[Tutorial] Add additional apps to Multi Window without needing root [Verizon]

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2008
Dallas, TX
Any chance you can mod the latest Whatsapp again?

If you download and install the latest version form their website http://www.whatsapp.com/android/ (not the one in the play store), they have the code added and it works without the need to mod it. Looks like enough people quoted and used my post that they now make it work on the Note 2 without needing to mod it :D
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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2011
editing xml file

i cant see the code in the proper way, i opened the xml file with notepad, xml editors, and i just can see text like this, can you tell me how can i edit it, thanks.

  d   Ä :  " < V t ˜ ° Ì ê  $ 0 D l † ’ * ® Ì Ú   l p ‚ – È Ö ê  * f ˆ Ú & r ¬  L ’ ¬ à ô  J h x ° Ä  2 H Š ¸ Ê  , `  i n s t a l l L o c a t i o n v e r s i o n C o d e v e r s i o n N a m e
m i n S d k V e r s i o n  t a r g e t S d k V e r s i o n
a n y D e n s i t y l a r g e S c r e e n s
n o r m a l S c r e e n s s m a l l S c r e e n s
x l a r g e S c r e e n s  n a m e  r e q u i r e d  a l l o w C l e a r U s e r D a t a a l l o w B a c k u p  i c o n  l a b e l  t h e m e
c o n f i g C h a n g e s  v a l u e  e x c l u d e F r o m R e c e n t s  a n d r o i d * h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . a n d r o i d . c o m / a p k / r e s / a n d r o i d  p a c k a g e  m a n i f e s t  o r g . e x o b e l . r o u t e r k e y g e n  3 . 3 . 0  u s e s - s d k  s u p p o r t s - s c r e e n s u s e s - f e a t u r e  a n d r o i d . h a r d w a r e . t o u c h s c r e e n  u s e s - p e r m i s s i o n ' a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . A C C E S S _ N E T W O R K _ S T A T E $ a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . A C C E S S _ W I F I _ S T A T E $ a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . C H A N G E _ W I F I _ S T A T E  a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . I N T E R N E T ) a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . W R I T E _ E X T E R N A L _ S T O R A G E # a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . R E A D _ P H O N E _ S T A T E ! a n d r o i d . p e r m i s s i o n . W R I T E _ S E T T I N G S a p p l i c a t i o n  . R o u t e r K e y g e n A p p l i c a t i o n  a c t i v i t y  . u i . P r e f e r e n c e s  . u i . N e t w o r k s L i s t A c t i v i t y
i n t e n t - f i l t e r  a c t i o n  a n d r o i d . i n t e n t . a c t i o n . M A I N  c a t e g o r y a n d r o i d . i n t e n t . c a t e g o r y . L A U N C H E R  . u i . N e t w o r k A c t i v i t y m e t a - d a t a  a n d r o i d . s u p p o r t . P A R E N T _ A C T I V I T Y  . N e t w o r k s L i s t A c t i v i t y  s e r v i c e  . D i c t i o n a r y D o w n l o a d S e r v i c e  . A u t o C o n n e c t S e r v i c e  . C a n c e l O p e r a t i o n A c t i v i t y - c o m . i p a u l p r o . a f i l e c h o o s e r . F i l e C h o o s e r A c t i v i t y € X · pl†…„¿ Ž €    $      ÿÿÿÿ   t  ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ      ÿÿÿÿ        ÿÿÿÿ  ÿÿÿÿ     L  ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ      ÿÿÿÿ    ÿÿÿÿ   
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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2008
Dallas, TX
Anyone looking for GO SMS Pro? Well here is a modded version of v5.02

(It is the app on the bottom in this screenshot)


  • signed_GO_SMS_Pro_5.02.apk
    6.7 MB · Views: 68
  • Screenshot_2013-06-29-07-33-58.jpg
    35.3 KB · Views: 578
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Senior Member
Mar 11, 2011
Netflix app

With the update on the Netflix app that added the Chromecasting, is it still possible to mod this version to MV? Would like to get your thoughts before I go down that path. Thanks.


Dec 26, 2012
Can't Decompile/Recompile Keep

Hey everyone,

I love that this option exists, I really want to setup additional apps for multiwindow!

I tried to use the APK Multi Tool, but for some reason I can't get Keep decompiled/recompiled in a way that it will be functional after reinstalling (doesn't sync anymore).

Here's what I do:
* Installed JRE.
* Copied Keep apk from data\app to "place-apk-here-for-modding" on my computer. (NOTE: Phone is not plugged into computer.)
* Downloaded framework package.
* Went through APK Multi Tool steps through Setup.bat (installing framework, setting up folders).
* Started up Script.bat, pressed 9 (Decompile apk).
* Went into the projects folder and modified the .xml file as stated in this thread.
* Pressed 12 (Compile Non-System APK Files).
* Got an error half-way through. Get the same error when I install the optional framework 1.apk file mentioned at the beginning of this thread.

NOTE: Originally I didn't install the framework and was able to get through this part. I was able to create an unsigned apk, signed apk, etc., but none of them worked. When I would install Keep from that apk, it would never sync, thus never showing my notes. If I uninstalled and then installed from the Play Store, it would sync fine. Something's going on in the apk that's not allowing syncing.

Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated!



Senior Member
Oct 27, 2013
The link in the OP to the apk multi tool appears to point to a site full of of malware and crapware? Is there a simpler/more reliable link?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2013
The link in the OP to the apk multi tool appears to point to a site full of of malware and crapware? Is there a simpler/more reliable link?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

In fact, I am now dealing with the infections I got off that site, and never succeeded in obtaining the apktool there - may I suggest that link be removed (and site/author blacklisted if possible)?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


Nov 2, 2010

Hi guys.

Spent lots of hours trying the qPDF to work in multiview mode. Seems that I'm doing everything right, the app icon appears in the multiview pallete but after the lunch it crashes at once.
My steps:
Decompiled qPDF
Changed AndroidManifest.xml
Compiled as non-system apk with unsigned option
Signed it
Re-installed it

I believe the problem is that I’m using Note 3 8.0. Is there an AndroidManifest settings for for Note 8.0?
File is attached.

It worked! All this due to really inacurate instructions.
When compiling apk, it is necessery to use option 1 (keep folder), then sign it.
I've made instructions in Russian with pictures but cant post a link here. (add http: slash, slash) 4pda.ru/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=393943&view=findpost&p=29690084
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New member
Feb 26, 2014
I have tried everything that seemed remotly applicable to my conundrum, but I still cant get Skypes APK to compile.

◇ I have followed the instructions on how to install APK-MULTI-TOOL
◇ I have installed Android SDK and eclipse.
◇I have installed the 4 framework apks that the setup script asks for.
◇I have updated all the files to their most recent versions

APK-multi-tool starts up normally from my desktop, and it decompiles the apk just fine, but it always fails when building. The fact that this happens in MintLinux and Windows 7 makes me think that Im missing something.

Any ideas?


Nov 2, 2010
I have tried everything that seemed remotly applicable to my conundrum, but I still cant get Skypes APK to compile.

◇ I have followed the instructions on how to install APK-MULTI-TOOL
◇ I have installed Android SDK and eclipse.
◇I have installed the 4 framework apks that the setup script asks for.
◇I have updated all the files to their most recent versions

APK-multi-tool starts up normally from my desktop, and it decompiles the apk just fine, but it always fails when building. The fact that this happens in MintLinux and Windows 7 makes me think that Im missing something.

Any ideas?

Are you trying to compile it with keep folder option unsigned? It is option 1 when compiling a non-system apk. After you do option 1 you have to delete in a new keep folder AndroidManifest.xls and resources.arsc then press enter. You'll get unsigned apk. Then just sign it.
I've made detailed instructions in Russian language with pictures (see few posts above). Try it, maybe you will understand by pictures without wording.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
Are you trying to compile it with keep folder option unsigned? It is option 1 when compiling a non-system apk. After you do option 1 you have to delete in a new keep folder AndroidManifest.xls and resources.arsc then press enter. You'll get unsigned apk. Then just sign it.
I've made detailed instructions in Russian language with pictures (see few posts above). Try it, maybe you will understand by pictures without wording.

Im basically trying to make skype 4.4 work with the multiwindow-apk hack/mod. Its deffinatly an app APK and not a system APK. The trouble is, if I delete the manifest file, wont the changes I made be null-and-void?


Nov 2, 2010
Hell, Skype won't recompile! Even with no changes if it gets decompiled it won't recompile. There will be mistakes. Tried on 2 pc's, even on Apktool 2 with cmd. The same mistakes.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:358)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.java:283)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:206)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:176)
	at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:228)
	at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:79)
Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:357)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:336)
	... 5 more
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:89)
	at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:355)
	... 6 more

As I got to know not every apk may be recompiled, and SKYPE one of them.
Last edited:


New member
Feb 26, 2014
Hell, Skype won't recompile! Even with no changes if it gets decompiled it won't recompile. There will be mistakes. Tried on 2 pc's, even on Apktool 2 with cmd. The same mistakes.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:358)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.java:283)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:206)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:176)
	at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:228)
	at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:79)
Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:357)
	at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:336)
	... 5 more
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, --min-sdk-version, 9, --target-sdk-version, 17, -F, C:\Users\AVOLKO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1491559748348277856.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, \\sserver\userdata\avolkomorov\apktool\framework\1.apk, -S, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\res, -M, D:\Install\Mobile devices\Android\Note 3\Multiview\apk manager\other\..\projects\Skype_4.6.0.42007.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
	at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:89)
	at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:355)
	... 6 more

As I got to know not every apk may be recompiled, and SKYPE one of them.

Thats the exact same set of error I was getting.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2007
Central USA

Guys, I'm rooted, have multi view and can add any app I want very easily using Wanam exposed.

Am I missing something?
Last edited:

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    Even though we have a way to root, we lose MultiView. For those that want to keep that feature, it doesn't mean we can't still have some fun!

    Credit goes to the folks over in the Galaxy Note 10.1 forums.



    While it was designed to work for the tablet, it also works very nicely with our Verizon Note 2.

    Word of caution:
    It is not known if this will work for every app. System apps will require root, so for now that's out. If an app is updated the conversion will most likely have to be manually done again. However, there are reports that modded apps are having trouble updating from the play store...

    This is also not a long term solution. The best way would be to urge app devs to include the changes in their apps, so spread the word!

    This requires de-compiling an apk and recompiling it as a signed apk, so the preferred tool to use is apk-multi-tool.

    JustFlesh's instructions were done pretty well, so most of this come's directly from his post:

    How to modify Apps by yourself:
    1. Decompile the app with apk-multi-tools
    2. Open Androidmanifest.xml with Editor, Notepad++ or something else
    3. Search for this
                      <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                      <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
    4. Add this line
                      <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                      <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
      		<category android:name="android.intent.category.MULTIWINDOW_LAUNCHER" />
    5. Search for this line

    6. Add these lines so that it looks like this

      <uses-library required="false" name="com.sec.android.app.multiwindow" />
              <meta-data android:name="com.sec.android.support.multiwindow" android:value="true" />
              <meta-data android:name="com.sec.android.multiwindow.DEFAULT_SIZE_W" android:value="632.0dip" />
              <meta-data android:name="com.sec.android.multiwindow.DEFAULT_SIZE_H" android:value="598.0dip" />
              <meta-data android:name="com.sec.android.multiwindow.MINIMUM_SIZE_W" android:value="632.0dip" />
              <meta-data android:name="com.sec.android.multiwindow.MINIMUM_SIZE_H" android:value="598.0dip" />
    7. Recompile app.
    8. uninstall then reinstall app

      For errors during re-compiling, put this 1.apk into your C:\Users\{username}\apktool\framework\ folder and replace the old 1.apk inside it.

      1.apk - http://goo.gl/QhWFq

      It's the framework for the Note 2 that the tool needs. I just pulled it from my own phone.

    Sample Screenshots




    Other Notes
    - Some apk's require additional modifying to allow both portrait and landscape orientations, for example netflix and nba game time had to be modified to allow portrait movie playing.

    - The video player for Netflix will pause if it loses focus.

    Uploaded APK's - Free apps

    - might as well upload free ones that are already converted to avoid people having to do duplicate work. Once I have a place to upload I'll add links.
    - remember to uninstall and re-install for this to work

    250+ Solitaire Collection 1.7.5 - http://goo.gl/5uq3d
    AndChat IRC 1.4.1 - http://goo.gl/E9sGO
    Chrome Build 18.0.1025469 - http://goo.gl/WZ2P2
    NBA Game Time 3.1 - http://goo.gl/uHPQH
    Netflix 2.1.0 build 725 - http://goo.gl/cx8IS
    Skype - http://goo.gl/hMHJv
    Terminal Emulator 1.0.49 - http://goo.gl/Dwyeb
    Twitter 3.5.0 - http://goo.gl/BaIQn
    WhatsApp 2.8.7326 - http://goo.gl/G5fXP
    WoW Armory 5.1.0 - http://goo.gl/NY7S4
    I wouldn't worry about it. On the other pages it says that basically Maps doesn't work, nor YouTube.


    ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ----------

    YouTube http://db.tt/vGYIYxZZ

    Maps http://db.tt/8YJ2P88L

    You will have to remove their corresponding apks in BOTH /system/app and /data/app before it'll let you install either. (And maybe uninstall it in the applications settings menu)

    Sent from my SCH-I605
    N00b question - any way to get whatsapp to multi window without root?

    Sent from my Nokia 3310

    You only need root access if the app is a system app. AFAIK WhatsApp Messenger is not a system app and can be modified. Check out the video link I posted on the last page for how to do this. It is easy and as proof, attached is the modified working WhatsApp apk files (Since it is free I will gladly post it); just remember to uninstall the old one 1st!

    May I post this on a popular web blog with full credit to you?

    Sent from my Nokia 3310

    Sure, that sounds cool.
    Is this possibe to do with youtube since the app is pre installed on the phone. If so where would you get the apk from.

    We can't edit it since it's a system app, we'd need root...