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='X' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='Y' goto :bootroot
    if '%bootroot%'=='Z' goto :bootroot
    goto :driveletter
    echo We are now copying the uRamdisk
    ren %bootroot%:\uRamdisk uRamdisk.old
    copy .\mods\uRamdisk_rooted %bootroot%:\uRamdisk
    echo *****************************
    echo * Unplug you Nook Touch!    *
    echo * Remove the SD Card!       *
    echo * Hold Power for 10-15 sec  *
    echo * Release Power and Turn on *
    echo * Nook will boot as normal  *
    echo *****************************
    adb kill-server
    echo Please connect the Nook to a Excellent or Good WIFI Signal!
    echo While on the Nook press "n" and goto Settings then Wireless and...
    echo Click the Wireless Network your connected to and get the IP address.
    set /p ip=Enter the Nooks IP address: 
    echo *****************************************
    echo * We will now connect to the Nook Touch *
    echo *****************************************
    adb connect %ip%
    set /p choice=Was the connection successful (yes, no)? 
    if '%choice%'=='y' goto :connected
    if '%choice%'=='yes' goto :connected
    if '%choice%'=='Y' goto :connected
    if '%choice%'=='YES' goto :connected
    if '%choice%'=='N' goto :notconnected
    if '%choice%'=='NO' goto :notconnected
    if '%choice%'=='n' goto :notconnected
    if '%choice%'=='no' goto :notconnected
    goto :start
    echo *****************************************
    echo * We will create the directory .Android *
    echo *  We will also create the adb_usb.ini  *
    echo *   This is for future USB ADB access   *
    echo *****************************************
    md "%USERPROFILE%\.Android"
    echo 0x2080 > "%USERPROFILE%\.Android\adb_usb.ini"
    echo Success
    echo ********************************
    echo * Enabling non-market installs *
    echo ********************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
    sqlite3 settings.db "update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps';"
    adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
    del settings.db
    echo Success
    ping -n 2 >NUL
    echo **********************
    echo * Installing SQLite3 *
    echo **********************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb push ./mods/sqlite3 /system/bin
    ping -n 2 >NUL
    echo Success
    echo ***********************************
    echo * Installing Superuser *
    echo ***********************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb install ./apks/Superuser.apk
    adb push ./mods/su /system/bin
    adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/su
    ping -n 2 >NUL
    echo Success
    echo ************************
    echo * Blocking OTA Updates *
    echo ************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb pull /data/data/com.bn.devicemanager/databases/devicemanager.db devicemanager.db
    sqlite3 devicemanager.db "update registry set value='manual' where name='com.bn.device.fota.mode';"
    adb push devicemanager.db /data/data/com.bn.devicemanager/databases/devicemanager.db
    del devicemanager.db
    ping -n 2 >NUL
    echo Success
    set /p choice2=Convert Left Buttons to Back and Menu (yes, no)? 
    if '%choice2%'=='y' goto :buttons
    if '%choice2%'=='yes' goto :buttons
    if '%choice2%'=='Y' goto :buttons
    if '%choice2%'=='YES' goto :buttons
    if '%choice2%'=='N' goto :removebooks
    if '%choice2%'=='NO' goto :removebooks
    if '%choice2%'=='n' goto :removebooks
    if '%choice2%'=='no' goto :removebooks
    goto :qbuttons
    echo *******************************************
    echo * Converting Left Buttons to (Back, Menu) *
    echo *******************************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb push ./mods/TWL4030_Keypad.kl /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030_Keypad.kl
    adb shell chmod 644 /system/usr/keylayout/TWL4030_Keypad.kl
    ping -n 2 >NUL
    echo Success
    set /p choice3=Remove Quickstart Guide and Nook Manual from Library (yes, no)? 
    if '%choice3%'=='y' goto :removeyes
    if '%choice3%'=='yes' goto :removeyes
    if '%choice3%'=='Y' goto :removeyes
    if '%choice3%'=='YES' goto :removeyes
    if '%choice3%'=='N' goto :wallpapers
    if '%choice3%'=='NO' goto :wallpapers
    if '%choice3%'=='n' goto :wallpapers
    if '%choice3%'=='no' goto :wallpapers
    goto :removebooks
    echo ***************************************
    echo * Removing User Guide and Quick Start *
    echo ***************************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb shell rm /system/media/books/Quick_Start.epub
    adb shell rm /system/media/books/User_Guide.epub
    echo Success
    set /p choice4=Replace Authors wallpapers with better ones (yes, no)? 
    if '%choice4%'=='y' goto :replacepapers
    if '%choice4%'=='yes' goto :replacepapers
    if '%choice4%'=='Y' goto :replacepapers
    if '%choice4%'=='YES' goto :replacepapers
    if '%choice4%'=='N' goto :keepbooks
    if '%choice4%'=='NO' goto :keepbooks
    if '%choice4%'=='n' goto :keepbooks
    if '%choice4%'=='no' goto :keepbooks
    goto :wallpapers
    echo ********************************************************
    echo * Replacing Authors wallpapers with AWESOME wallpapers *
    echo ********************************************************
    adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
    adb push ./screensaver/authors /system/media/screensaver/authors
    echo Success
    echo ******************************************
    echo * Setting application permissions to 644 *
    echo ******************************************
    adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*
    ping -n 10 >NUL
    echo ***************************
    echo * Installing Applications *
    echo ***************************
    adb install ./apks/com.amazon.kindle-1.apk
    adb install ./apks/NookColorTools_0.2.apk
    adb install ./apks/com.smart.swkey-1.apk
    adb install ./apks/com.bigtincan.android.adfree-1.apk
    adb install ./apks/com.rhythm.hexise.uninst-1.apk
    adb install ./apks/LauncherPro.apk
    adb install ./apks/com.th.android.widget.gTabsimiClock-1.apk
    echo **************************
    echo * You Nook is rebooting! *
    echo * Wait until rebooted... *
    echo * Press the "n" Button   *
    echo * Select the check box   *
    echo * Select Launcher Pro    *
    echo *                        *
    echo *        Enjoy!          *
    echo **************************
    adb reboot
    adb kill-server
    echo ***********************************************
    echo * There was a problem connecting to the Nook  *
    echo * Your device might not be rooted correctly   *
    echo * Your device might not be connected wireless *
    echo * You might have typed the IP Address wrong   *
    echo ***********************************************

    Once all said and done update your Vending.apk with this one for updated market and WORKING SEARCH

    Can you expound a bit? What did you use from the script after using Touchnooter? Did the Market work out of the box? Even using TN, I have not been able to get past the Market and YouTube giving "401" Network Errors. Did you do something special to get them to function?

    No, youtube and market worked out of the box with touch nooter (after first restoring to my pre-root image). I haven't even bothered updating the market because i'm using SearchMarket to find apps, it works just fine.

    I just ran the commands from the batch file to ensure updating was blocked, system file permissions were correct, and to install a few starter apps. Looking through the batch file is a good way to understand the basic functionality with adb if you haven't used it before, which I hadn't, so now I feel fairly comfortable just making changes by hand - which proved useful last night in getting Smart Keyboard Pro working.

    Thank you, I put ALOT of effort into the script portion. Its pretty much flawless for what it does.
    Here's my workflow, feel free to use any of it you find useful. Since it's personal code, no error checking, etc. The directory /system/xbin is already in the path, but not present on the device -- I create it. adbWireless is very handy, it allows you to turn adbd off or on, a useful security addition for wifi. bash & busybox aren't required, but can make your life at the console a lot easier.

    xboxexpert asked me to remove my code from his thread. Done.
    Which part of the script turns off the windows transitions and animations?

    (I've done most of these things already, but I'm wondering what you mean by this item)

    Sorry I deleted that portion from the actual script. I just forgot to update post.