[GUIDE]DualBootPatcher Use, Build from Source/using Docker/Travis And Add New Devices

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Recognized Developer
Hi all DualBootPatcher fans, in this thread i'll try to explain all things about DualBootPatcher, so if your user :cowboy: please read this post carefully then continue to other posts, and if you developer you can skip it and go to post #2 directly :cool:

Part 0: Introduction & How to use DualBootPatcher?

What is DualBootPatcher?
DualBootPatcher is an open-source app that allows multiple ROMs to be installed on a single Android device. It does its best to work with existing code and does not require explicit support from ROMs. There are currently 270+ supported devices and their variations.
It's originally developed by the amazing developer @chenxiaolong with help of many contributors
What does the app do ?:
It patches...
  • Custom kernels for dual boot support
  • ROMs so that they can be installed as secondary
  • Google Apps packages for AOSP-based ROMs
  • SuperSU so that it can be used in the secondary ROM
Where can i find it?
What's supported ?
Except Toaster and Alarm clocks pretty much everything is supported.
How to use the App?
- Download, install and open the app.
- Swipe to the right to open the menu. Click "ROMS". Now if this is the first time you use it, it will ask you if you want to set kernel. Do so!
- After it has finished go to ROM Settings (primary ROM 3 dot menu) and select Update Ramdisk. It will update it and will ask you to reboot. Press Reboot Now, or Reboot later.
- Now Download any ROM you like and open the app again and open the menu and open Patch Zip File from the menu. Ensure that your Device is set to (yourdevicename) and under Partition configuration select secondary/dataslot (will install 2nd ROM in /system) or data slot.
- Click continue and select where to save the patched file.
- You should see the file is being put in "Queue". Just click the confirm button to the upper right.
Note: If you want to go back, just swipe the ROM in queue to right and start over.
- The app will patch the zip. When done, go back to "ROMs".
- Click "Flash zip files" (the big pink button on the lower right). Click the pink plus button to add your previously patched zip file.
- Locate the file you have patched in step 7. Unless you have changed the name there, it should be something like ROM_name_partition_config_ID.zip (like RR-N-v5.8.3-20170707-cheeseburger-Unofficial_dual.zip).
- Click on that file and choose "Keep location". Now confirm the flash with the button on the upper right side.
Note: You can also install the patched zip files in recovery.
- It will now open the terminal and begin flashing the file. This requires some patience. After it has flashed the file you'll see success message in green.
- Now click back and you should see your newly installed ROM along with the Primary ROM.
Note: You can find more options by clicking on the three buttons on each ROM.
- Now reboot and wait till finishing 2nd ROM first boot. install DualBootPatcher apk so you can easily switch ROMs, there is another way to change ROMs: flash DualBootUtilities.zip and switch ROM manually.
Note: Using Bootui:
- Open app then select settings and press install (update) bootui. then Swipe to the right to open the menu. Click "ROMS" again and open secondary ROM Settings) and select Update Ramdisk, Now you can change ROMs simply using boot ui (something like grub bootloader but it works like twrp)

Partitions Configurations:
The patcher offers several locations for installing ROMs:
  • Primary: This is normally used for installing a zip to the primary ROM. It is not required, but is strongly recommended because it has code to prevent the zip from inadvertently affecting other ROMs.
  • Dual: Dual/Secondary is the first multiboot installation location. It installs to the system partition. This is a good spot for installing a second ROM because it doesn't take any space away from the internal storage.
  • Multi-slots: There are 3 multislots: multi-slot-1, multi-slot-2, multi-slot-3. These install to the cache partition. This is specifically for devices, like the Galaxy S4, that have a massive cache partition.
  • Data-slots: There can be an unlimited number of data slots. These install to the data partition and eat up space on the internal storage. This is useful for devices where the system partition is nearly full and the cache partition is tiny. These slots are named "data-slot-[id]", where "id" is something you provide in the app.
  • Extsd-slots: There can be an unlimited number of extsd slots. These install to the external SD card, which is useful as it keeps the ROMs off of the internal storage. Note that the ROM's data files are still stored on the data partition.
Apps and Data sharing:
DualBootPatcher very recently got support for sharing apps and their data across ROMs. Maybe sharing is somewhat of a misleading term. The feature actually makes Android load the shared apps and data from a centralized location, /data/multiboot/_appsharing. So you're not sharing apps from one ROM to another per se. The ROMs are just loading the apps from one shared location. Let me make this clearer with an analogy.

Think of the people in a company office as ROMs. You want to share with your coworkers some documents (apps). Instead of telling them to come over to your desk to see those documents (sharing apps from one ROM to another), everyone goes to the conference room to look at the documents together (loading apps from a shared location). That's how app and data sharing is implemented.
To use app sharing, follow these steps in every ROM that you want to use app sharing: (doesn't work with JB ROMs)
  • Install the app you want to share
  • Open DualBootPatcher and go to "App Sharing" in the navigation drawer
  • Enable individual app sharing
  • Tap "Manage shared applications" and enable APK/data sharing for the app
  • Reboot
When you uninstall an app that's shared, it simply become unshared for the current ROM. That way, other ROMs are not affected. To continue the analogy above, if you quit your job, you won't shred the documents that everybody else was looking at.

If you unshare an app's data, it will go back to using the data it had before it was shared. In other words, you leave the conference room and go back to work on your own documents at your desk.
How to Tips:
How to boot to another ROM ?
This is simple ... There is no reboot to primary, secondary or whatever. So all you have to do is:
1) Go to ROMs section of the App.
2) Click on the ROM you want to boot to. You should see "Switching ROM" message. After few seconds, you should see a report message saying that "ROM successfully switched".
3) Now just do a normal reboot of your device. See the magic! It should boot to the ROM you have switched on step 2.
Note: You can find more options by selecting the three buttons on each ROMs (like creating reboot widgets for directly rebooting to specific rom).
You also need to install the App to all of the ROMs you install. Otherwise, you want be able to boot to other ROMs!

Other How to ?
Wipe /cache, /data, /system, or dalvik-cache?
The easiest way is to do it from the app while booted in another ROM. Just go to "Roms" in the navigation drawer, tap the 3 dots options menu for the ROM you want to wipe, and tap "Wipe ROM".
Update the primary ROM?
Patch the zip for primary and flash it. The "primary" installation target is designed so that other ROMs won't be affected when you want to flash something for the primary ROM.
Update a non-primary ROM?
Patch and flash the zip exactly like how you did it the first time.
Flash a mod or custom kernel for the primary ROM?
Patch it for primary before flashing. If the zip does not wipe /cache, it is also safe to flash it directly.
Flash a mod or custom kernel for a non-primary ROM?
Just patch and flash it :)

Now, You're perfect DualBootPatcher user,so let's enter the main guide !
Guide Index:
Part 1: How to build DualBootPatcher from source manually?
Part 2: How to build DualBootPatcher using docker images?
Part 3: How to build DualBootPatcher using TravisCI?
Part 4: How to add new Devices to DualBootPatcher?
Part 5: How to submit new Devices to official DualBootPatcher support?
Extra: How to share apps (apk) between ROMs? (soon!)
Before we start you should know that DBP is not just android app, there is versions for windows and linux also :cool: and in this guide i'll talk about app and linux version only, i don't use windows :p
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Recognized Developer
Part 1: How to build DualBootPatcher from source?
When you deeply exploring DualBootPatcher repository you'll find all information and guides you need but for some people instructions isn't clear enough, so let me explain it here :D
- You'll need linux, whichever distribution you use. but i'm sure building works on [Debian-Ubuntu-Fedora-Arch] and all its derivations.
A) Prerequisites:
- You'll need these packages whatever version you want to build:

  • Android NDK
Currently NDK r15 is required to build, you can get it here
Download, Extract and rename it to "android-ndk"
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r15-linux-x86_64.zip && unzip android-ndk-r15-linux-x86_64.zip && mv android-ndk-r15 android-ndk
And then export android ndk:
echo "export ANDROID_NDK=$(pwd)/android-ndk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$(pwd)/android-ndk" >> ~/.bashrc

  • cmake
DBP needs cmake 3.7.2 or higher. you need to download it here
Downloading & Extract command:
wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.7/cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz && tar xzf cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
extract to folder and run the following commands in cmake folder
sed -i 's|cmake_options="-DCMAKE_BOOTSTRAP=1"|cmake_options="-DCMAKE_BOOTSTRAP=1 -DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=ON"|' bootstrap
sudo make install

  • OpenSSL
i'm successfully build using openssl-1.1.0c, download here and extract.
wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.0c.tar.gz && tar xzf openssl-1.1.0c.tar.gz
open openssl-1.1.0c folder and install it
./config shared --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl
sudo make install
echo 'PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/ssl' >> ~/.bashrc

  • gtest
Install on Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
On Fedora:
sudo dnf install gtest-devel
On Archlinux:
sudo pacman -S gtest

  • yaml-cpp
Install on Ubuntu / Debian using
sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev
On Fedora
sudo dnf install yaml-cpp-devel
On Archlinux:
sudo pacman -S yaml-cpp

Other General packages that must be installed: [Skip this if you have android build environment :good: ]
Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install ccache libboost-dev libssl-dev openssl python-minimal build-essential libfontconfig1 findutils git make libprocps-dev unzip zip gcc-multilib g++-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev transifex-client gnupg mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
sudo dnf install ccache findutils gcc-c++ git make procps-ng unzip zip gnupg ncurses-compat-libs transifex-client openssl-devel
sudo pacman -S ccache boost openssl lib32-openssl findutils git make procps-ng unzip zip gnupg gcc-multilib ncurses
sudo pacaur -S transifex-client ncurses5-compat-libs lib32-ncurseslib32-ncurses5-compat-libs

- For building android app you need:

  • Android SDK
You need to install SDK using android studio ( build-tools 25.0.3, platforms android-25, platform-tools and tools )
or install from terminal:
mkdir -p android-sdk && cd android-sdk
wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq platform-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip
wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/build-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq build-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip
wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip
Then Export it:
echo "export ANDROID_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools" >> ~/.bashrc

  • JDK 1.8
Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jdk-headless
sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
sudo pacman -S jdk8-openjdk

Other packages:
Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++-6-dev
sudo dnf install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
sudo pacman -S glibc libstdc++5 lib32-libstdc++5

- And for linux version you need:
  • qt5
it must be 5.3 or higher
Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-tools libqt5core5a
sudo dnf install qt5-qtbase-devel
sudo pacman -S qt5-base

Other packages:
Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install libarchive-dev liblz4-tool liblzma-dev lz4-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z-dev
sudo dnf install libarchive-devel lz4-devel xz-devel
sudo pacman -S libarchive lz4 xz lib32-xz lzip

- Some final touches:
Enable cache:
echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
Reload bash environment:
source ~/.bashrc

- Cloning the source:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher.git

B) Building Android APP:

- Open DualBootPatcher folder and make new folder "build" and open it.
mkdir build && cd build/
- Now Build the app:
cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=android -DMBP_BUILD_TYPE=debug
cpack -G TXZ
make apk
And you'll find built apk in DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/Android_GUI-debug.apk

C) Building Utilities Zip:

Utilities Zip is AROMA based zip which enable you to switch ROMs form twrp or wipe ROM when something went wrong.
- In build folder run these commands:
make android-system_armeabi-v7a
make -C data/devices
you'll find built utilities.zip in DualBootPatcher/build/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.2.0.zip

D) Building Linux App:

- In build folder run these commands:
cpack -G TXZ
or to pack it to zip file:
cpack -G ZIP

Special Thanks:
@oF2pks For helping me setup build environment on arch
@Ahmed Hady & @androidlover5842 Without their helps i won't be here :D
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Recognized Developer
Part 2: How to build DualBootPatcher using docker images?

What is docker? [in case you don't know it :confused: ]
Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. Developers use Docker to eliminate “works on my machine” problems when collaborating on code with co-workers. Operators use Docker to run and manage apps side-by-side in isolated containers to get better compute density. Enterprises use Docker to build agile software delivery pipelines to ship new features faster, more securely and with confidence for both Linux, Windows Server, and Linux-on-mainframe apps.
Firstly, make sure you have docker installed, if not install it
From here you should choose a method you'll follow, Building docker images manually or use pre-built docker images.

A) Building docker images manually:
@chenxiaolong sir has made docker image configuration files here
all you need to do after sync the repo like part 1 is entering the following commands in DualBootPatcher directory:
Note that building the docker images will take a long time and consume a lot of bandwidth--multiple gigabytes at the very least. It will download all the dependencies for building DualBootPatcher for all supported targets.

B) Using ready-made docker images:
i have made docker images and uploaded them to docker hub
to download "pull" it enter these commands:
docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-base
docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android
docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux

Building DualBootPatcher using docker:
- To enter docker container and build DualBootPatcher make folder "builder" in DualBootPatcher directory
cd DualBootPatcher && mkdir -p builder
- Then run this to enter android build container
docker run --rm -it -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.ccache:/builder/.ccache:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.gradle:/builder/.gradle:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android bash
- After this you'll continue like normal building:
cd DualBootPatcher/builder && cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=android -DMBP_BUILD_TYPE=debug && make -j16 && rm -rf assets && cpack && make apk -j16
make android-system_armeabi-v7a -j16 && make -C data/devices -j16
- Now exit from container and enter linux build one:
docker run --rm -it -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.ccache:/builder/.ccache:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.gradle:/builder/.gradle:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux bash
- Build utilities ZIP:
cd DualBootPatcher/builder && ./utilities/create.sh
- And build linux app
cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=desktop -DMBP_PORTABLE=ON && make -j16 && cpack
- You'll find output files in your local "builder" folder like normal build.
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Recognized Developer
Part 3: How to build DualBootPatcher using TravisCI?
Travis CI is free open-source continues integration service, which simply take your project from GitHub and test / build it for you !
it's amazing solution if you don't have time/free space/mind lol :cyclops: to test your code.
- you'll need to signup Travis account, go here and press signup, enter your GitHub account details then approve Travis needed permissions and done. :D
- Now Fork DualBootPatcher repository to your account and create .travis.yml file in project root.
- Copy my Travis configuration to your .travis.yml
sudo: required

  - docker

  # Clone DualBootPatcher Repository
  - git clone --recursive https://github.com/yshalsager/DualBootPatcher -b master DualBootPatcher/
  # Pull docker images
  - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-base
  - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android
  - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux
  # Make work directories 
  - mkdir $HOME/.android
  - mkdir -p ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/ && cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/
  # Build APK
  - |
    docker run --rm -i -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android bash << EOF
    cd DualBootPatcher/builder && cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=android -DMBP_BUILD_TYPE=debug && make -j16 && rm -rf assets && cpack && make apk -j16
    make android-system_armeabi-v7a -j16 && make -C data/devices -j16
  - |
    docker run --rm -i -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux bash << EOF
    # Build Utilities Zip
    cd ~/DualBootPatcher/builder && ./utilities/create.sh
    # Build Linux
    cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=desktop -DMBP_PORTABLE=ON && make -j16 && cpack
  - export TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%d%m%y-%Hh%Mm")
  # Check output & md5sum
  - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/Android_GUI-debug.apk
  - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/Android_GUI-debug.apk
  - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip
  - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip
  - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip
  - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip
  # Upload to transfer.sh
  - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/ &&  curl --upload-file ./Android_GUI-debug.apk https://transfer.sh/Android_GUI-debug-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}.apk
  - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}//DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/ && curl --upload-file ./DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip https://transfer.sh/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}.zip
  - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/ && curl --upload-file ./DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip https://transfer.sh/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}-Linux.zip
- Edit line 8 with your Repository and branch you want to build.
  - git clone --recursive https://github.com/yshalsager/DualBootPatcher -b master DualBootPatcher/
- This simple TravisCI configuration builds both of apk and utilities.zip and deploy them to transfer.sh
- Now open Travis and add your DualBootPatcher fork to projects and start building :good:
- You'll find built apk md5 and links from line at the end Travis log
- Build takes about 25 mins
- When you add new commits to repository Travis will always build new apk for you !
- If you want to change something in configuration, always check its syntax to make sure it's valid YAML using this site
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Recognized Developer
Part 4: How to add new Devices to DualBootPatcher?
To add your/new device to DualBootPatcher you need to get some information first then add it to DualBootPatcher devices:
- Flash GetLogs-20161128-1.zip using recovery [TWRP highly recommended]
- Copy /sdcard/logs/[Date&Time].tar to PC, extract it and let's start.
- This is new device template:
- name: (Device Name)
  id: (device id)
    - (device codename1)
    - (device codename2)
    - (device codename3)
  architecture: (device architecture)

      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cache)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/recovery)
      - (/dev/block/bootdevice/modem)

    supported: true
      - fbdev
    brightness_path: (/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness)
    max_brightness: (255)
    default_brightness: (162)
    pixel_format: (RGBX_8888)
    theme: portrait_hdpi
- You'll edit all values between brackets.
- open logs/system/build.prop, you'll find:
ro.product.model= is your (Device Name)
ro.product.name= and ro.product.device= is your (device id) and (device codename1), if you know more names for your device add it in (device codename2) / (device codename3)
ro.product.cpu.abi= is your (device architecture)
- open logs/recovery/recovery.fstab, you'll find main device mount points, copy each mount point to it name
- open logs/recovery/recovery.log, you'll find TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness this is your (brightness_path)
I:Got max brightness 255 is (max_brightness)
setting GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 is (pixel_format)
- Note: you can get these info from BoradConfig.mk in your device twrp tree.
- Now read "Partition Logs:" in recovery.log
it'll tell us second mount point, as example /system | /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
so you should add it like
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
and so on with other partitions.
- Checking more mounts: (not necessary but i recommend it)
open logs/listings/dev_full and scroll down to /dev/block/platform/soc.0 you'll find another main mount point which contain by-name and by-num folders like /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci
from /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name list copy each partition mount point to your device
- Now we're done, you should have something like
- name: Xiaomi Mi4S
  id: aqua
    - aqua
  architecture: arm64-v8a

      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/system
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cache
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/cache
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p42
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/userdata
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p44
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/boot
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
      - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery
      - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/recovery
      - /dev/block/mmcblk0p38

    supported: true
      - fbdev
    pixel_format: RGBX_8888
    brightness_path: /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
    max_brightness: 255
    default_brightness: 162
    theme: portrait_hdpi
- Open DualBootPatcher/data/devices/(your device manufacturer).yml and add your device codes. then Check your code syntax here if everything is right, make commit to add your device to your repository.
- Build apk using any method explained above to test it.


Recognized Developer
Part 5: How to submit new Devices to official DualBootPatcher support?
Once you checked everything is working, it's time to contribute to DualBootPatcher and add your device to official devices:
- First, Check you made all needed changes to add your device without problems, again check for YAML syntax because if it's wrong build won't work.
- Open DualBootPatcher Repository, press New pull request button.
- Press compare across forks and change the head fork to your username/DualBootPatcher
- Give a name and a description to your pull request, some thing like: "Add (Device Name) support" or "data: Add (device name)
- Now click the "Create pull request" green button
- Wait for your changes to be verified and merged to the project, the developer received your code and he will review, try and add it to the source code. You will be notified when your code merged.


Senior Member
May 22, 2014
Hii reserved

---------- Post added at 02:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 AM ----------

I will tell u, how to sync apps between roms, without using double storage space for apk and libs.

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 AM ----------

also can be used as multi profile


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2014
Read this man! ;) https://xdaforums.com/showpost.php?p=73551957&postcount=5
or if you can't do it i can help, just give me the logs tar file
The file where you say is located on the device. I will upload it to you soon ?

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

Read this man! ;) https://xdaforums.com/showpost.php?p=73551957&postcount=5
or if you can't do it i can help, just give me the logs tar file

This is the logs file. (.tar.gz)
I am not on a PC right now. You help me. Do you need the build.prop file on your device?


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2014


  • Screenshot_20170829-203318.png
    40 KB · Views: 152


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Mar 5, 2014
I installed apk file and what do i do next?


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    Hi all DualBootPatcher fans, in this thread i'll try to explain all things about DualBootPatcher, so if your user :cowboy: please read this post carefully then continue to other posts, and if you developer you can skip it and go to post #2 directly :cool:

    Part 0: Introduction & How to use DualBootPatcher?

    What is DualBootPatcher?
    DualBootPatcher is an open-source app that allows multiple ROMs to be installed on a single Android device. It does its best to work with existing code and does not require explicit support from ROMs. There are currently 270+ supported devices and their variations.
    It's originally developed by the amazing developer @chenxiaolong with help of many contributors
    What does the app do ?:
    It patches...
    • Custom kernels for dual boot support
    • ROMs so that they can be installed as secondary
    • Google Apps packages for AOSP-based ROMs
    • SuperSU so that it can be used in the secondary ROM
    Where can i find it?
    What's supported ?
    Except Toaster and Alarm clocks pretty much everything is supported.
    How to use the App?
    - Download, install and open the app.
    - Swipe to the right to open the menu. Click "ROMS". Now if this is the first time you use it, it will ask you if you want to set kernel. Do so!
    - After it has finished go to ROM Settings (primary ROM 3 dot menu) and select Update Ramdisk. It will update it and will ask you to reboot. Press Reboot Now, or Reboot later.
    - Now Download any ROM you like and open the app again and open the menu and open Patch Zip File from the menu. Ensure that your Device is set to (yourdevicename) and under Partition configuration select secondary/dataslot (will install 2nd ROM in /system) or data slot.
    - Click continue and select where to save the patched file.
    - You should see the file is being put in "Queue". Just click the confirm button to the upper right.
    Note: If you want to go back, just swipe the ROM in queue to right and start over.
    - The app will patch the zip. When done, go back to "ROMs".
    - Click "Flash zip files" (the big pink button on the lower right). Click the pink plus button to add your previously patched zip file.
    - Locate the file you have patched in step 7. Unless you have changed the name there, it should be something like ROM_name_partition_config_ID.zip (like RR-N-v5.8.3-20170707-cheeseburger-Unofficial_dual.zip).
    - Click on that file and choose "Keep location". Now confirm the flash with the button on the upper right side.
    Note: You can also install the patched zip files in recovery.
    - It will now open the terminal and begin flashing the file. This requires some patience. After it has flashed the file you'll see success message in green.
    - Now click back and you should see your newly installed ROM along with the Primary ROM.
    Note: You can find more options by clicking on the three buttons on each ROM.
    - Now reboot and wait till finishing 2nd ROM first boot. install DualBootPatcher apk so you can easily switch ROMs, there is another way to change ROMs: flash DualBootUtilities.zip and switch ROM manually.
    Note: Using Bootui:
    - Open app then select settings and press install (update) bootui. then Swipe to the right to open the menu. Click "ROMS" again and open secondary ROM Settings) and select Update Ramdisk, Now you can change ROMs simply using boot ui (something like grub bootloader but it works like twrp)

    Partitions Configurations:
    The patcher offers several locations for installing ROMs:
    • Primary: This is normally used for installing a zip to the primary ROM. It is not required, but is strongly recommended because it has code to prevent the zip from inadvertently affecting other ROMs.
    • Dual: Dual/Secondary is the first multiboot installation location. It installs to the system partition. This is a good spot for installing a second ROM because it doesn't take any space away from the internal storage.
    • Multi-slots: There are 3 multislots: multi-slot-1, multi-slot-2, multi-slot-3. These install to the cache partition. This is specifically for devices, like the Galaxy S4, that have a massive cache partition.
    • Data-slots: There can be an unlimited number of data slots. These install to the data partition and eat up space on the internal storage. This is useful for devices where the system partition is nearly full and the cache partition is tiny. These slots are named "data-slot-[id]", where "id" is something you provide in the app.
    • Extsd-slots: There can be an unlimited number of extsd slots. These install to the external SD card, which is useful as it keeps the ROMs off of the internal storage. Note that the ROM's data files are still stored on the data partition.
    Apps and Data sharing:
    DualBootPatcher very recently got support for sharing apps and their data across ROMs. Maybe sharing is somewhat of a misleading term. The feature actually makes Android load the shared apps and data from a centralized location, /data/multiboot/_appsharing. So you're not sharing apps from one ROM to another per se. The ROMs are just loading the apps from one shared location. Let me make this clearer with an analogy.

    Think of the people in a company office as ROMs. You want to share with your coworkers some documents (apps). Instead of telling them to come over to your desk to see those documents (sharing apps from one ROM to another), everyone goes to the conference room to look at the documents together (loading apps from a shared location). That's how app and data sharing is implemented.
    To use app sharing, follow these steps in every ROM that you want to use app sharing: (doesn't work with JB ROMs)
    • Install the app you want to share
    • Open DualBootPatcher and go to "App Sharing" in the navigation drawer
    • Enable individual app sharing
    • Tap "Manage shared applications" and enable APK/data sharing for the app
    • Reboot
    When you uninstall an app that's shared, it simply become unshared for the current ROM. That way, other ROMs are not affected. To continue the analogy above, if you quit your job, you won't shred the documents that everybody else was looking at.

    If you unshare an app's data, it will go back to using the data it had before it was shared. In other words, you leave the conference room and go back to work on your own documents at your desk.
    How to Tips:
    How to boot to another ROM ?
    This is simple ... There is no reboot to primary, secondary or whatever. So all you have to do is:
    1) Go to ROMs section of the App.
    2) Click on the ROM you want to boot to. You should see "Switching ROM" message. After few seconds, you should see a report message saying that "ROM successfully switched".
    3) Now just do a normal reboot of your device. See the magic! It should boot to the ROM you have switched on step 2.
    Note: You can find more options by selecting the three buttons on each ROMs (like creating reboot widgets for directly rebooting to specific rom).
    You also need to install the App to all of the ROMs you install. Otherwise, you want be able to boot to other ROMs!

    Other How to ?
    Wipe /cache, /data, /system, or dalvik-cache?
    The easiest way is to do it from the app while booted in another ROM. Just go to "Roms" in the navigation drawer, tap the 3 dots options menu for the ROM you want to wipe, and tap "Wipe ROM".
    Update the primary ROM?
    Patch the zip for primary and flash it. The "primary" installation target is designed so that other ROMs won't be affected when you want to flash something for the primary ROM.
    Update a non-primary ROM?
    Patch and flash the zip exactly like how you did it the first time.
    Flash a mod or custom kernel for the primary ROM?
    Patch it for primary before flashing. If the zip does not wipe /cache, it is also safe to flash it directly.
    Flash a mod or custom kernel for a non-primary ROM?
    Just patch and flash it :)

    Now, You're perfect DualBootPatcher user,so let's enter the main guide !
    Guide Index:
    Part 1: How to build DualBootPatcher from source manually?
    Part 2: How to build DualBootPatcher using docker images?
    Part 3: How to build DualBootPatcher using TravisCI?
    Part 4: How to add new Devices to DualBootPatcher?
    Part 5: How to submit new Devices to official DualBootPatcher support?
    Extra: How to share apps (apk) between ROMs? (soon!)
    Before we start you should know that DBP is not just android app, there is versions for windows and linux also :cool: and in this guide i'll talk about app and linux version only, i don't use windows :p
    Part 3: How to build DualBootPatcher using TravisCI?
    Travis CI is free open-source continues integration service, which simply take your project from GitHub and test / build it for you !
    it's amazing solution if you don't have time/free space/mind lol :cyclops: to test your code.
    - you'll need to signup Travis account, go here and press signup, enter your GitHub account details then approve Travis needed permissions and done. :D
    - Now Fork DualBootPatcher repository to your account and create .travis.yml file in project root.
    - Copy my Travis configuration to your .travis.yml
    sudo: required
      - docker
      # Clone DualBootPatcher Repository
      - git clone --recursive https://github.com/yshalsager/DualBootPatcher -b master DualBootPatcher/
      # Pull docker images
      - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-base
      - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android
      - docker pull yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux
      # Make work directories 
      - mkdir $HOME/.android
      - mkdir -p ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/ && cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/
      # Build APK
      - |
        docker run --rm -i -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-android bash << EOF
        cd DualBootPatcher/builder && cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=android -DMBP_BUILD_TYPE=debug && make -j16 && rm -rf assets && cpack && make apk -j16
        make android-system_armeabi-v7a -j16 && make -C data/devices -j16
      - |
        docker run --rm -i -e USER_ID=$(id -u) -e GROUP_ID=$(id -g) -v "$(pwd):/builder/DualBootPatcher:rw,z" -v "${HOME}/.android:/builder/.android:rw,z" yshalsager/dualbootpatcher:9.3.0-4-linux bash << EOF
        # Build Utilities Zip
        cd ~/DualBootPatcher/builder && ./utilities/create.sh
        # Build Linux
        cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=desktop -DMBP_PORTABLE=ON && make -j16 && cpack
      - export TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%d%m%y-%Hh%Mm")
      # Check output & md5sum
      - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/Android_GUI-debug.apk
      - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/Android_GUI-debug.apk
      - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip
      - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip
      - ls -l ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip
      - md5sum ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip
      # Upload to transfer.sh
      - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/debug/ &&  curl --upload-file ./Android_GUI-debug.apk https://transfer.sh/Android_GUI-debug-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}.apk
      - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}//DualBootPatcher/builder/utilities/ && curl --upload-file ./DualBootUtilities-9.3.0.zip https://transfer.sh/DualBootUtilities-9.3.0-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}.zip
      - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/DualBootPatcher/builder/ && curl --upload-file ./DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-Linux.zip https://transfer.sh/DualBootPatcher-9.3.0-${TRAVIS_CURRENT_DATE}-Linux.zip
    - Edit line 8 with your Repository and branch you want to build.
      - git clone --recursive https://github.com/yshalsager/DualBootPatcher -b master DualBootPatcher/
    - This simple TravisCI configuration builds both of apk and utilities.zip and deploy them to transfer.sh
    - Now open Travis and add your DualBootPatcher fork to projects and start building :good:
    - You'll find built apk md5 and links from line at the end Travis log
    - Build takes about 25 mins
    - When you add new commits to repository Travis will always build new apk for you !
    - If you want to change something in configuration, always check its syntax to make sure it's valid YAML using this site
    Part 1: How to build DualBootPatcher from source?
    When you deeply exploring DualBootPatcher repository you'll find all information and guides you need but for some people instructions isn't clear enough, so let me explain it here :D
    - You'll need linux, whichever distribution you use. but i'm sure building works on [Debian-Ubuntu-Fedora-Arch] and all its derivations.
    A) Prerequisites:
    - You'll need these packages whatever version you want to build:

    • Android NDK
    Currently NDK r15 is required to build, you can get it here
    Download, Extract and rename it to "android-ndk"
    wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r15-linux-x86_64.zip && unzip android-ndk-r15-linux-x86_64.zip && mv android-ndk-r15 android-ndk
    And then export android ndk:
    echo "export ANDROID_NDK=$(pwd)/android-ndk" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$(pwd)/android-ndk" >> ~/.bashrc

    • cmake
    DBP needs cmake 3.7.2 or higher. you need to download it here
    Downloading & Extract command:
    wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.7/cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz && tar xzf cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
    extract to folder and run the following commands in cmake folder
    sed -i 's|cmake_options="-DCMAKE_BOOTSTRAP=1"|cmake_options="-DCMAKE_BOOTSTRAP=1 -DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=ON"|' bootstrap
    sudo make install

    • OpenSSL
    i'm successfully build using openssl-1.1.0c, download here and extract.
    wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.0c.tar.gz && tar xzf openssl-1.1.0c.tar.gz
    open openssl-1.1.0c folder and install it
    ./config shared --prefix=/usr/local/ssl --openssldir=/usr/local/ssl
    sudo make install
    echo 'PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/ssl' >> ~/.bashrc

    • gtest
    Install on Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
    On Fedora:
    sudo dnf install gtest-devel
    On Archlinux:
    sudo pacman -S gtest

    • yaml-cpp
    Install on Ubuntu / Debian using
    sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev
    On Fedora
    sudo dnf install yaml-cpp-devel
    On Archlinux:
    sudo pacman -S yaml-cpp

    Other General packages that must be installed: [Skip this if you have android build environment :good: ]
    Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install ccache libboost-dev libssl-dev openssl python-minimal build-essential libfontconfig1 findutils git make libprocps-dev unzip zip gcc-multilib g++-multilib lib32ncurses5-dev transifex-client gnupg mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
    sudo dnf install ccache findutils gcc-c++ git make procps-ng unzip zip gnupg ncurses-compat-libs transifex-client openssl-devel
    sudo pacman -S ccache boost openssl lib32-openssl findutils git make procps-ng unzip zip gnupg gcc-multilib ncurses
    sudo pacaur -S transifex-client ncurses5-compat-libs lib32-ncurseslib32-ncurses5-compat-libs

    - For building android app you need:

    • Android SDK
    You need to install SDK using android studio ( build-tools 25.0.3, platforms android-25, platform-tools and tools )
    or install from terminal:
    mkdir -p android-sdk && cd android-sdk
    wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq platform-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip
    wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/build-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq build-tools_r25.0.3-linux.zip
    wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip && unzip -qq tools_r25.2.3-linux.zip
    Then Export it:
    echo "export ANDROID_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools" >> ~/.bashrc

    • JDK 1.8
    Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jdk-headless
    sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
    sudo pacman -S jdk8-openjdk

    Other packages:
    Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++-6-dev
    sudo dnf install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
    sudo pacman -S glibc libstdc++5 lib32-libstdc++5

    - And for linux version you need:
    • qt5
    it must be 5.3 or higher
    Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install qttools5-dev-tools libqt5core5a
    sudo dnf install qt5-qtbase-devel
    sudo pacman -S qt5-base

    Other packages:
    Ubuntu / Debian:
    sudo apt-get install libarchive-dev liblz4-tool liblzma-dev lz4-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z-dev
    sudo dnf install libarchive-devel lz4-devel xz-devel
    sudo pacman -S libarchive lz4 xz lib32-xz lzip

    - Some final touches:
    Enable cache:
    echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
    Reload bash environment:
    source ~/.bashrc

    - Cloning the source:
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/chenxiaolong/DualBootPatcher.git

    B) Building Android APP:

    - Open DualBootPatcher folder and make new folder "build" and open it.
    mkdir build && cd build/
    - Now Build the app:
    cmake .. -DMBP_BUILD_TARGET=android -DMBP_BUILD_TYPE=debug
    cpack -G TXZ
    make apk
    And you'll find built apk in DualBootPatcher/Android_GUI/build/outputs/apk/Android_GUI-debug.apk

    C) Building Utilities Zip:

    Utilities Zip is AROMA based zip which enable you to switch ROMs form twrp or wipe ROM when something went wrong.
    - In build folder run these commands:
    make android-system_armeabi-v7a
    make -C data/devices
    you'll find built utilities.zip in DualBootPatcher/build/utilities/DualBootUtilities-9.2.0.zip

    D) Building Linux App:

    - In build folder run these commands:
    cpack -G TXZ
    or to pack it to zip file:
    cpack -G ZIP

    Special Thanks:
    @oF2pks For helping me setup build environment on arch
    @Ahmed Hady & @androidlover5842 Without their helps i won't be here :D
    Part 4: How to add new Devices to DualBootPatcher?
    To add your/new device to DualBootPatcher you need to get some information first then add it to DualBootPatcher devices:
    - Flash GetLogs-20161128-1.zip using recovery [TWRP highly recommended]
    - Copy /sdcard/logs/[Date&Time].tar to PC, extract it and let's start.
    - This is new device template:
    - name: (Device Name)
      id: (device id)
        - (device codename1)
        - (device codename2)
        - (device codename3)
      architecture: (device architecture)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cache)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/recovery)
          - (/dev/block/bootdevice/modem)
        supported: true
          - (TW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_MODE)
          - fbdev
        brightness_path: (/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness)
        max_brightness: (255)
        default_brightness: (162)
        pixel_format: (RGBX_8888)
        theme: portrait_hdpi
    - You'll edit all values between brackets.
    - open logs/system/build.prop, you'll find:
    ro.product.model= is your (Device Name)
    ro.product.name= and ro.product.device= is your (device id) and (device codename1), if you know more names for your device add it in (device codename2) / (device codename3)
    ro.product.cpu.abi= is your (device architecture)
    - open logs/recovery/recovery.fstab, you'll find main device mount points, copy each mount point to it name
    - open logs/recovery/recovery.log, you'll find TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness this is your (brightness_path)
    I:Got max brightness 255 is (max_brightness)
    setting GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 is (pixel_format)
    - Note: you can get these info from BoradConfig.mk in your device twrp tree.
    - Now read "Partition Logs:" in recovery.log
    it'll tell us second mount point, as example /system | /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
    so you should add it like
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
    and so on with other partitions.
    - Checking more mounts: (not necessary but i recommend it)
    open logs/listings/dev_full and scroll down to /dev/block/platform/soc.0 you'll find another main mount point which contain by-name and by-num folders like /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci
    from /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name list copy each partition mount point to your device
    - Now we're done, you should have something like
    - name: Xiaomi Mi4S
      id: aqua
        - aqua
      architecture: arm64-v8a
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/system
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/cache
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/cache
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p42
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/userdata
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p44
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/boot
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
          - /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/recovery
          - /dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name/recovery
          - /dev/block/mmcblk0p38
        supported: true
          - fbdev
          - TW_QCOM_RTC_FIX
        pixel_format: RGBX_8888
        brightness_path: /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
        max_brightness: 255
        default_brightness: 162
        theme: portrait_hdpi
    - Open DualBootPatcher/data/devices/(your device manufacturer).yml and add your device codes. then Check your code syntax here if everything is right, make commit to add your device to your repository.
    - Build apk using any method explained above to test it.
    Part 5: How to submit new Devices to official DualBootPatcher support?
    Once you checked everything is working, it's time to contribute to DualBootPatcher and add your device to official devices:
    - First, Check you made all needed changes to add your device without problems, again check for YAML syntax because if it's wrong build won't work.
    - Open DualBootPatcher Repository, press New pull request button.
    - Press compare across forks and change the head fork to your username/DualBootPatcher
    - Give a name and a description to your pull request, some thing like: "Add (Device Name) support" or "data: Add (device name)
    - Now click the "Create pull request" green button
    - Wait for your changes to be verified and merged to the project, the developer received your code and he will review, try and add it to the source code. You will be notified when your code merged.