[MAGISK] [MODULE] Webview Manager

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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2007


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2013


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2019
New updates!

This will solve both the 404/401 errors and the update check errors!


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2019
The Canary version is the one for Android 12. Here's a link. Now that topjohnwu works at Google he had to make some concessions to keep developing it. Magisk hide and the module repository have been removed.

Androidacy now has a modules Repository, which you can check out at:

All the modules in the old repository, including ours, are there and applications are welcome. Do note this is not officially supported by John Wu or anything.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Androidacy now has a modules Repository, which you can check out at:

All the modules in the old repository, including ours, are there and applications are welcome. Do note this is not officially supported by John Wu or anything.
You should also point out that it's a commercial venture, rather than a FOSS initiative.

We should have a centralized repo, and XDA is a good place for it.


New member
Nov 29, 2021
Hi, many thanks to the developers for creating this great module :) Had uninstalled it for testing purposes and since two days ago, when reinstalling it, I get the error "API request failed! Assuming API is down and aborting!". Unfortunately I lack the experience to do further troubleshooting here. Does anyone have an idea what exactly causes the error and how I can fix it?

Here is some background data:
Fairphone 3
LineageOS with microG 18.1 from 18.11.2021
lineage_FP3-userdebug 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20211118.101832 dev-keys
- Copying zip to temp directory
- Installing Webview_Manager-10.2.5(5019).zip
- Current boot slot: _a
- Device is system-as-root
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: module.prop
 Webview Manager
 by Androidacy
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: customize.sh
 Powered by Magisk
 __        __     _            _                 
 \ \      / /___ | |__ __   __(_)  ___ __      __
  \ \ /\ / // _ \| '_ \ \ / /| | / _ \ \ /\ / /
   \ V  V /|  __/| |_) |\ V / | ||  __/ \ V  V /
    \_/\_/  \___||_.__/  \_/  |_| \___|  \_/\_/ 
  __  __                                         
 |  \/  |  __ _  _ __    __ _   __ _   ___  _ __
 | |\/| | / _` || '_ \  / _` | / _` | / _ \| '__|
 | |  | || (_| || | | || (_| || (_| ||  __/| |   
 |_|  |_| \__,_||_| |_| \__,_| \__, | \___||_|   
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: .gitattributes
   creating: .github/
  inflating: .github/FUNDING.yml
   creating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  inflating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
  inflating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
   creating: .github/workflows/
  inflating: .github/workflows/greetings.yml
  inflating: .gitignore
  inflating: CHANGELOG.md
  inflating: LICENSE
  inflating: README.md
  inflating: SECURITY.md
  inflating: build.sh
   creating: common/
   creating: common/addon/
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/install.sh
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/arm/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/arm/keycheck
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/x86/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/x86/keycheck
  inflating: common/install.sh
   creating: common/overlay10/
  inflating: common/overlay10/AndroidManifest.xml
   creating: common/overlay10/res/
   creating: common/overlay10/res/xml/
  inflating: common/overlay10/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml
   creating: common/overlay9/
  inflating: common/overlay9/AndroidManifest.xml
   creating: common/overlay9/res/
   creating: common/overlay9/res/xml/
  inflating: common/overlay9/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml
   creating: common/tools/
  inflating: common/tools/apiClient.sh
  inflating: common/tools/tools.zip
  inflating: common/tools/zipsigner
  inflating: common/tools/zipsigner-3.0-dexed.jar
  inflating: customize.sh
  inflating: module.prop
  inflating: post-fs-data.sh
  inflating: service.sh
  inflating: status.txt
   creating: system/
  inflating: system/placeholder
  inflating: uninstall.sh
Archive:  /data/adb/modules_update/bromitewebview/common/tools/tools.zip
   creating: x86/
  inflating: x86/aapt
   creating: x86_64/
  inflating: x86_64/aapt
   creating: arm/
  inflating: arm/aapt
   creating: arm64/
  inflating: arm64/aapt
ⓘ Logging verbosely to /sdcard/WebviewManager/logs
ⓘ PLEASE NOTE: This module requires interent access!
ⓘ Removing old files
ⓘ Starting installer
ⓘ Your device is a FP3 with android 11, sdk30, with an arm64 cpu
Checking for module updates...
ⓘ Setting configs...
ⓘ Starting config mode....
ⓘ Volume up to accept the current choice, and down to move to next option
-> Do you want to install only webview?
-> Please choose your webview.
  1. Bromite
ⓘ Config complete! Proceeding.
☑ Awesome, you have internet
ⓘ Detecting and systemlessly debloating conflicting packages
ⓘ Checking whether this is a new install....
ⓘ No existing apk found for Bromite webview!
ⓘ Downloading Bromite webview, please be patient...
API request failed! Assuming API is down and aborting!

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
 Uh-oh, the installer encountered an issue!
 It's probably one of these reasons:
     1) Installer is corrupt
     2) You didn't follow instructions
     3) You have an unstable internet connection
     4) Your ROM is broken
     5) Bug in the installer
 Please fix any issues and retry.
⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
! Installation failed
Am grateful for any help :)


New member
Aug 18, 2019
Hi, many thanks to the developers for creating this great module :) Had uninstalled it for testing purposes and since two days ago, when reinstalling it, I get the error "API request failed! Assuming API is down and aborting!". Unfortunately I lack the experience to do further troubleshooting here. Does anyone have an idea what exactly causes the error and how I can fix it?

Here is some background data:
Fairphone 3
LineageOS with microG 18.1 from 18.11.2021
lineage_FP3-userdebug 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20211118.101832 dev-keys
- Copying zip to temp directory
- Installing Webview_Manager-10.2.5(5019).zip
- Current boot slot: _a
- Device is system-as-root
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: module.prop
 Webview Manager
 by Androidacy
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: customize.sh
 Powered by Magisk
 __        __     _            _                
 \ \      / /___ | |__ __   __(_)  ___ __      __
  \ \ /\ / // _ \| '_ \ \ / /| | / _ \ \ /\ / /
   \ V  V /|  __/| |_) |\ V / | ||  __/ \ V  V /
    \_/\_/  \___||_.__/  \_/  |_| \___|  \_/\_/
  __  __                                        
 |  \/  |  __ _  _ __    __ _   __ _   ___  _ __
 | |\/| | / _` || '_ \  / _` | / _` | / _ \| '__|
 | |  | || (_| || | | || (_| || (_| ||  __/| |  
 |_|  |_| \__,_||_| |_| \__,_| \__, | \___||_|  
Archive:  /data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/cache/flash/install.zip
  inflating: .gitattributes
   creating: .github/
  inflating: .github/FUNDING.yml
   creating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  inflating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
  inflating: .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
   creating: .github/workflows/
  inflating: .github/workflows/greetings.yml
  inflating: .gitignore
  inflating: CHANGELOG.md
  inflating: LICENSE
  inflating: README.md
  inflating: SECURITY.md
  inflating: build.sh
   creating: common/
   creating: common/addon/
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/install.sh
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/arm/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/arm/keycheck
   creating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/x86/
  inflating: common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools/x86/keycheck
  inflating: common/install.sh
   creating: common/overlay10/
  inflating: common/overlay10/AndroidManifest.xml
   creating: common/overlay10/res/
   creating: common/overlay10/res/xml/
  inflating: common/overlay10/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml
   creating: common/overlay9/
  inflating: common/overlay9/AndroidManifest.xml
   creating: common/overlay9/res/
   creating: common/overlay9/res/xml/
  inflating: common/overlay9/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml
   creating: common/tools/
  inflating: common/tools/apiClient.sh
  inflating: common/tools/tools.zip
  inflating: common/tools/zipsigner
  inflating: common/tools/zipsigner-3.0-dexed.jar
  inflating: customize.sh
  inflating: module.prop
  inflating: post-fs-data.sh
  inflating: service.sh
  inflating: status.txt
   creating: system/
  inflating: system/placeholder
  inflating: uninstall.sh
Archive:  /data/adb/modules_update/bromitewebview/common/tools/tools.zip
   creating: x86/
  inflating: x86/aapt
   creating: x86_64/
  inflating: x86_64/aapt
   creating: arm/
  inflating: arm/aapt
   creating: arm64/
  inflating: arm64/aapt
ⓘ Logging verbosely to /sdcard/WebviewManager/logs
ⓘ PLEASE NOTE: This module requires interent access!
ⓘ Removing old files
ⓘ Starting installer
ⓘ Your device is a FP3 with android 11, sdk30, with an arm64 cpu
Checking for module updates...
ⓘ Setting configs...
ⓘ Starting config mode....
ⓘ Volume up to accept the current choice, and down to move to next option
-> Do you want to install only webview?
-> Please choose your webview.
  1. Bromite
ⓘ Config complete! Proceeding.
☑ Awesome, you have internet
ⓘ Detecting and systemlessly debloating conflicting packages
ⓘ Checking whether this is a new install....
ⓘ No existing apk found for Bromite webview!
ⓘ Downloading Bromite webview, please be patient...
API request failed! Assuming API is down and aborting!

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
 Uh-oh, the installer encountered an issue!
 It's probably one of these reasons:
     1) Installer is corrupt
     2) You didn't follow instructions
     3) You have an unstable internet connection
     4) Your ROM is broken
     5) Bug in the installer
 Please fix any issues and retry.
⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
! Installation failed
Am grateful for any help :)
I had the same problem (but on a different phone).
In my case there was a hidden file named ".androidacy" in the folder /sdcard/. It seems to me, that the error originates from this file as it blocks WebViewManager from creating a hidden directory with the same name (I found that error in the WebviewManager log file). After deleting the file "/sdcard/.androidacy" the installation was done without any problem....
Maybe you should also take a look at the log files in folder WebviewManager/logs, the first error there might give you more information on your problem.
Good luck,


New member
Nov 29, 2021
I had the same problem (but on a different phone).
In my case there was a hidden file named ".androidacy" in the folder /sdcard/. It seems to me, that the error originates from this file as it blocks WebViewManager from creating a hidden directory with the same name (I found that error in the WebviewManager log file). After deleting the file "/sdcard/.androidacy" the installation was done without any problem....
Maybe you should also take a look at the log files in folder WebviewManager/logs, the first error there might give you more information on your problem.
Good luck,
That solved the problem, thank you :)
I tried to install this Module, but there's a problem. I hope there's a workaround.

The big problem seems: Volume key not detected.
The log mentions it as
timeout: can't execute '/data/adb/modules_update/bromitewebview/common/addon/Volume-Key-Selector/tools//keycheck': No such file or directory

Now, I'm new to this Module, is there a dependency to the bromitewebview? I thought that's the default replacement the managers installs on its own.

EDIT: never mind, it seems it's waiting for input , and I need to respond very quickly.
Not sure how the browserinstall works, but I wanted to use the default anyway.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2019
I had the same problem (but on a different phone).
In my case there was a hidden file named ".androidacy" in the folder /sdcard/. It seems to me, that the error originates from this file as it blocks WebViewManager from creating a hidden directory with the same name (I found that error in the WebviewManager log file). After deleting the file "/sdcard/.androidacy" the installation was done without any problem....
Maybe you should also take a look at the log files in folder WebviewManager/logs, the first error there might give you more information on your problem.
Good luck,
This is actually extremely helpful, I'll forward this to the development team and hopefully we'll be able to ship a fix in the coming days.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2019
In other news, we're working on a big update to WebView Manager. I can't say much right now as it's still in closed testing, but stay tuned on our announcements channel:

And if you want to test once it's entered beta, join our group:

Jun 4, 2006
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro

Thanks for creating an easy way to install Bromite Webview.

I have 2 questions regarding the Webview Manager Magisk module.

1 - Does the Webview Manager need to remain installed as an active module within Magisk once Bromite Webview has been installed or can it be disabled/ removed from Magisk?

2 - Each time i reboot my device , another full-************.log file is created within the WebviewManager/logs directory. Do these get purged after a period of time or will they remain and increase in number over time?



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Here & Now
I had the same problem. I think the bromite download link is not valid anymore.

You can make offline installation that works fine.

Download latest bromite apk for corresponding architecture (usually ARM64) and place it in internal storage -> WebviewManager/apks

and give it name webview.apk.

Place a config.txt file inside WebviewManager dir with the following:

# Config file for Webview Switcher
# If invalid values are found, or this file is missing, then the module falls back to the default in parenthesis


# Should we do a completely offline install?
# To use an apk, place in /sdcard/WebviewManager/apks with the appropriate name, eg webview.apk is for webview and browser.apk for browser
# NOT RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE THIS. Default is 0 for automatic detection

# What should we install? Some config options below require a certain choice here!
# 0 = Just the webview (default)
# 1 = Just the browser
# 2 = Browser and webview

# Choice of browser (default: 0)
# 0 = Bromite (default)
# 1 = Chromium
# 2 = Ungoogled-Chromium
# 3 = Ungoogled-Chromium with extensions support

# Choice of Webview (default: 0)
# 0 = Bromite (default)
# 1 = Chromium
# 2 = Ungoogled-Chromium

and save it.

Then install latest webview manager module from magisk and wait to finish.
Reboot and it's done :)
Can/should the choices be changed in the config.txt file based on the browser I have installed? I.e. DuckDuckGo instead of Chromium?

We should have a centralized repo, and XDA is a good place for it.
Remember the XDA-Store? --> nope, not a good idea. github is the place to do that.


I've installed Webview Manager 10.2.5 from the Magisk Repository (v23.0 (23000) (21)) to find that some apps I rely on don't like the alternative webviews. So I gave up and removed the module using Magisk Manager. Then I installed Android System WebView Beta (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.webview.beta) but i can't select it in the developer options. It is there as the sole webview and I can tap on it but Webview implementation still reports "none" and 2 of "my" apps still quit forcefully.

Any ideas on restoring the previous state before using Webview Manager?


Edit: It's a Samsung Galaxy S10e running Android 11.
What i tried already:

adb shell cmd webviewupdate set-webview-implementation com.google.android.webview

Failed to switch to com.google.android.webview, the WebView implementation is now provided by .

And Webview implementation in developer options still shows "none".
Last edited:


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2019
New updates are out:

Also please note magisk manager will no longer show updates even to stable users. The only office place to download zips is our website:


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    Welcome to the XDA home of Webview Manager by Androidacy

    Read about it on our blog:​

    What is this?

    This magisk module allows to install several webviews and browsers, replacing the stock one with more privacy friendly/better performing browser and/or webview. By default this module will install Bromite.

    Can I use older versions?​


    Why use different webview or default browser?

    These webviews are de-googled or more privacy friendly, or just more updated, or better optimized. Because it's better than Google or AOSP webview.

    Why not other methods?

    These usually involve directly modifying system and are less versatile and more incompatible. In addition, thanks to auto updates and dynamic system detection, you know you get the right files without extra bloat.

    Systemful install

    Systemful install is not supported and we currenly have no plans to change that.


    Configuration is done during install, thanks to @Zackptg5 magnificent Volume-Keys selector with a touch of our own spice.

    Getting support

    Zip /sdcard/WebviewManager/logs, and send along with detailed description of the issue including device name, ROM, and Android version.


    Website and blog is at https://www.androidacy.com
    Donations are here
    Beta/alphas: no longer available, due to an improved QA process.
    ZIPs: click me
    Telegram: Androidacy Discussions
    Discord: Available to Patrons. See our donation link above.
    Ok guys sorry I haven't logged in for awhile, been kinda busy
    The short of it is that as far as I know currently, no other webview besides Google supports Q. In addition, the way webview is handled changed on Q

    So although there have been updates, none have made it to stable because I'd like to tackle Q compatibility in the next release. However, if no upstream support is added by end of year I'll push current fixes anyway

    In addition to the poster who is complaining about "all devices" -if you read the README (which actually I need to update with the status of Q)* it specify only 7.0-9.0 ROMs are supported

    However if you really want to see support for your device enhanced, you really need to join my telegram group, https://t.me/inlmagisk so I can get feedback and provide betas

    So yeah. Been a little busy lately with life, and waiting on upstream support. Not dead yet ;)

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
    It's back in the repository, now with official support from the Bromite team!!
    We're excited to be releasing version 3.1

    Sorry for the massive bug introduced in v3.0 but 3.1 is confirmed working on AOSP, RR, LOS, and OOS (needs testing). For some reason, appropriate directory was not getting copied over

    • Fixed installer and boot scripts (finally!)
    • Reduced file size by downloading external resources separate
    • Attempt to support more webview installation scenarios
    New stable release of bromitewebview!

    Available on magisk manager repo

    Telegram: https://t.me/inlmagisk

    Subscribe: https://t.me/bromitewebview

    Discord: https://discord.gg/gTnDxQ6

    If you like my work and want it to continue, donate at: https://paypal.me/linuxandria

    Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk

    ---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

    Thanks, @the_Pan, however this still installs newest webview as it installs the newest release from their github repo in the setup script. So the resulting Bromite System WebView is 79.0.3945.139 even with your version.

    I will try to manually change `unity_install.sh` to `URL=https://github.com/bromite/bromite/releases/download/78.0.3904.63/${ARCH}_SystemWebView.apk` and see whether that helps with currently broken version.

    Do you have any specific site where you download older releases of magisk modules?
    From now on older versions are available here:


    Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk

    ---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 PM ----------

    Changes for 4.4.1:

    Fix boot scripts

    Rework install logic

    Introduced better logging

    Lots of things I missed

    Final unity release, 5.0 will be MMT-ex

    Sent from my GM1917 using Tapatalk